Weekend Homework: Help Educate the Public

If anyone has a few extra moments this weekend, we would greatly appreciate you printing off ten copies of the flyer promoting our Change.org petition and posting them at random places around your community.

You can access the flyer here: https://fac.securityinsight.pro/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/Petition-Flyer-1.pdf

Find places in your neighborhood where people frequent and see if there’s a community bulletin board or place where you can post the flyer. Some ideas would be local coffee shops or grocery stores, utility poles,  bus stops, laundromats, religious congregations, gas station pumps, libraries, gyms, community centers, etc.*

The objective is to get signatures to our petition, but more importantly for the general public to read it. They should know facts about the registry that we’re certain they are unaware of. Facts such as, people remain on Florida’s public registry even if they move out of the state, move out of the country, or die and that two-thirds of the people on Florida’s sex offender registry do not even live in Florida communities. They should also know that research shows registries don’t work.

If you can do more than 10, great, but please try to at least post 10 so that we can help spread the word!


  • If it’s a private location, please be respectful to the owner and you may need to ask permission and similarly, if it’s a public location be mindful of local ordinances.


4 thoughts on “Weekend Homework: Help Educate the Public

  • November 18, 2022

    I will do my best to make it to FedEx and print off some flyers. I have nothing to lose. I have to keep moving and staying active, or else….Every since Covid has ended, I have seemingly been canceled everywhere I go. I’m trying to hang in and hopefully get a break soon. I was convinced it would make a world of difference if I did not have to register anymore. Now, I’m not sure if it would make a that much of difference. I would absolutely have to move out of florida for it to make a difference, regardless.

  • November 18, 2022

    I am overseas but Been posting up in every social media group and in every chat group im a part of.. Lets get signatures folks! If a stupid petition about not being able to read a clock can reach 300,000 signatures there is no reason a human rights violation cant get that many too!

  • November 18, 2022

    Homeless shelters might be a good place to post a flyer.

  • November 19, 2022

    Love this! Will do my part.


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