Weaponization of Florida’s Legal System Being Used Against People on the Sex Offender Registry

In recent days, we are hearing of the weaponization of the U.S. Department of Justice along with the uneven application of the law depending upon political affiliation.  What about the weaponization in the state of Florida that is used against tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens that are labeled as sex offenders, with Florida being considered by many people to be the worst state in the country to live if you have a past sex offense?

If a person wants to discuss the weaponization of a legal system, Florida should be at the center of such discussions with an emphasis on the unconstitutional laws and ordinances that have been passed in our now acclaimed “free” state.

One example of the weaponization of Florida’s legal system:  the political leadership of Florida warning its citizens that “a new sheriff is in town” and “we’re coming for you.”

The Tampa Bay Times examines three areas within our state where the political leadership is “pushing the legal envelope to accomplish what it wants.”  Which area has been receiving the most media coverage?  The prosecution of returning felons who did not knowingly commit voter fraud because none can be found who deliberately committed this illegal act.


19 thoughts on “Weaponization of Florida’s Legal System Being Used Against People on the Sex Offender Registry

  • June 10, 2023

    This is nothing new since Florida LE and corrupt politicians like Lauren Book know that going after those labelled “sex offenders” is easy and profitable…like picking lowing hanging fruit or shooting fish in a barrel!

    This has nothing to do with protecting children and everything to do with MONEY! Follow the money and you will find the roaches (don’t need to look very hard).

  • June 10, 2023

    Not to get off topic, but did y’all see about a month ago lauren book got a taste of her own medicine. She and Nikki fried got arrested in Tallahassee for protesting against the new abortion law. I haven’t heard yet how their outcome has been.

    • June 10, 2023


      I posted that at least 3 times on FAC. They never made a post about it but think they finally allowed the comment itself. I think maybe they did not want to stir her up while the vote was going through at the same time deciding on green license plates. I think she got the charges tossed out but cannot confirm that. Her Father has a lot of pull.

    • June 11, 2023

      The charges were dropped last week.

    • June 12, 2023

      Nothing more than hypocritical virtue signaling. She’s a [moderated]

  • June 10, 2023

    Weaponization to defend justice. I’ll go for that but when man condemns sinful actions. Who’s actions are they defending? A bit of reasoning goes a long ways. Talk about a one trick pony or phony. Well I was on meth when I was talking to that adult and she ask me for dirty pictures,condoms, etc.

    Guess their is a reason for all season but when authorities trick one up by this internet weaponization than somethings wrong with government in these major abuses. Should we all say man is not for justice or would that be government also.

    Inducing evil and preventing evil are two different issues.

  • June 10, 2023

    Is this a factor in weaponizing the registry? Politicians wrote registry regulations in such a way that thousands upon thousands of ‘out of state’ registrants NOT residing in Florida are left on the registry forever, falsely padding Florida’s registry numbers to secure more federal matching funds. Nice gimmick, wonder why more states don’t try this. The registry is a money maker for the politicians and the FDLE.

  • June 11, 2023

    Is a voter ID not a type of license?
    And a license is permission from the state to engage in restricted or illegal activities.

    Or even,
    A voter ID is a contract.
    A contract is void if it’s illegal.
    The defendants weren’t given an opportunity to redress the contract.

    Essentially, the state engaged a contract with the defendants. Then arrested them for fulfilling their end of the contract.
    Is this not entrapment?

  • June 11, 2023

    My personal journey over the past few years, in particular my legal battles with the Book Crime Family, is a prime example of the weaponization of the FloriDUH Legal system against a Registered Person.

    By and large, attorneys don’t want to help Registered Persons receive compensation for the harms caused to them. Perhaps the reason I cannot find anyone willing to help me fight back against the Books is because of animus towards us.

    I remember when Offendex was sued by a number of Registrants and their loved ones for extortion and harassment, and the only person who won anything was some random guy who had no connection to us other than the fact the Offendex crew falsely claimed he was a part of our movement in an effort to damage his reputation. No registrant or loved one won.

    • June 12, 2023


      Sort of reminds me of the story in the Bible of the lepers. No one wanted to get near them, not even their own families. Sometime along the way, leper colonies arose. There were some good-hearted people who would go to the edge of the property and leave them food, water and other essentials. I wonder if that was the first time the word outcasts was used?

    • June 13, 2023

      Even the lowly ambulance chasers won’t lift a finger to help us. They’re afraid of setting a precedent. I have this theory that no legal counselor wants to be indirectly responsible for a ruling that would deem the registry punitive.

      It’s like this whole thing is a controlled burn designed to run the clock down on us.

      There is no “waiting game” for change. They absolutely have no intentions of changing things simply because public perception will never change on this subject.

  • June 12, 2023

    Of course this “weaponized” talking point is being trotted out to deflect and distract. “Weaponized” is the new “woke” and the simpletons are once again marching in lock-step with the new buzzword.

    I’ve seen the kinds of people that the registry gives aid and comfort to.- the people that have been radicalized with hateful and ignorant ideologies The ones that harbor ill-will against anyone that is different from them!


  • June 12, 2023

    Ok! whats wrong with this so called “buzz word” Weaponization. “Word” Even women use weaponization or who has given some governor the finger lately or some politician the finger.

    And yes women can tell someone off in a minute and they don’t even have to get physical, and so can men also. Are two wrongs making a right? At times we all have to count our loses. So here’s the good news if you want to hear it.

    “Count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations. Of course we understand the complaints of many that are labeled on the registry. Remember even the leaper was healed even though that one suffered. So what is the answer to “weaponization” All’s fair in love and war or did the devil go down to Georgia or is the registry a work to be unscrambled for many others.

    • June 16, 2023

      My brother is going through a parental battle what is baby mother, I used to use my mothers address cause it with the safest place that I think I would have permanent residence My offense wasn’t against a minor My victim was 18 years old dated back 1998 anyway the baby mother was working DMV and she found out my address was the same as his My brother so she tried to weaponize me so he don’t have no custody of the child it forced me to move out prematurity and life became hard ever since for me financially. It’s because the two lawyers his and hers was talking and I even told that I was living there so she fired the lawyer for talking now she was attacking the cat…lol I don’t understand how to judge granted no contact with the child and my situation had nothing to do with a minor I can live anywhere unless the landlord don’t want me there of course that’s an issue anyway I’ve been weaponize!

      • June 17, 2023

        Less we forget what it says in Isaiah 54:17.
        “No weapon formed against me shall prosper”.
        It means that anyone who is seeking to do evil against believers will fail.
        This powerful scripture offers comfort and reassurance to God’s servants. While this famous Bible verse doesn’t guarantee a life without challenges or hardships, it reminds us to trust in the Lord’s power and grace to help us overcome any obstacle.
        Hope this gives some comfort regardless of what your beliefs are. We have to stay strong, if not for ourselves, at least for our families who like mine, have be there for me from the start.

  • June 16, 2023

    To FAC:

    Where did you get the quote “a new sheriff is in town” and “we’re coming for you” ?

    The full quote is not in the source article you cited.

    • June 16, 2023

      Ron DeSantis, Florida’s governor, spoke those words when Disney challenged the “don’t say gay ” law. He was referring to the ending of Reedy Creek.

      • June 16, 2023

        Ahh. Thanks!

        • June 16, 2023

          No problem


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