Weekly Update 2023-08-29 – Hurricane Idalia

Dear Members and Advocates,

As Hurricane Idalia moves closer to shores, we are sending reminders to members to SEEK SHELTER.  Our county-by-county listing of emergency shelters is a start, but this listing is not current so please confirm with your local sheriff offices.

Thanks to a report from Unbroken Dreams in Hillsborough, there is a shelter in Tampa that is approved for registered citizens.   It’s at New Life Church, 8216 N 13th St, Tampa, FL  33604.  Feel free to pass the word.

If you are aware of shelters in your area that are approved locations for our registered citizens, please post it here or send it to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org.

If you need help, support, information, or just need to talk to someone….FAC is your family and circle of support – never feel alone or helpless.  We encourage you to be an active member year-round so that, in times of need, you will already know the local support in your area.

Be safe.


The Florida Action Committee (FAC)


833-273-7325 Option 1


Monday Night Support Group – Open to registered citizens and family members, every Monday at 8pmET.  Call 760-548-9898 to participate in a group support call facilitated by FAC Regional Coordinators.  Find comfort, motivation and encouragement with other members in this no-judgement zone as they share common concerns and interests.

Monthly Membership Call – Thu Sep 7 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. Topic: NARSOL and Affiliates.  If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.

New Member Orientation Call – Thu Sep 14 at 8pm ET. 319-527-3487. NO Agenda. Call in to learn more about the organization, volunteer opportunities, where to find support, get resources and referrals, or just share information. If you have any problem connecting for free, you can text CALL ME to 319-527-3487 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.

Family Support Group – Sat Sep 9 from 11am-1pm.  By Invitation only for non-registered family members with loved ones on the Registry.   Must be an FAC member. To participate, contact membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325, Option 1.

Women’s Group for WFR [Women Forced to Register].  For details and more information, contact Danell at fac.region4b@gmail.com or leave message at 772-494-1947.

Legislative Delegation Meetings – Check schedule for meeting near you.  This is your opportunity to speak publicly on issues that concern your family and our community.  For help in preparing a 3-minute speech, or to learn more about the meetings, join the legislative team by contacting info@floridaactioncommittee.org or leave message at call 822-273-7325.


Sat Sep 9- Sarasota/Manatee County- 1pm-4pm RSVP to jennifer@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 941-500-4706

Sat Sep 23- Lee County -Noon – 3pm RSVP to fac.lee.coordinator1@gmail.com or text/call  941-677-3951

Sat Sep 30- Pasco County -2pm-5pm RSVP to  Pasco.FAC@gmail.com or call or text  727-999-4716.

Support Staff Needed- If you have some time and want to be more involved, email membership@floridaactioncommittee.org or call 833-273-7325,Option 1.

Staff Writers are needed for articles, posts and Weekly Updates.  If you have a story, article or topic of interest to share, please submit it to media@floridaactioncommittee.org

Membership Communications – Return phone calls and emails from members seeking information. Training provided.

PenPal Communications – Respond to letters from inmates seeking information and support. Training provided.

With Unity Comes Change -Get Involved and Volunteer Today!

Florida Action Committee


13 thoughts on “Weekly Update 2023-08-29 – Hurricane Idalia

  • August 29, 2023

    Jacksonville’s ordinance on registrants and shelters:

    ” Sec. 685.101. – Temporary emergency shelters; sexual predators and offenders notification
    (a) For the purpose of this Section “temporary shelter” is defined as any public or private building or
    facility which is offered to individuals and families who are homeless or who evacuate their homes or
    a hotel, motel, or other place of temporary residence as a result of any storm, flood, hurricane,
    tornado, explosion, fire, or other incident of any nature as a place to reside, rest, sleep, or eat.
    (b) Any person who is required by Florida law to register as a sexual predator or sexual offender and
    who utilizes or intends to utilize a temporary shelter provided by any public or private entity and
    established as a result of any emergency or incident or threatened emergency or incident shall,
    immediately upon entering the shelter, notify the individual or individuals operating the shelter that he
    or she is a registered sexual predator or sexual offender. The sexual predator or sexual offender
    shall be assigned to a temporary shelter specifically designated for use by sexual predators and
    sexual offenders.
    (c) The Sheriff may designate a public building or a jail or other correctional facility as a temporary
    shelter to be utilized by sexual predators and sexual offenders.
    (d) Failure of a sexual predator or sexual offender to make notification as required in Section (b) shall
    constitute a Class D offence.”

    • August 31, 2023

      Nothing like being charged with a crime for trying to stay alive during a hurricane. Definitely not punishment.

