VIDEO: Florida Senate Fiscal Policy Committee SB 1252

Two Florida Action Committee members spoke in opposition to SB 1252 at the recent Fiscal Policy Committee meeting in Tallahassee.  What a difference those two people made after taking a day off from work and driving all the way to Tallahassee from the southwestern part of the Florida peninsula to give their 3-minute talk, each.  A Florida senior reporter picked up their story and has run with it.  As a result of what these two FAC members did, they started the ball rolling that eventually caused a senate member to file an amendment that would remove the red lettering on the driver’s license language from SB 1252.

The battle is not over to stop the heinous bills that have been filed this session in the Florida Legislature, but we have seen the powerful influence that even a small number of people can make in helping the lives of others.

You can listen to the talks our two FAC members gave at 8:00 minutes into the video.

Watch here or on YouTube.


23 thoughts on “VIDEO: Florida Senate Fiscal Policy Committee SB 1252

  • April 27, 2023

    Thank you for speaking out! You are literally 2 in 20,000,000!

    • April 28, 2023

      You two are heros and made a difference. Some of our Senators and Representatives are becoming less afraid of speaking out. Thank you. Thank you.

  • April 27, 2023

    I sobbed. Thank you for the effort and the time and the expense you put into this fight.

    • April 27, 2023

      Heroes come in many forms and not all of them wear capes.
      Thank you so much for your bravery and dedication to our casuses.

  • April 27, 2023

    May God bless their souls for giving a helping hand.

  • April 27, 2023

    Jennifer and Christopher…you guys are superstars!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • April 27, 2023

    I am thankful and happy others there are finally getting it through there head that the red lettering will not make this any better. There is already plenty of thing in place for S.O.R. we don’t need that out there for everyone to see. When there is no reason. Like for bank account, doctors, grocery store customer service and plenty more. That have no reason to know out pass.

  • April 27, 2023

    Thank you Chris and Jennifer. You inspire us all!!

  • April 27, 2023

    Deep gratitude and thanks to Jennifer and Christopher for sacrificing time and money to make their voices heard on all of our behalfs!

  • April 27, 2023

    Thank you both so very much!

  • April 27, 2023

    Have we ever challenged the original designations on DL? If so why not and what can be done and how do we go about it as well? Its like we let them get away with one and they always go back to that to justify red lettering?Then this LP deal.

    • April 27, 2023

      Yes we are currently challenging them in two separate cases.

  • April 27, 2023

    Jennifer & Christopher TY so much for your courage. My eyes got watery. You guys and the Senators that spk against the bill made me feel like humanity hasn’t given up on us
    There is hope and its positively inspiring. Love goes a longer way, and accomplishes much for the entirety of us all.

    • April 27, 2023

      I would almost place a bet that if those two superheroes had not spoken out in such a respectful and educated way, and no one showed up in opposition, that it would have passed with flying colors.
      “Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me.”

    • April 27, 2023

      Thank you very much Chris and Jennifer, you helped to relieve a lot of stress on me.

  • April 27, 2023

    Thank you both! And Thank you all. I haven’t slept in days. Thank you for this group and all you do.

  • April 27, 2023

    Speaking out is very good nothing wrong with advocacy but put the fear of the Lord and the government will I hope open their ears more. Bless those people that stood up for many in florida that are involved in this registry ruse.

  • April 27, 2023

    Thank you speakers! I honestly wish I could have been there as well. There is some catharsis in speaking and having a voice. I jammed out some emails; so I can only hope they were noticed. But thank you heroes with hearts for speaking up for our families.

    • April 28, 2023

      Emails and letters are somewhat helpful but nothing like having someone in person stand before you and look you in the eye while explaining the impacts on people’s extended families that had nothing to do with the crimes of the ex offender. Ex offenders who I might add, like myself, whose crime(s) was/were almost 32 years ago.

    • April 29, 2023

      I want to thank the two men who spoke up and hopefully opened the minds of some of our lawmakers. I wish I knew more because I would have joined them. I am a 78 year old male we just continue to be the focus of some law makers. Enough punishment! Do you want our blood were does it end. Most of us are good people with one mistake. Yes most of the time it is entrapment. Why keep banging us over the head. I recently also saw they want special license plates for offenders! Regardless of who owns the vehicle. If it’s my wife’s car and I drive it occasionally it will need the special license plate. ( she is not a offender, why label her. Subject her to possible harm or abuse) enough!! Let us live our life with our label. Don’t label families..

  • May 1, 2023

    Thank you to the two the represented so many. I am tired of the witch hunt and I fail to understand why offenders are not treated more fairly just like other felons! Just got out of court with my son and this life long torture is so wrong ! Unconstitutional and I will not vote for anyone who advocates this kind of treatment

    • May 3, 2023

      This is so unfair! Sex Offenders are treated worse than MURDERERS AND RAPISTS. There is no level of for this crime. All are thrown in this bushel of rotten apples whether they’re a pedophile or someone who was misled by someone’s age. Why are they punished for the rest of their lives? Especially when they have excelled in their lives. My son can’t even go to my grandson’s graduation FOR CHIST SAKE!!!! He served his time, followed all the rules, has never been in any other trouble, bought a house, has a great job… STOP HATING!!!!!

      • May 3, 2023

        @ E.GIRARDI

        I went to my sister graduation at a school while I was on House arrest and had no issue. Of course that was like 20 years ago. Things have changed ALOT over those past years.


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