Video of Crestview City Council Members’ Discussion of Sex Offender Ordinance
On September 25, 2023, the Crestview City Council voted 3 to 1 in favor of a sex offender ordinance that will expand the residency restriction from the state’s 1000 feet to 1500 feet from schools, day care facilities, parks, playgrounds, SCHOOL BUS STOPS, and COMMUNITY CENTERS.
Councilman Bullard is to be commended for not supporting this ordinance because of some concerns he expressed at the meeting.
Another council member stated that 67% of people on the registry WILL sexually re-offend. This council member incorrectly quoted from a government study that came out in 2019. The study actually found that people with a past sex offense that was rape or sexual assault sexually re-offended at a rate of 7.7% over a 9-year period. Many people on the registry, such as those convicted of CP possession, were not included in the study. More will be coming about this study.
Florida Action Committee is appreciative of the registrant who had the courage to speak at this meeting.
You can view the video of the meeting at our YouTube channel.
I never thought I would move but where I lived I was getting Local cops, Sheriff’s deputies, And FDLE agents showing up at my house all hours of the day and night. Hanging flyers, harassing me, coming in my house, and asking my neighbors questions.
I finally moved to another county and for the past 15 years I have been mostly left alone, except for the 5 minutes 4 times a year a deputy comes to see if I really live where I live, which I think off probation is unconstitutional, but that is a fight for another day.
I know it is not easy to up and move, but there are some places that basically leave you alone in Florida. Maybe F.A.C could do an anonymous poll on what county we live in and if it sucks or is not so bad.
[Moderator’s note: FAC would be reluctant to characterize any Florida county as “not so bad.” The best county for an individual varies according to individual circumstances and is subject to change].
There is one heck of a difference between 67% and 7.7%. Someone needs to give these council members a second grade math lesson explaining the difference.. that is assuming it was a mistake. If it wasn’t a mistake then they could be liable for being sued. They need to be questioned and held accountable.
Sen. Minority Leader Lauren Book, D-Davie:
“It’s not a matter of if they re-offend,” Book said. “It’s a matter of when they re-offend, and the reality is, we’re not doing anything in the penal system to handle … these types of offenders.”
[Moderator’s note: News reports indicate that this quote was in reference to bi-partisan bill HB 1297 concerning sexual battery of children under 12. This comment has been moderated to avoid the appearance of partisanship].
I have to see the legal language on this. Since it effects me and my family. I am trying to take things a day at a time, but it’s wearing thin. I never thought this kind of thing would happen here.
I sent this email to the mayor.. any thoughts? is this good the way is was written. English is not my first language.
Dear Mayor,
I recently saw the meeting for the ordinance that will expand the residency restriction from the state’s 1000 feet to 1500 feet from schools, day care facilities, parks, playgrounds, SCHOOL BUS STOPS, and COMMUNITY CENTERS.
My question is simple and I think the public in general that did not see the meeting or know anything about this situation has the right to know. Can you point out in the Crestview city how many people from the registry has committed a new sex offense after jail or prison in the last 3-5 years?
Do you have an actual number? I think I heard you have 88 Registered sex offenders or predators. From those 88 how many has committed a new sex crime in the last 5 years after their first offense?
I want to believe you must have a compelling reason to increase the punitive restriction from 1000 to 1500 for this folks who already served their sentence and paid their debt to society. I dont think the Crestview city is in the business of creating more punitive laws without a very compelling and strong reason. We the people has the right to know why is this expansion necessary.
Waiting for your response.
Bravo Miss Joy
Very well spoken for someone whose first language is not English. I would never had known if you had not said so. You were factual and not accusatory which is good. Even if it changes just one of their minds, it is a start.
That is an excellent question for the mayor to answer.
Very good the registered citizen that spoke. Is obvious they do not have a reason to increate to 1500. This is just for political gain because they might be for reelection or they are stepping on the political ladder to go some other position and they need this to look good for them. If they can point out in their city how many people from the registry has committed a new sex offense after jail or prison in the last 3-5 years, then it can be a good reason to call for this.