Weiner will bear weight of sex offender laws he helped pass

Thank you to Josh Gravens for this story and thank you to the NY Daily News for publishing it:

Mr. Weiner,

You are an idiot. You have thrown away a lovely family, a wife so devoted that she stood by you as you became the laughingstock of the country. Your last name didn’t help you much. It only gave your case an instant punchline.

But enough of the Weiner jokes. While you could teach me about being a politician, I can teach you about being a conscious citizen. You know all about being a policy maker; I can tell you the part that you don’t know: what it is like to be on the receiving end of bad policy, policy only looking to score political points and with exactly zero research to back it up.

Do you remember those committee hearings you attended on the Adam Walsh Act (a failed attempt to standardize the complexities of sex offender registration)? Hopefully you paid attention, because sex offender registration laws and compliance with such laws are far more complex than simply avoiding sending nude pics via the wrong phone app. You helped make sure that, over the past decade, registration laws became some of the most draconian laws known to man.

For starters, should you fail to comply precisely with any single registration requirement, you will receive a new felony sex charge. In many states, it is a felony sex charge to misunderstand often confusing or vague registration laws. The assumption is that you are now as dangerous as your alter ego once made you sound (Mr. Danger) — although research has shown no public safety benefit to the registry (in fact, the opposite).

Let’s say that you decide you want to part your hair a different way, or for some reason you want to get blonde highlights, or you grow a beard for No Shave November. You will be required to appear in person at a registering authority, which is usually a police department, to update your information. These rules vary across the country and range from a required update within 24 hours to seven days. Again, failure to notify the police of your new beard will result in a felony charge, possibly even prison time.

Why do I know all about this, you might ask? I grew up on the sex offender registry. Why was I registered? For two incidents of touching my sister when we were kids (I was 12). As you have developed your political career over the past two decades, those same decades saw my childhood and now adult life drowning in joblessness, inability to find any place to live, intense terror for my own and my family’s lives, and countless educational and life opportunities taken from me.

I and my family live under the oppressive and ever-expanding weight of the sex offender registry. I was not afforded the juvenile system’s intent to assist with rehabilitation. My record, unlike that of youths who murder, steal, commit arson, etc., was readily available to every person with access to the internet. Only a sympathetic judge and a stroke of luck took my name off the public list. Most kids who end up registered do not get that same luxury.

But don’t fool yourself for a second; I and my family still bear the weight of this label given to me as a child, and we bear it for life.

And now you, too, will live under the weight of these laws that you helped pass. These heavy-handed laws with no room for situational discretion will now dictate your entire existence.

You know what is the saddest thing about this all? Your former wife and your son will suffer consequences due to your choices, and hurt far more than you, through no fault of their own. The hardest part of living life listed is looking at my children and wondering if the stigma consuming my life will pass over them, or if they too will continue to be punished for mistakes I made at the age of 12.

I hope you have a great deal of money saved up. You will need it. Lucrative employment and housing options are nearly nonexistent for those forced to have their worst moments forever enshrined in what is our modern-day scarlet letter list: the public sex offender registry.

Even with access to money and connections, you will still share in the stigma that more than 800,000 other people in this country face daily (others registered include those who peed in a park, older teen with younger teen scenarios, kids as young as 9 or 10, those entrapped by officers pretending to be women online using bait-and-switch, as well as the more commonly assumed reasons for registration — assault, rape and child abuse).

You will probably have restrictions on where you can live and where you can physically be or drive. So many areas are potentially off-limits: parks, schools, places near a daycare or movie theater. Remember, you helped to pass these laws. Will people be any safer now that they are to be enforced on you?

The public gave you a second chance after your first scandal. You rewarded the goodwill with another scandal. Were I ever as fortunate as you to receive that second chance, I swear that I would not squander it — and my family’s future — as thoughtlessly as you seem to have done.

Maybe you will have a different perspective on useless registration laws, after some time on the list. Sadly, no one is likely to be any safer even with your name and photograph added to the registry.




5 thoughts on “Weiner will bear weight of sex offender laws he helped pass

  • May 22, 2017

    Great letter – thank you Josh. But will he really feel the weight of what most RSOs feel? The famous people on the List do not seem held by the same laws. Mike Tyson comes to mind…..most people do not even know he is on the list – he travels all over etc. I wonder if his passport has the mark?

  • May 22, 2017

    I love it!! How thoughtful and true. Too bad Dennis Hastert can’t be on this list too! I don’t believe in karma, but rather what the Bible calls, “reaping what you sow.” I don’t wish bad on any person, but if you sow crap like this, you reap it as well.

    • May 24, 2017

      Unlike you I can and DO wish the worse for this heartless individual and others like him who are hypocrites with no moral, dignity, or principles.

      This dick (pun intended) used his position to punish others while acting all “holier than thou” and now the truth is revealed.

      As with most politicians, just look at what they claim to be against and you can bet that they are guilty of doing it.

      I wish him nothing but suffering and torment although I am certain that knowing his kind he will get off with a slap on the wrist and I am sure he will not have random “compliance checks” aka public shaming to deal with either.

  • May 22, 2017

    Weiner reputation is shit. The person we need to attack is Bill Clinton whom signed the damn bill and used that wonderful 2nd hand citizen term in his speech.

    RSOs are doomed. There is no real reform. The top cops say, do the crime, do the time. But the released RSO keeps doin the time for life.

    Lawyers, Judges, Politicians are all afraid of damaging their careers by being involved in sex offender registrants changes because most are the same that voted these laws in!

    So it’s time to throw in the towels. Not even the liberal media acknowledges the Juvenile RSO

    Lawyers say; don’t fight.. stay compliant and shut up. Cops are ready to bust you again for spitting on the sidewalk and family and friends run away. What’s left is misinformed vigilantism against RSOs.

    Somebody, tell us there is any light at the end of this rainbow from hell?
    JEV “True Confessions”

    • May 22, 2017

      JEV—I feel ya brother. I’m right there with ya. Too many political points and financial gain to be had from oppressing SO’s. But I have to think there is a magic “key” that will be found that will unlock our vindication.


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