16 thoughts on “VIDEO: Senate Transportation Committee for SB 1252

  • April 3, 2023

    I love how not a single one of those [moderated], even bothered to question anything! Sending letters and calling them, has obviously fallen on deaf ears. Let’s face it, they’re all about getting thru proceedings as quickly as possible, and they don’t care about wasting tax payers money, because they get paid by that money anyways.

  • April 3, 2023

    so basically it was about everything almost anyone would pass pertaining to cars and registrations and he threw in the red letter writing as a bonus kind of matter of fact without going into it or discussing it and all of our phone calls made no effect at all as no one discussed or asked about the amendment.
    This is exactly why we as RSO’s have no shot at a brighter future unless you leave Florida and states that pass laws exactly like this one.
    What kills me is there has to be a wealthy RSO that can fight this and other restrictions in court and they wont make themselves known. i bet an attorney like Alan Dershowitz could get a lot of the restrictions and laws against us overturned if we had the money to hire someone like that. The pen is mightier than the sword but weaker than the dollar

    • April 4, 2023

      After suing Brevard county and winning, I left. I now reside in MA where I’m free. I can walk into a government building, a school a hospital. I can go to a park. I can live anywhere I want. I am free. Leave Florida, it’s the only answer.

    • April 4, 2023

      I recently got to talk to an activist, by profession and now an attorney, who said the most important thing that we can do is keep writing, keep calling, keep showing up at the legislators’ offices, keep speaking at committee meetings, keep doing everything we can to stay in front of their face letting them know how outrageous things are for people on the registry and their families.

      Eventually, they will not longer be able to ignore us . So, the work does not stop once the legislative session stops after May 5.

  • April 4, 2023

    So very similar to court cases in Russia 🇷🇺. The verdict was made before the proceedings began. Everything else was just a formality.

    • April 4, 2023

      If anyone disagrees with it they mysteriously lose their prestigious position and eventually for some reason they fall out of a 16 story building widow. Like in Russia.

  • April 4, 2023

    Trust me, no one listens or cares in the legislature. Even after winning a lawsuit on constitutional grounds John Tobia and the rest of the Brevard county commissioners still passed ordinances to further restrict registered citizens.
    The state is worse. Only continued lawsuits will cause them to listen. Letters and phone calls don’t matter. After 7 years it took a Federal lawsuit to make them listen.
    Leave Florida………..

  • April 4, 2023

    And the punishment keeps on coming. Oh, I forgot anything like this and the registry is not punishment.
    There are many people on the registry that never committed a crime and yet the life sentence goes on and on.

  • April 4, 2023

    I spoke to my attourney this morning. I’ll leave his name out of this. But he’s know in the registered ranks. His advice was, move to another state. He said Florida will just continue to get worse. That seems to be the truth as far as I can tell. I hate to give up. But im to the point where I’m ready to throw in the towel.

    • April 4, 2023

      I am right there with you. But the question is where? I have been spending some time looking at the NARSOL resource state by state, and it looks like we are screwed anywhere we go. It depends on how the state and the law interprets our conviction statue in Floriduh, because as we know there is no uniform law. I used to live in Ohio and that is an option, also looking at Vermont. But so far, following River to Germany is looking like the best option for me. Let me know your thoughts.

      [Moderator: Folks, remember that no one state is best (or worst) for all registrants. If you have determined which state is best for you, consider keeping that private. Remember also that our comments are visible to legislators in multiple states.]

      • April 4, 2023

        So what if law makers see this. Were calling there offices and aksing them to stop this for very good reasons and they do not care about us or our families. Once florida become unbearable to the point people start to leave the other states will just increase in registry punishment untill there all equally horrible. I just don’t know what to to think anymore. I just wonder where this garbage stops? They clearly don’t care if we get killed by some vigilante, they don’t care about our kids that are harassed. Whats the smoking gun to make this stop? Do these people care about anything?

        • April 4, 2023

          i dont understand how people can say that they do research and that all the other states laws against RSO’s are the same or worse. There are several states posted in FAC in the past that don’t have 1/2 the restrictions that Florida does. in fact you can be taken off some registries in other states the only problem is if you lived in or visited Florida you will never come off of theirs. I don’t know what you all are reading but do better research on other states that are far more lenient on RSO’s as a possible move. there are states with no living restrictions there are states with no restrictions on where a n RSO can go or even work(with some common sense of course) there are many states that don’t mark your license with anything at all and have local politicians that actually care about people and think before they make laws yo oppress them

    • April 4, 2023

      I keep hearing this from lawyers too. Not all of us can leave, though. Many have family obligations that keep them here.

  • April 4, 2023

    I see a lot of comments on leaving Florida, but as one said we have family here, we have son and daughters and we have parents. The state of Florida sessions looks to me as Communist Cuba Parliament where there is no discussions on anything, is like ohh we have a bill to hear lets be done with it .. it look goods to me! thats what they are doing, they dont have their own opinion and they are not taking into consideration the emails and voicemails. Is very sad to see this happening. I know that they want.. they just want all RSO to either leave the state, prison or die. They dont want you leaving in Florida. Now we dont have a lawyer that can see through this and help make things right? this is obviously unconstitutional.. Other states with less aggressive SO laws have found the registry and his laws unconstitutional. Last thing, we have more than 2000 people par of FAC, if everyone of us give 100 dollars to hire the best lawyer in USA, that is 200K I think we can get a dam good aggressive and experienced attorney for 200K. Please think about it and lets work on that we have to FIGHT BACK!!

    • April 4, 2023

      My kids can visit me. I’m not subjecting myself to these draconian laws. My daughter lives in TN and I am very limited there. I won’t be going any time soon.
      She can visit me in MA. My friends and relatives can visit me in MA. I can’t stay in FL anymore.

  • April 6, 2023

    Is there the possibility of an injunction if this passes? I personally have a no public or community notification clause in my designation order. This would certainly violates that.
    I actually fall under the 1993 statutes, but wasn’t sentenced until 1997. The judge indicated that anything that was optional in ’93 but mandatory in ’97, he wasn’t making me do. He specifically stated no restrictions on where I could live, among other things. At the designation hearing, he didn’t want to designate me but my public pretenders only words were, “i think we have to. ” the judge added the no community or public notification clause of his own accord in the written order. It was not discussed in the hearing. He really was (finally) on my side. FDLE acknowledged this order and even has a banner on my profile when I register to alert LE that I am not subject to notification.
    Any attorneys want to help me file a lawsuit if this passes?

    [moderator’s note: all, please note that this website includes an Attorney Referral webpage].


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