24 thoughts on “Video of the Senate Criminal Justice Committee meeting on January 23, 2024

  • January 24, 2024

    I am saying this lightly, but this year may be the worst year to try to get anything accomplished.

    I feel that everyone should encourage all Registered Persons that can leave FLORIDUH should do so now before the Book Crime Family and DeathSantis opens up some concentration camps.

  • January 24, 2024

    Is this bill going to be retroactive ?
    I read the bill, this is some scary stuff, they all voted yes on….. does this ever end ?

  • January 24, 2024

    Another year, another bill to add to the punishment of being a registered citizen is it too late to send this to the judge in our case? In all seriousness, I wish he would make a ruling so this nonsense would stop.

  • January 24, 2024

    Last year’s red-lettering bill easily passed its first committee and subsequent committees. Yet we persisted, and the bill did not make it to the floor.

    Watch for more Calls to Action, and keep making those calls and emails. Don’t let them force us to take them to court again!

  • January 24, 2024

    The lady who spoke on our behalf was given very little time and was cut off twice. Then once she was shut down for running out of time, every single voter instantly voted yes to the new bill to add harsher new requirements to those registered without a single discussion for or against.
    I guess they enjoy us being in perpetual lawsuits with the state?

    • January 24, 2024

      What perpetual lawsuits?

      In the last five years, I think there’s just a whopping…
      Two? (Ex Post Facto I & II)

      • January 25, 2024

        Apparently you do not come on here often. Some of them were dropped once the other side saw we were serious and others never had to be filed after threatening to do so. One was the Halloween signs, another was bumper stickers on our cars and I could go on and on.
        Also, I was just basically saying that every time they add more and more requirements onto our burdens, we have to threaten a lawsuit. That happened when they tried just a few months back with pages of new bills proposed by Lauren book.
        Have a nice day, sorry to stir you up. I thought we were all on the same page.

      • January 25, 2024

        Only because of lack of funds.

  • January 24, 2024

    Sorry for rant folx,but I’m ready to break..can’t take much more, so maybe its time to clear some air.Been thirty years since convicted having relationship with underage lady with a fake ID I met in a Michigan bar prego with another guy’s kid..I just turned 50..best years of my life spent having my career dismantled chased around by cops every job to tell the world a sex offenders was feeding their family ,told pay extortion tuition but cant finish college ed,houses taken away,lost first wife she was told couldn’t keep her career if she stayed married to a sex offender,had second wife mauled by TSA and Immigration thugs ,her legal papers destroyed, possessions stolen,forced deportation for marrying a sex offender..6 of them beating on a women barely over five foot. so much more,never ending..every year a new torture..I escaped prison state America and it is still harassing and tormenting me from around the world! Yea I get it, my life is over,I’m old and older by the minute but I’m sick of my kids being chased,beat and abused by government and it’s stoogie justice system.. especially when the gov are Epstein island pedophiles themselves and using tax payer bucks to cover sex crimes. I’ve been beat,stabbed,left for dead by the trash that wants to point fingers at others and if I saw cop, politicians, lawyer, prosecutor in trouble for their lives Id get popcorn.I wouldn’t help but I’d sure watch. I know it’s not Christian thing to do but I just don’t have heart left for those bloodthirsty vampires.I feel guilty and sad about how I feel but I don’t feel remorse for thinking it. There’s just never an end to the tortures they devise..I’m broken..

    • January 24, 2024

      May I ask how they are still bothering you overseas?

      I just got off probation and I will give my 21 day notice and headed to Europe permanently. Just curious how far they will continue to harass me.

      • January 24, 2024

        May I ask where you are going? Last I heard most countries won’t let you enter?

    • January 24, 2024

      I feel the same. Completely broken. It’s never ending. Thank you for writing all of this.

      • January 24, 2024

        I also feel broken, no legal or family support. Lost home because of city ordinances. This is my life since 1997 (Principle in attempt L&L) I just don’t understand why people that have Sex offender charges before 2004 are still going through all of this.


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