What is and is NOT a hero, by Sandy Rozek

Sandy Rozek, communications director for NARSOL, has written another one of her insightful articles, but much of the material she had to draw from is upsetting.

There is a segment of our society that feels that anyone who has committed a sex crime is fair game for killing; these cold-blooded killers are praised by some for the horrific crimes they have committed.

Most of us have heard of the killing of Lawrence Skully where the weapons used were a shovel and a rack of moose horns.

Crime Report published Sandy’s most recent article where she states: The murderer’s “reason for his action is that he believed Scully intended to sexually molest his (killer’s) daughter, and her daycare peers believed Scully had been stalking her.”  Scully was a registered “sex offender”, but he never assaulted the killer’s daughter.

Shockingly, the believed-to-be sister of the killer has received an “outpouring” of love and support for her brother upon his becoming a murderer – even being called a hero.

This is a sad commentary on our society.


8 thoughts on “What is and is NOT a hero, by Sandy Rozek

  • March 27, 2023

    This story should be at the top of the list of punishments steming from the registry.And lawmakers say the registry isn’t punitive. The registry is nothing but punitive. One other thing I would like to mention: I have tried numerous times over the last ten years to get a colonoscopy “routine”. I thought they were putting it off was because of the pandemic. Now I know that’s not why. It’s because I’m on the registry!. So if I get colon cancer it is because of the registry. More punishment!. “Unbelievable”

  • March 27, 2023

    We must always look to our own security. That is the reality that we are living in. We still have a right to self-defense so it behooves us to take whatever legal steps we can to protect ourselves and resist any effort to bring us to harm. I found this insightful instruction in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

    Legitimate defense

    2263 The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. “The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor. . . . The one is intended, the other is not.”65

    2264 Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow:

    If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful. . . . Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one's own life than of another's.

  • March 28, 2023

    Sounds like someone is trying to understand what a hero is. Guess its not Bonnie Tyler, but the truth is a hero is one that seeks justice instead of doing tribal therapy.Seem the great internet is the facts of man’s downfall in many issues of a blind hero justice.

    This grinder, facebook,insteagram and this thing called social media is a crap of marbles or who has the best collection or answers to a jeopardy question. How opinionated is the hero of the odyssey. Its like the raiders of the lost ark when the ark was never lost in the first place. Was the internet built to out think another person as in how to trap a better mousetrap.

    What is a hero good question. The one that fears no evil. As far as a bad hero. That’s like everyone that wants to solve the riddle of the sphinx when its already been solved. Its like the three blind monkeys that didn’t hear the whistle blow. A good hero speaks up for miscarriages of justice and a bad hero is still trying to learn the price of eggs in China. or is that tea. Just my take on this hero stuff.

  • March 28, 2023

    When you have politicians using any group of people as politics capital. This is what you get. As we speak our current Florida administration lead by DeSantis is demonizing the LGBT community to further his policies and political career. This nothing new. Politicians have been doing this for two decades to registered citizens. As long as our fellow citizens continue to believe the propaganda instead of thinking for themselves. This will happen over and over.

  • March 28, 2023

    This senseless killing is a reminder that we are our best source of help when violence comes to our front door. Most home invasions are over in seconds up to maybe a few minutes at best. Either you will have won, or the attacker, by the time the police show up. The police almost never provide meaningful help in such situations.

    Because of this, everyone needs to have a defensive plan. Research the best weapons you are allowed to use in your state with your conviction. Examples of good defensive weapons are bear sprays, swords, cordless power tools, even bleach in a spray bottle may help turn the fight in your favor if you choose your defensive position wisely.

    Have a monitored security system installed so that the police will come without your involvement needed. It will also serve as an early warning. Better to know when they’re breaking through your window than when they’re at your bed.

  • March 29, 2023

    Seems I’m confused and everybody seems to understand the good, the bad and the ugly. So what is a hero. The ones that control gun laws, , fights in wars or helps overcome conflict for others or is it the one that follows the golden rule. Yes one has either a choice or a decision to wear the white hat or the black hat but common man is greedy. Call it a sin factor or whatever you want. So who’s politically right.

    Are politicians in control of others life’s. In many ways they are….. when they get out of line. Are they the hero’s or are they controlling factors or the inducing factor. A good hero bleeds just as much as the bad hero. We all have responsibilities and even the good guys or authorities but to instill evil upon another is not following the golden rule..

    The bad hero or bad person,well they made their choice as the detectives say but when the good guys string someone along as in these sex sting registry operations via this internet its bad not only for the good guy but the one that is caught up in this type of evil intent.

    This article is good if one understands it well. Protecting another is good but who is protecting who. Are good hero’s in riots or how about the bad hero’s. Do authorities march for justice or demise their own rules as in the many today. Did anyone ever clean out a “Cat House” when their is no cats around. Question…… who is following the golden rule or who is devising the evil. Even hero’s have consequences.


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