When reporting temporary or permanent address changes to the DHSMV…

Please reply with your response and the County (Florida only) in which this applies.

When you report to the DHSMV (Driver’s license office) to notify of temporary (3 days in the aggregate) or permanent (3 consecutive days) address changes within Florida,

(1) Do they require you pay a fee to report this information?

(2) Do they require you obtain a new physical Driver’s License or ID Card?

(3) Do they require you make an appointment or wait in line?


22 thoughts on “When reporting temporary or permanent address changes to the DHSMV…

  • November 11, 2022

    I went there to report and they said they had no idea of what I wanted them to do or what I was reporting or why. I explained the law and they said they had no knowledge of any reporting by sex offenders to DMV. The clerk i was with asked her manager and I saw him shrugging his shoulders…

    • November 12, 2022

      What Florida county was this, Jed?

      • November 14, 2022

        Osceola county, branch office.

    • November 17, 2022

      I’m a little behind on these. I have reread the 943.0435(4)(a) statute and it does say to go to the DMV for each change in permanent, temporary or transient residence. But what for? A temporary address for 3 or 4 days isnt’ going be put on your drivers license and then you go back and put your permanent address on it after 4 day. I live in Duval and specifically asked about this and they say no you don’t need to do that for a temporary address.

      I recently took a two week trip on my little sailboat and the head of the registration said, after the officer taking the info ask her what to do, that I didn’t even need to come in because they have my boat info already and I was staying on the boat. They put one the registration form “sailing in Fl waters” until such and such date.

  • November 11, 2022

    Pay for a new driver license
    Yes you get a new card each time
    Ive done as a walk in and wait on line

  • November 11, 2022

    Orange county permanent address change requires a new ID and it costs 35 dollars and you have to make appointment for location online

    • November 12, 2022

      Katrina is correct about Orange County.

  • November 11, 2022

    (1) To add a permanent address, yes because a new ID was required. I cannot recall regarding temporary.
    (2) Yes, for permanent changes but not for temporary addresses.
    (3) Wait in line, but it’s feasible that it could close before being seen.

    • November 15, 2022

      Which county?

  • November 11, 2022

    St Lucie County

    New ID is required for each address change

    Gotta pay the standard fee,

    Appointment before 2:00 pm – after that is pot luck as to when you’ll be seen.

    • November 20, 2022

      St Lucie County
      Same as William here,
      $20 to update Reg Info
      $35 ish to update FLDL

  • November 11, 2022

    I’ve done it both ways. What I mean by that is when I went to Jacksonville, Duval County I had to pay for a new Driver’s license. When I went to Gainesville, Alachua County , I was able to pay $6 dollars and some change, because I had no proof of address. So, I received paperwork that shows my new” temporary” address. I’m confused about this whole thing; one county has me get a new driver’s license and it costs about $35.00. Don’t hold me to that price. I will be transferring from Maron County to Alachua County very soon, so I can give you an updated process.

  • November 12, 2022

    I only go to the sherrif/registration office for temporary address change like for travel. However the DMV does charge you when you do a permanent adress change and you have to make an appointment. Yes you get a new I’d picture also.

    • November 15, 2022

      Which county?

  • November 12, 2022

    Leon County make appt on computer pay fee get new picture ID every time you change address

  • November 12, 2022

    Yes new card had to pay
    Yes new ID card
    Waited in line but you can make an appointment.

  • November 13, 2022

    no fee at sheriffs office
    fee at dmv to get license changed
    no appointment I know of, never took more than 15 there.
    Staff has been amazingly cordial.

  • November 14, 2022

    I’m from out of state visiting. I don’t know if the requirements are different but every time i visit the sheriff office never tells me to report to DMV.

    I’m confused about the whole thing because it’s i did then it would invalidate my out of state license.

    • November 14, 2022

      I’m sorry to say it’s like a grey area never though about for us or was as punishment even though registry isn’t punitive. You have to report to sheriff office and then change your DL/ID within approved time frame. It’s stupid but what is supposed to happen with temp/permanent addresses according to Florida

      • November 15, 2022

        Yes, yes, yes to all three. I recently just moved and have a permanent mailing address and permanent street address and I have to register every 30 days because I don’t have quote on quote a house it is said that I can just move move my tent/carport at anytime and I don’t have running water or lights that is why they made me a homeless transient. If I had a house I still could just pick up and leave I don’t understand this at all a residence is a residence rather a house is there or not. The statue says nothing about having to have a permanent structure with running water and lights.

    • November 18, 2022

      My situation and experience on this drivers license issue is this:
      My registration sheet shows 3 “open ended” temporary addresses in Florida (Leon & Orange Counties) and a permanent address in Iowa. “Open ended” temporary means seasonal addresses or vacation homes that are always listed on my sheet with no beginning or end date.
      One of the 3 temporary addresses used to be my permanent address, and that’s what my FL drivers license showed and continues to show even after moving my permanent address to Iowa. Iowa doesn’t have this ridiculous drivers license requirement, and the DMV there told me they don’t care which state I have a license in – just pick one. Naturally I picked Florida because I don’t want to have to get a new FL license every time I come here for the winter!
      Now that all of my Florida addresses are temporaries, neither the Leon nor Orange County registration offices seem to give a crap which of those temporaries I use for my FL drivers license, as long as it’s showing an address that’s matching one of those temporaries. I have been going back and forth between Tallahassee and Orlando repeatedly with no issues.
      I certainly assume, however, that if I was changing a Florida permanent address, they’d make me get a new dr lic.

  • November 15, 2022

    This is why I avoid reporting temporary/transient addresses by bouncing between different locations in different counties. It’s all a trap to violate you.


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