Video of Crestview City Council Members’ Discussion of Sex Offender Ordinance

On September 25, 2023, the Crestview City Council voted 3 to 1 in favor of a sex offender ordinance that will expand the residency restriction from the state’s 1000 feet to 1500 feet from schools, day care facilities, parks, playgrounds, SCHOOL BUS STOPS, and COMMUNITY CENTERS.

Councilman Bullard is to be commended for not supporting this ordinance because of some concerns he expressed at the meeting.

Another council member stated that 67% of people on the registry WILL sexually re-offend.  This council member incorrectly quoted from a government study that came out in 2019.  The study actually found that people with a past sex offense that was rape or sexual assault sexually re-offended at a rate of 7.7% over a 9-year period.  Many people on the registry, such as those convicted of CP possession, were not included in the study.  More will be coming about this study.

Florida Action Committee is appreciative of the registrant who had the courage to speak at this meeting.  

You can view the video of the meeting at our YouTube channel.

25 thoughts on “Video of Crestview City Council Members’ Discussion of Sex Offender Ordinance

  • September 30, 2023

    Has anyone looked into the United States vs Lovett case 328 U.S. 303 (1946) there is a three prong test to see if a law can be challenged on a bill of attainder.

    Lovett Court said that a bill of attainder 1) specifically identified the people to be punished; 2) imposed punishment; and 3) did so without benefit of judicial trial.

    Is not the continuous pushing of registered citizens further and further out of the community without a trial is that not a crime? At what point is it ok and not viewed as punishment if anyone listened to the oral arguments I posted earlier under the general comments in the Clements case the 11th gave the state a hypothetical question if the defendant was only allowed to live on 5 percent of the land would that person then be in custody? Well here we have that as factual evidence. With no other intention but to restrict future registered citizens from potentially living there or forcing those who do live there to being trapped since if they do move they would likely be forced out of the community as only a fraction of the town will now be eligible.

  • September 30, 2023


    I don’t have the money to just up and run away. I am not some super hero either, but no one here is going to stand up to them. I will if we are going to court. We do need to take this for action.

    • September 30, 2023


      In the meantime, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

      “Where two or more are gathered together in my name, I will be there also.”
      Matthew 18:20

  • September 29, 2023

    Looks like the school districts need to add school bus stops to their website. I have seen one that does, but I have not looked at every district. How can I choose a place to live if I don’t know where the school bus stops are at? Or maybe the school districts do not want to publish that information so that sex offenders won’t know where to go to find children? Just venting, the “administrative policies” have gotten way out of hand in Florida. Why do we have a constitution if no part of the government has to follow it? Both state and federal.

    • September 30, 2023


      That brings up something kind of funny but sad at the same time.
      The parents in my hood, because of me living there, they walk their kids to the bus stop and stand with them until the bus arrives. Fair enough.
      Then when all the parents are at work, and the bus drops them back off after school, they all walk alone past my house with no parents. How ridiculous and petty.
      I have a pretty good record for the 15 years I have lived here, no kidnapped kids but the Sheriff’s office won’t give me a certificate of appreciation for my accomplishments.

      Yes there is sarcasm in the post.


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