USA TODAY: The complicated research behind pedophilia
Some facts pointed out in the USA TODAY’s most recent article on pedophilia:
- Research suggests that pedophilia is determined in the womb and is neurological.
- “Not all people who sexually abuse children are pedophiles; some pedophiles never abuse children.”
- “Anna Salter, a psychologist, author, and internationally recognized expert who has done over 500 evaluations of high-risk sex offenders,…says ‘Pedophiles may not have control over the fact that they are attracted to kids, but they are responsible for whether they do or don’t act on it.”
I had to look up the word perpetuity as it is not a common everyday word used. So whats not common to man even judges. Talk about Psychology today when people don’t even know their left hand from their right.
This whole battle of this sex registry is truth, fairness, liberty and justice. Anyone with common since would know that those Law enforcement agents are taking vain liberties on each and every one. Guess the word predator and prey has its meaning also
This registry abuse is like man judging another or a women screaming rape when their was no rape at all. Their is a right and a wrong action for everything. Talk about a showdown with a plea deal arrangement attached to it.
This Pedophilia thing should be an insult to many or are police putting people on the registry in categories. Talk about blessed are the poor but Psychology Today can handle that one also I’m sure.
IMO the misunderstanding of Pedophilia and it’s diagnosis is a stepping stone to the creation and perpetuity of the registry.
The books Anna Salter authored, both fiction and non fiction tend towards pumping up the fears of her readership. Her contributions above seem to be more balanced.