Voting Cases Resulting in Wildly Different Outcomes

If you’re charged with voting illegally in Florida, it’s becoming harder to predict how your case will end. Conviction? Dismissal? Plea bargain? It’s anyone’s bet.

One key fact in common with the defendants: they were issued valid voter ID cards by the state of Florida.

Read the rest from WESH 2.

Congratulations to WESH on seeking out a variety of sources, including the defendants and their attorneys.

26 thoughts on “Voting Cases Resulting in Wildly Different Outcomes

  • June 5, 2023

    Politics will be the fall of the Nation. They can keep their voting rights, I am done with seesaw, flip-flopping politicians.
    I still have the paperwork from when I got out of prison from the state of Florida. It was an application to request restoration of my voting and other rights. After filling out the application and sending it in, I was denied and told I was barred for life from every voting.
    Ironically, I still get jury duty notifications but now at least you can go online and click that you are a felon (Well ex felon) and the judge automatically excuses you. I have a stack of them in my filing cabinet.

    • June 7, 2023

      I agree with you there. Politicians and the way politicians operate in today’s political landscape will absolutely destroy this country if we can’t some how stop it. My only thought is to take money completely out of politics. But the money equals power, wich is what evey politician is after. So I’m not sure exactly how you fix this beofre it’s illegal to just be alive. So many new laws coming At us all the time. And most (not all) politicians spend more time fighting and trying to destroy each other than actually doing any good. I’m not sure I’ll ever see a day of actual freedom in my entire adult life. I’ve been on the registry since the day it started, with no way off it.

      • June 12, 2023

        My theory is that newbie politicos enter the profession with noble intentions and the corruption comes later, after being in the system for a few years.

        Term limits are probably the only way that could happen. But no politician will ever propose anything to limit themselves. Accordingly, a movement to vote for no incumbents nationwide would be the only way to make that happen, unlikely that may be.

  • June 5, 2023

    Of all the things our present day society lock people up for. Casting a vote by mistake after your given a voter registration card is insane to me. That charge is not worth the effort it takes to type it up and the resources spent to carry out the prosecution. If a election was decided by one vote. Then maby I coukd see it. And even then it’s a stretch. This buisness of throwing people in jail has gotten out of hand.

    • June 5, 2023

      @ Pariah

      Believe it or not, incarceration is a billion dollar industry.

      • June 9, 2023

        Correct… Look up GeoGroup ,stock symbol GEO and Core Civic INC. stock symbol CXW… Both have market caps of over a billion dollars. The more people incarcerated, the more money they make.

        • June 12, 2023

          @ Jed:

          THen look up how much GEO stock Ron Book owns. I’d bet that has more to do with his activism than anything that happened to his daughter.

  • June 8, 2023

    Good evening curious to know has anyone in Florida ever been on the registry for 25 years and had a chance to petition the court to be removed from the registry successfully?

    • June 8, 2023

      a few people have

    • June 9, 2023

      I petitioned after 20 years and was approved. The judge agreed it should be based off the prior 20 year rule and not 25. No arguments from the state.

      • June 9, 2023


        If you are comfortable with saying it, what state and county was that? And did you use a lawyer or did you go before the judge representing yourself?
        I acted as my own lawyer with a lawsuit against general motors. They laughed at me until I won LOL

        • June 10, 2023

          Pasco Florida. Yes I used an attorney

          • June 10, 2023


            Awesome !

          • June 11, 2023

            Jeff, I am a few months from the 20 year off supervision finish line… Can i ask what attorney you used and what was the cost? Also, now that your off the registry, what has changed in your life?

          • June 12, 2023

            I worked with Ron Kleiner. He is excellent all around and was worth every penny. Reach out to him directly. I am unsure if his cost is the same as when I worked with him. Life is back to normal to put it very simply.

