WA: SO board discusses legislative reforms

The Washington sex offender policy board met Thursday afternoon to discuss what its next report to the legislature should include in terms of policy recommendations.

The board was created in 2008 and its main goal has been to help make policy recommendations to the legislature that would be helpful to sex offenders trying to reassimilate into society after finishing their prison sentence. The board presents a report to the state legislature with all its recommendations.

One of the things talked about is reducing the penalties for sex offenders who fail to register. The board was in agreement that FTR shouldn’t be considered a felony or added to the offender’s record as another sex crime.

A subcommittee that focuses on the placement of sex offenders on conditional release also recommended removing the 500 foot restriction to the rest of the board.

You can watch the full meeting here.


3 thoughts on “WA: SO board discusses legislative reforms

  • October 3, 2022

    Baby steps. I guess its better than nothing.

  • October 3, 2022

    Of course, the best thing they could do for registrants is to abolish the registry.

    But what does anyone want to bet that any recommendation that goes easy on registrants will fall on deaf ears in the legislature?

  • October 3, 2022

    I try to remind optimistic, however if out and out hate is perpetuated how can any public figure stand behind and for this regression back without public consequences?


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