Veterans Support Group Starts April 23

FAC Veterans Support Group starts Tuesday April 23 at 8pm ET.  Call 760-548-9898.  If you have any problem connecting to the call for free, you can text CALL ME to 760-548-9898 for a call back from Free Conference Call and you will be connected to the meeting at no charge.

Virtual Meetings via Conference call will continue on Fourth Tuesday of each Month.

FAC Veterans Group Mission Statement

To provide a regular support forum for veterans forced to register, families of registered veterans, other veterans affected by the registry, and members of the public interested in supporting this focus group.

 What You Can Expect as a Member

Support and resource assistance for the concerns and problems unique to veterans and their families caused by being forced to register.

 Possible Support Topics

  1. Assistance in obtaining or restoring eligible VA benefits earned by registered veterans.
  2. The automatic denial to register veterans of equal access to due legal process in veterans court because a veteran was originally indicted for a sexual offense.
  3. Easing or the elimination of the unreasonable travel restrictions that may have denied some veterans their earned and authorized VA benefits and access to VA medical care.
  4. Easing or the elimination of the unreasonable registry restrictions that have denied some veterans the ability to live with their families.
  5. Restoration of all constitutional rights to veterans including the right to vote which they earned through their military service.
  6. Restoration of the formal open and supportive recognition of veterans by society which is accorded to every other veteran except those veterans forced to register.
  7. Ensuring that all incarcerated veterans are accorded formal recognition of their status by the state of Florida and the Florida Department of Corrections; restoration of and/or initiation of veterans specific programs within the Florida Department of Corrections; and insuring that the veterans pre-release program briefings the Florida Department of Corrections claims veterans receive, are actually received.

In addition to support and resources, this group could become a powerful voice to ensure lawmakers preserve the benefits our veterans have earned.

To all of the Veterans, we thank you for your service and recognize the sacrifices you made to protect our Freedom.

Now, we are here to support you and protect your Freedom, as well.


7 thoughts on “Veterans Support Group Starts April 23

  • April 23, 2024

    Although I am not a vet, my dad is, and I was born on a military base. I fully support all veterans and their families. Vets have enough to deal with without having the extra stress of always looking over your shoulders and wondering if you will be violated for some petty rule. Not only that but, rules that do not apply to anyone else in the Universe except for registered citizens.

  • April 23, 2024

    As a veteran who’s aging quicker than I prefer, I was looking into VA burial benefits. I read that anyone who has a higher level than Tier 1 will get no benefits because of the sex offense. I don’t know how the VA can take that benefit away. It’s the same way with the VA nursing homes.

    2. In Florida, we don’t have the Tier system, so I don’t know where I would be.

    I welcome all veterans and attorneys input on this matter. My offense had to do with an escort that I solicited. She stated that she was 18, but was younger. It wasn’t a sting, it was a girl who was being trafficked by a pimp in the Tampa area.

    • April 23, 2024


      Thank you for your service, I was born on a military base. I too agree the only way you should lose your benefits is if you were a traitor or deserter. Otherwise, you served your time for your country and that service cannot be undone. And your crime I am assuming did not happen while you were still in the military?

      Our laws have become so archaic that we seem to be backtracking instead of making progress and positive change.

      Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in time of trouble.

    • April 23, 2024

      Peter P, my response to your questions is too long for our comment’s section, so I am having it posted as a stand-alone article. It should be posted within the next 24 hours. Please look for it at this site.

    • April 24, 2024

      what benefits are they denying you? i have full medical and pension
      i cant get on military bases anymore, but no problem with va facilities

      • April 24, 2024

        I have not been denied any benefits, yet. I use the VA healthcare system, and I receive a small VA disability pension. My question was about death benefits as I had read on the VA death benefits website. It stated that if a veteran is convicted of a sex offense and is a TIer 2 or 3 offender, that veteran would be denied his benefits. Sarah made a post about her husband and she cleared up any confusion that I had about the benefits.

  • April 25, 2024

    Here is the official VA burial eligibility webpage:

    Read the “Specific groups that aren’t eligible” paragraph (Expand all+). Take note of the “Veterans found guilty of a capital crime” section.

    Sub-section “Veterans convicted of certain sex offenses” states:

    “Veterans aren’t eligible if they were convicted of a Tier III sex offense AND sentenced to a minimum of life imprisonment—AND the conviction is final.”

    The keyword here is AND, which I capped. Words do matter!


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