          • June 12, 2023


            Not sure how much you paid but Ron quoted me $10,000 for removal and stated I could share that info. I agree that he is awesome. Also since each person sees a different judge depending on where you live, there are no guarantees on a win and that is understandable.
            I called him when someone tried to scam me pretending to be a cop and I put Ron on the phone and he told me hang up on the guy. There was no charge for that advice.

          • July 8, 2023


            Ron just filed a motion due to a challenge on the 20 years changing to 25 years. The case is being heard soon and the judge will decide if it can stay at 20 years or retroactively change to 25 years.

            Many years ago a judge stated there has to be a path off of the registry but did not clarify what that timeline was. So, if a judge rules it can stay at 25, what is to keep it from later on for them to change it to 30, 35, 40 and so on as we seem to make progress?

            The challenge by Ron to keep it at 20 years and gives the judge 30 days to respond and could take even longer for a decision. Not sure if the ruling is bad if they can retroactively apply that to those who were already removed.

            All of us are tired of the games the courts and law makers are playing with our lives as well as our families.

          • June 13, 2023

            Just wondering, has anyone been successfully removed in Polk County ?

          • June 16, 2023

            I hope I can see that some1 from Polk County, Fl gets off the registry soon because I’m right at 24 years being on the offender’s list and I’m wanting off. I did my 3 year probation, paid – off all my fines & haven’t tried to get a lawyer to challenge my convictions yet! About 2 yrs ago I contacted Tallahassee to get my civil rights reinstated but received a letter that our FL governor denied my request & I gotta wait another 2 years to put in my request for my civil rights to be reinstated. But in 2025 I’ll be at the position to receive an full pardon by FL statues !

      • June 10, 2023

        Sorry, I know what I wanted to ask you that no one has ever touched on as far as I know. Once you got removed, were you able to get a new driver’s license that did not have the Sex offender statue on it.

        • June 12, 2023

          Yes sir. I went in 2 days later and got a new license. I just had to hand the lady my court order. My passport had never been revoked so that I did not need to change

          • June 12, 2023


            Thank you, that is helpful information.

            Stay blessed and thanks for still coming On this site even though you are OFF the registry LOL

          • June 12, 2023

            Yes sir. I had people help me off of here so I am happy to help also with any info I can.

          • June 13, 2023

            Thank you Jeff for the information can you email me at nardshard I wanted to ask you a few more questions about it. Thank you so much.

  • June 8, 2023

    Off the topic of this and didnt know where to post.
    Considering taking job in Colorado. If I kept my house and rented it too my family. Already have my requiremens too register in colorado. I have to report I know my move 48 hours at min before but if I came back to visit I would just follow the 3 day report rule than?

  • July 21, 2023

    What I’ve learned through 6 decades of experience, and the last 24+ years spent in research, is that voting isn’t real. If it was real, if we really could choose, they wouldn’t let us vote. That’s not just the in-your-face comedy of George Carlin. It’s a fact.

    “Presidents are selected, not elected.”
    -Franklin D Roosevelt

    So, our county SOE sends our son a mail-in ballot every election. He shreds them. But then, in the last year or so, they have been sending him requests to update his address, which I found unsettling. I haven’t voted since the criminal George W. Bush. They never sent me any such requests.

    After I had found all the evidence that proves voting is pointless, I sent a request to the SOE and told them to remove me from the voting registration. I was already an NPA, which means you can’t vote in the primaries. Whatever. They will appoint their favorite puppet.

    So I suggested to my son that he do the same, and he did. So far, no more requests for an address update. It just felt like something else was going on with those requests than just updating voting status. It felt like they were trying to catch him with a diff address than is on file with the registry. The feeling I had every time he received a ballot was that it was intended as a “gotcha”. Not going to have that issue anymore.

    Our government is bought-off. They’re owned by corporations and [moderated]. They answer to the highest bidder and they all fear the [moderated]. The only way we’re ever gonna fix things is to rise up and, together, all of us, stop allowing their tyranny.

    “There is no worse tyranny than to force a man to pay for what he does not want merely because you think it would be good for him.”
    Robert A. Heinlein


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