Wayne Logan: Card Carrying Sex Offenders
Today, roughly a dozen states require that registrants obtain and carry identification cards or driver’s licenses signifying their status. Often, the branding is very overt, such as a stamp of “SEX OFFENDER” or “SEXUAL PREDATOR” in bight colored lettering. At other times, it is more subtle, such as use of a “U,” denoting that the individual is a “Sexual Deviant.” The federal government also brands registrants, requiring that their passports display a “unique identifier” stamped in a “conspicuous location.” The passports must be shown to airport and customs officials, as well others when traveling abroad. With state laws, disclosure is even more pervasive: not only to police, upon demand, but also to myriad other individuals encountered in daily life, such as bank tellers and store clerks.
I live in florida and I have the Sexual Predator label on my license. I don’t really get much reaction when I have to show my license which is good I guess. I do wish it would say how long ago the offense was. Like mine was from 1998, 24 years ago. I think the amount of time that has past should be a factor but sadly that isn’t the case. I mean back then I was 21 and being a young adult made poor decisions. Now I’m 45, married, 2 children, self employed, college graduate (with high honors) and the only thing people will think when they see my license is that I’m some sort of monster when that clearly isn’t the case. I really wish florida would move to a tier system and give people a chance to reclaim their lives after 15, 20, 25 plus years after they committed their crime. I’m all for some form of punishment but this is ridiculous. I accepted 8 years prison which I did just under 7 and moved on with my life but this state along with most of America can not forgive and let people recover their lives.
Well said. The sad thing is that some of the real dangerous to kids folks (think Epstein’s political buddies) never get charged, labeled, or have to pay for their sins. But for other folks like you (who has clearly redeemed himself) the punitive sanctions go on forever. Very sad.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: I do not identify as a sex offender. The state and federal governments identified me as such with false evidence. I only register as such out of compulsion and fear from both sovereignties.
The courts rationale in saying that the government labeling Registrants as “Sexual Predators” on passports is constitutional because it is based on “factual” and not “ideological” speech – is like the Nazi Germany’s rationale in labeling Jews with giant stars on them during great Anti-Semitism – by getting around that pesky Constitution that protects what should be our sacred rights – and picking out key words to twist their meanings and render our rights meaningless.
What a bunch of malevolent a$$holes…
Court’s never ruled that ‘Sexual Predator’ on passports is constitutional. Where did you see that?
Marking registrants’ passports has no comparison to marking Jews’ passports.
Now, were the government to mark registrants’ GRANDCHILDRENS’ passports, before then KILLING those same grandchildren en masse, THEN your analogy would be correct.
Do you understand the difference?
Thankfully, NO ONE on the FAC board thinks that that is going to happen, and I respect the board members’ level-headedness.
Do you ever wonder why potential allies stop listening to us whenever we pull out the Nazi analogy?
This reply is not targeted at Bill personally but all those who on our worst days succumb to the temptation to analogize the registry to Naziism. (Even the otherwise-great Janice Bellucci makes the same mistake). I have read many of the difficulties on here, and believe me, your worst day is better than the fate of anyone who had ‘Jew’ stamped on their passport by the Nazis. And those individuals didn’t even have to have a crime or other personal choice in their background to get to that point (and typically didn’t).
@ Your Nazi Analogy Fails Again
How did I fail again when I posted this once?
Anyway, my point was about diminishing the rights of others by changing the meaning of certain words within the Constitution by the court system to justify the government labeling Registrants to exclude us from society in general.
Perhaps the Nazi analogy was a bit extreme even overly dramatic. But ask any Joe Blow on the street how he feels about a Registrant living in his neighborhood and I can bet you his sentiments are no less Nazi-like…know what I mean? And how far will a politician go to capitalize on that sentiment?
Remember Ron Book saying that he wants Florida to be a “scorched earth” for Registrants?
Understood— when the government decides who the sexual predators are, it places a target on their backs.
When has the government not been the worst amongst criminals? Of course it is illegel…Of course its the government doing it..of course the government doing illegel things is acceptable because its the government, of course the population will drool over it until it becomes them too because media will hype it… And the US is differnt then China in which way? They both push genocides , they just rebrand them differntly.. If the US government wants to get rid of someone all they have to do is brand them “sex offender” population will do it for them.. with a billion “sex offender laws” its easy to find one to pin on..
Roughly a dozen, what does that mean? Can we have a definite number and state listing please? I would like to know EXACTLY which states this is a requirement in so I don’t accidentally move to one of them.
I would recommend joining NARSOL, they have lots of information like that online. I’ve used them as a resource for years now. Travel info state by state and the monthly newsletter is very informative !!