The Washington Post’s Fact Checker Weighs in on Supreme Court Sex Offender Myths

Here’s an interesting video debunking the myth perpetuated by courts about sex offender recidivism rates.

When will they just accept the fact. Sex Offender recidivism rates are VERY LOW!


9 thoughts on “The Washington Post’s Fact Checker Weighs in on Supreme Court Sex Offender Myths

  • June 22, 2017

    Oh man I love it! And you know the court reads this paper (or at least some of them do) – how nice to know that others notice!

  • June 22, 2017

    These people can’t be that stupid or ignorant. They have to know the facts by now. Something else has to be at play here. Maybe it’s his own personal biases?. Alito once said that the only reason men go to the Philippines is to have sex with kids. Lol. How does he know that? Was he there himself doing the same thing? Is he in some secret club of men that do that? Who the hell thinks like that??? Making a general statement like that about all men, he sounds more like a typical politician with skeletons to hide than an honorable supreme court justice.

    • June 22, 2017

      It would not be a surprise AT ALL that he is an unregistered sex offender.

      As so many of the hypocrites who are in positions of authority seem to be!

      Publically they are fiercely against something only to find out that they themselves are doing OR have a deep interest in (and have a secret desire to do) that very thing they are so vocally against.

      Same on him for actively neglecting his sworn DUTY to make rulings based on FACTS and not stats he pulls out of his ass that have been PROVEN FALSE!

    • June 22, 2017

      Wake up sleepy head !!! It’s ALL ABOUT THE MONEY !!!!. As long as the States can show the Government INFLATED STATS, The Government writes HUGE CHECKS EVERY YEAR For the Budget !!!!, That’s how it works !!. And no Politicians want to sound/look/ portray as Sex Offender Friendly, So they ALL go along with the LIES !! FACTS DON’T MATTER WHEN IT COMES TO RSO’s !!!!. I’m in the Fight !! I’m not scared to stand up against wrong, But I’m realizing that it doesn’t matter, Because RSO’s DON’T MATTER to the public !!. So, Live with all the wrong or ?????? The ONLY chance a RSO has to move on with their life, Is MOVE to a State that believes in a Second Chance ! And those States are Out WEST !!.

      • June 23, 2017

        Tired – I understand your frustration. However, I do not think the money trail applies to SCOTUS. Once appointed they have no stake in who is elected or popular. A lot of people talk about not giving them lifetime appointments anymore but situations like this are exactly why the framers of the Constitution put lifetime appointments for SCOTUS.

  • June 22, 2017

    The blog post over at Doug Berman’s Sentencing Law and Policy needs to be understood that the WaPo Fact Checker is commenting about Alito’s use of a “sentence” for a crime:

    We don’t dispute the responsibility of a Judge or Justice to hand out a sentence for a committed crime; rather we are making aware the message that using the wrong data concerning the RSO community as a whole is incorrect. Not all who complete offender counseling will go on to re-offend again and the data confirms that fact.

  • June 23, 2017

    The video isn’t loading for me, getting a ‘cross domain access denied’ error. but sounds like a good video, can your site admin verify the video still loads? thanks

    • June 23, 2017

      Hi Les – it just loaded for me. Try a different browser or clearing cookies and cache

  • June 24, 2017

    Wow, The good news from the Washington Post just keeps coming!! I read this paper daily but the online version did not show the Pinocchio article on the Supreme Court (see below) and may have missed it.

    The new great news is that WP sends email with a story they believe important and so even if you missed reading it the day it was published you receive the “story of the day” by email. The Supremee Court Pinocchio was such a story (see copy below).

    WOW! WOW! WOW! This means that people like me who missed the original would now know about it. And I can’t help (in my biased hope) but think the subject headline will catch the eye of readers who may not otherwise read a story about sex offenders. It piques the curiosity to read “Our first Pinocchio rating to a Supreme Court justice”! We think of the justices as know alls and I know I personally would have been intrigued to read an article insinuating they “lied”.

    This is so great for our cause on so many levels!
    1- It exposes our argument on recidivism myth to an audience we can only dream of reaching both in number and influencers.
    2- It opens the minds of readers to think hmmm…if the Supreme Court makes a mistake…what about the less informed lower courts? I believe this can generate doubt about the infallibility of our judicial system and lessens resistance when we speak out about it.
    3 – It underscores a trend to be more fact based regards sex offender issues.

    Can’t stress enough how grateful I am to WP and why I feel we need to all email them so they see receive large number of positive responses!! They, like politicians, react when they hear from their constituents, which in this case should be you, me, and everyone we can get to help!


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