22 thoughts on “VIDEO: House Infrastructure Strategies Committee HB 1085

  • April 19, 2023

    Does it matter that he lied ? My license has the whole words sexual predator not just the letters p. Or sp

    • April 20, 2023

      This. Along with several other “near” misrepresentations as well, such as stating it does not include “Romeo/Juliet” convicted people. He said he didn’t know, it doesn’t, but then he really didn’t know. He really needs to know his bill and the laws behind it. For whatever reason these lawmakers have some inspired awe with this guy, but he doesn’t exactly come to the podium with a good case. I got the feeling he knew that when he wasn’t too keen on the multiple questions.

      • April 20, 2023

        Just like when he said people where adjudication is withheld do not have this on their licenses which is 100% FALSE. My license has the 943 statute on it and my adjudication was withheld. Which apparently means that it doesn’t matter if you’re convicted or not in the great state of Flori-duh.

      • April 20, 2023

        He is definitely starting to feel some heat. That is why we cannot let up, not even for a moment. Keep calling/emailing as many legislators as possible. See our latest Call to Action that is posted at this site.

  • April 19, 2023

    By looking at this I don’t think this bill will pass. The big guy is kinda standing alone hoping it will pass! He couldn’t give good reason except for what he said earlier in the week. And the way other legislatures looked at him when asked questions, it looked like they were disgusted to hear him fumble his answers. And even though the voting goes to the yeh,s I don’t think it will pass!!. I hope..

  • April 19, 2023

    This idiot doesn’t know wth he is babbling on about, not to mention the complete lie and change to what it currently shows. Typical politician.

  • April 19, 2023

    At least some politicians had the correct idea, behind the agenda proposed by the red lettering change. It’s too bad, that the rest are showing their bigotry nature, and showing support for a constitutional rights violation, and a lie to all their faces by another politician. How dense are they really?

  • April 19, 2023

    What makes it so incredible, is that “this guy” everyone is referring to in comments used to be a judge and a Brigadier General in the Army. He is supposed to know the law. He’s pandering to look tough on crime, and its starting to unravel.

  • April 20, 2023

    Is part of the reason people in Florida stay in Florida with the words “Sexual Predator” on their driver’s license because they feel they are sexual predators and so subconsciously feel more okay with those words? I only ask because, it would seem that anyone who isn’t a sexual predator would not want to live in a state where one is treated like one.

    • April 20, 2023

      Roger, this is been covered time and time again. Some of us simply cannot leave Florida due to family, work or other obligations. I for one would love to leave Florida and USA for good. But I can’t because of family AND work.

  • April 20, 2023

    Interesting , he couldn’t answer about half the questions and said he would check on it and the other half that he attempted to answer but really only pussyfooted around the answer and didn’t answer them. Then he expected everyone to vote on it when they were in the dark as to its ramifications.
    Also obviously made into a political issue observable by the vote all republicans for all democrats except one against.
    Is this what it’s all about?

    • April 20, 2023

      Also what kind of hearing is this when because he can’t answer questions decides ,” ok no more questions or comments “ ?. Who does he think they are news reporters?

  • April 20, 2023

    We had 3 Reps, speaking the true and showing great concerns and giving good reasons. I would love to see one of them talking about the issue that not all sex offenders have victims, not all sex offender has inflicted damaged to a minor and those are also under the same umbrella. All in all it was good debate about the red lettering and I think this bill will not pass as it is now.

  • April 20, 2023

    I’m confused did it pass? And if so how with him hot knowing a single answer and with actual good questions. If it passes for one type of criminal then ot needs to happen to all. As you can’t single out 1 group

    • April 20, 2023

      Yes, it did pass, but this issue is far from being a done deal.

  • April 20, 2023

    Not to mention the ones who have been convicted based on a accusation by a ex out for vengeance or custody

  • April 20, 2023

    If I’m not mistaken he completely cited the issues with Alabama and Louisianas laws wrongly

    • April 21, 2023

      He was totally misinformed, he knew nothing of what he spoke. Example: the license is in Blue not black, it is clearly written out, there is no numbers.This is why these PUNISHMENTS are so easily passed, uninformed people that only look at the crime and thrive on unlawful penalties. Any punishment doled out to a convicted person beyond the order of the court is a violation of the law. The 8th Amendment:, the Eighth Amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishments. There are presently 52 punitive requirements for a sex offender/predator. I also believe the state has a responsibility for the S.O. offenders for his/her safety, since the supply ALL INFORMATION NECESSARY to someone that wishes harm/death on offenders. I think that’s aiding and abetting. It’s like someone supplying the gun to a school shooter. Thank your attention to this matter!

      • April 21, 2023

        Quite correct tony, not to mention the clause in the law “ equal protection of law”. But yet they dismiss it when any crimes are committed twords one of us . rc’s have had there houses vandalized , they have been threatened and assaulted scammed and even murdered and what does the law do ? Nothing….. well not nothing they all but applaud the murderer

  • April 26, 2023

    I just emailed all the representatives and senators about my concerns on these bills, hope my part makes a difference

  • April 27, 2023

    My wife, Jane, wrote a letter to Gottlieb, first thanking him for his challenging remarks and expressing his stance. Asking him to pursue and discuss in depth the injustice in this bill.
    She mentioned the 52 punitive restrictions rc’s already have to live with.


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