      • August 31, 2023

        Also how they have the food drives after the hurricane set up at the schools too, nope not punishment to be denied Public services since were not allowed on school grounds (never tested this didn’t want to get arrested)

  • August 29, 2023

    In Volusia County, while I was on probation, I was given the choice of sheltering in place or reporting to the Branch County Jail. Supposedly other registrants were told that they could go to a shelter, but upon identifying them selves they were turned away. I always sheltered in place.

  • August 29, 2023

    May God protect and bless all in the path of the storm. Remembering that applying Galatians 5:22-26 you will be giving God a reason to bless you. Keep safe all.

  • August 29, 2023

    I was told by my PO today that I couldn’t go to Cairo GA because it’s out of state. I have family and friends up there and it’s 30 mins from my house. I live in northern Leon county. I have no other options. All the shelters are at schools here. They did offer for me to shelter at the Leon county jail and want to force me to do that if ordered. Basically they would book me into the jail and I would have to pay for it. I’m forced to stay in my home where I have very large trees overhanging my house. And high winds are expected. In so many words I told my PO that I would rather get crushed by a tree than be booked into jail for no reason. They tried to play it off at first by saying I can stay at a shelter near the sheriff’s office, but I saw through their bullcrap and said I’m not going to the jail

  • August 29, 2023

    There are counties in Florida that follow ONLY state guidelines. So if your case was before 2004 (sometimes called the 2004 rule), and you’re off probation (not sure if this is essential), you can stay/live with no residency restrictions. I do not have a list of those counties, so it might pay to check. May or may not help with a shelter, but it’s what I’ve got.

  • August 29, 2023

    So, the registry is NOT punishment, but if you are on the registry, the choices you have for your safety from a storm is to stay in your own home, or go to jail? How demeaning.
    Do people who are off sanctions for committing murder have to also go to the jail? I bet not. I will take my chances at my own home. Would rather perish in my own home than spend even one more day in jail.

    • August 31, 2023

      CherokeeJack We may get to test this big time. As you may know a little of my case from New Jersey I am giving them until the end of October then I will be refusing to register as it has become an extension of punishment. When they arrest me it will become unstoppable. The original New Jersey Megans Law is based on that it is informative NOT punitive. The NJSC ruling on the registry in Doe vs Poritz “Even though it is not an extension of punishment the state must provide Due Process. Well after having this State and Federal court ruling of Due Process it became double punishment. I earned a Tier Level 1 status that was stripped away 2 1/2 years later by using laws of the VCC to enforce public notification of my act. THAT WAS A NO NO as I was convicted before the VCC and I have the Civil Judgement “by the court” who reduced this to a level 1. I’m one of the 52 who challenged the Prosecutors assessment an won a tier level reduction by the court. Lee County Sheriff is now backpedaled their Our Laws Constitutional to throw it on FDLE as it is their fault. They don’t even want to do their monthly check here now.

      • August 31, 2023


        Each time a judge states the registry is not punishment, the law makers see that the green light go ahead to add even more supposed non punishment rules, laws, statutes, ordinances, regulations, requirements and prohibitions.

        I have been the victim of a crime on numerous occasions while on the registry. Law enforcement will not even respond, they just tell me to file a report online. When I do just that, there is never a follow up by a detective, even if I can identify the suspect.

        We can all list 100’s of things we either have to do or are not allowed to do. And I believe I am speaking for everyone when I say we all know it is punishment because we live it on a daily basis. The lawmakers make the laws, then go home each day to a hot meal and peaceful sleep while we toss and turn wondering if we are going to forget one of the 100s of things we cannot do or have to do like reporting a new email address.

        • August 31, 2023

          CherokeeJack Yes my friend we can sure feel the injustice first hand. But to hit the root of where it all started with proof that it is true to see injustice of additional punishment being done by LE that is like their holy grail Ground Zero of where it all started. With Florida putting me on their public website and making it public record exceeded the Tier Level 1 judgement I received granted under the State and Federal Due Process even though it’s not an extension of punishment bullshit. By making it public it sure is Public Humiliation / Shaming to me and my Oxford dictionary definition of “Punishment on and OFFENDER”

    • September 1, 2023

      The most offensive and outrage thing about all this is that WE have to prove burden of proof that the registry is punishment and creates what they refer to a: “substantial burden.”

      They know it’s punishment. They just want us to waste time and money filling motions and suits to prove it.

  • August 31, 2023

    Wow! A church is actually offering PFRs a place to be safe from a hurricane?
    Its my sincere hope that all PFRs affected by the hurricane will find safe shelter that doesn’t include sheltering in a jail.


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