26 thoughts on “Video: Ex-Offenders at Risk of Arrest for Voting

  • October 25, 2022

    if adjudication was withheld you can vote correct?

    • October 25, 2022

      No Hope, this was covered several times and you asked a similar question on 8/18/2022 under another post. If you had withhold of adjudication in your case, you never lost your voting rights to begin with.

      If you have any concern or hesitancy, you should contact the Florida Department of State, Division of Elections via email (DivElections@dos.myflorida.com) or by mail: Room 316, R. A. Gray Building, 500 South Bronough Street, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0250.

      You can also try contacting your County Supervisor of Elections, a directory can be found here: https://www.myfloridaelections.com/Contact-your-SOE

      • October 25, 2022

        Thank you for replying once again as far as asking the same question more than once, just like the woman in the video you can never be too careful

        • October 25, 2022

          Agreed, and get it in writing.

      • October 25, 2022

        I understand the concern though…the thought of being arrested for something that should never have been taken away is chilling. It’s also a bit nerve-racking because it seems like the rules change on a whim and if you don’t keep up with it you could be the next one

      • October 25, 2022

        Also, let’s hope that the election squad knows this exception…

    • October 25, 2022

      Yes you can, you’re not a convicted felon…..just an RSO…

    • October 25, 2022

      I have a withhold adjudication and have been voting without any issues. Above and beyond that I also applied for my concealed weapons permit, and aside from having to submit some additional paperwork I was able to get that also.

      • October 25, 2022

        you got the concealed permit? i had one before my charge and i wanted one again but thought it impossible. I had adjudication withheld and would like to apply for it. Did you do it through the state or did you go through a class/gun store?

  • October 25, 2022

    Congratulations, Governor DeSantis. You’ve turned something as fundamental as the right to vote into the same trip wired maze as the registry. Though I’m sure that was the point. The professor in the video is right: it does have a chilling effect on turnout. And I’m sure that was the whole point.

  • October 25, 2022

    Sex offenders should run for office to change these punishing laws!

  • October 25, 2022

    Of all the rights I lost with my conviction in 2009 was the right to vote. I never missed voting in any election from 1975 to 2009.
    I know that as an RSO I lost that right and will never be able to vote. I literally mourn losing that right.

  • October 25, 2022

    What pi**es me off about these stories is that they always mention the carveout just in passing (if at all).
    They always say something like, “In 2018 most ex-offenders automatically had there rights restored (except for felony sex offenders and those convicted of murder).”

    They always say “felony sex offenders” to make it sound as horrible as possible, and they always say it real fast as if it is just an unimportant footnote.

    In fact, though, this carveout is terribly important. Here’s why:

    In 2018, a federal judge found that it was federally unconstitutional to make ex-felons endure having to appear in front of the governor of Florida and his tribunal.
    That federal judge DID NOT except sex offenders or murderers. (In fact, there was no due process.)
    That means that it is unconstitutional to make ANYONE go through that governor’s tribunal in order to regain their rights.
    In response to this, The state of Florida enacted constitutional amendment #4 that automatically restored voting rights to ex felons. But there was a carve out. No sex offender or murderer would be able to automatically have their rights restored. They would still be required to undergo that federally UNCONSTITUTIONAL process of appearing in front of the governor and a tribunal! (And since there was no due process allowing for an exception, that makes Amendment 4 illegal on its face!) – They cannot codify a constitutional amendment that contains an illegality!

    The current governor of Florida has promised and stated publicly that no sex offender would ever regain their rights as long as he was in office.
    There is no intelligent reason why sex offenders or murderers cannot vote just like any other felon.
    Are they somehow afraid that we will vote to legalize pornography or child abduction or serial murder?
    How ridiculous!
    Why, other than the fact that they simply hate us, do they not allow us to have our vote?
    Amendment 4 is illegal and must be repealed!
    Amendment #4 is illegal!

    • October 26, 2022

      @ JJJJ:

      The reason they don’t want registrants to vote is because the ones that propose and pass all their stupid registry laws would not get another term. The overwhelming majority of the Florida Congress (or Assembly, or whatever) would be turned over every election.

      Eventually, there will be enough friends and family members of registrants to make that happen, considering the rate ot which Florida and some of its more incompetent officials (re: Lauren Book, Grady Judd, et. al.) keep senselessly adding to it.

  • October 25, 2022

    An important point comes across in this video. “Ex-offender” reads far differently than “Sex-offender” especially when it is spoken in a journalistic environment. “Persons forced to register” is unwieldy, as is “Registered citizen,” although far less destructive.

    Consider when entering an identifier such as sex offender to use instead ex-offender.

  • October 25, 2022

    Notice how that guy twice dodged the question on whether people should go to prison for voting? I didn’t think it was a difficult question, but he apparently thought it was. Sometimes what a person doesn’t say is clearer than if he had shouted something from the rooftops.

  • October 25, 2022

    So, i am not a convicted felon,( adjudication withheld) and my voting card says my place of voting is at a high school….

    Would this be a potential problem ?

    Last time it was in a Library on a university…..

    • October 25, 2022

      Generally that is an exception to the proximity ordinances but you would have to check your county and city.

  • October 25, 2022

    Does this mean that ex-offender registered citizens could get arrested for paying their taxes, after all, paying taxes and voting go hand-in-hand…no taxation without representation? Without the right to vote a registered citizen has no representation. Therefore, paying taxes is an is an ancillary to voting. Sounds crazy? Not in Florida.

    • October 26, 2022

      I’ve been saying this for a long time.

  • October 25, 2022

    I moved out of Florida during Covid, and like any move transitioning was hard. I visit family there a few times a year and sometimes miss it. Two things have given me peace with the move. One was Ian, I hope everyone faired well. It was bad in some areas in Volusia county I saw. But more relevant and upcoming is I and able to vote. No hoops, no hassles. I’m not trying to brag. I felt like I really missed being able to and now that I’m able it really does make me feel like I belong. Not so much as here where I live but out in the world, living as a “free” person. Hopefully Florida will change eventually.

  • October 26, 2022

    What if you were adjudicated/ convicted in another state, a state that doesn’t remove the right to vote and moved to Florida; can the state remove that right automatically?

  • October 26, 2022

    I was nolo contendre for ATTEMPTED sexual battery in 2000. (Not true, but that’s irrelevant to this matter). I think a legal challenge could be made that the the constitutional amendment does apply to me, just like it does, I believe, to attempted murder. Anybody have any thoughts or insights?I did receive a notice from the state last year asking me to register to vote, but I assumed then they made a mistake and ignored it.

  • October 26, 2022

    Any registered citizen has the right to vote!


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