UPDATE 6/1 -Urgent Ex Post Facto Document – This Request has been Satisfied

Posted 6/1/2023

NOTE: This request has been satisfied thanks to the member that provided a copy of the DMV letter.  The member was there to register multiple temporary addresses.  DMV would only accept two temporary addresses and asked the person to return when the other addresses were going to be used.  Because DMV could only accept 2 addresses was NOT his problem and he was not about to be turned away. He was insistent that they accept ALL temporary addresses and stayed there until the matter was resolved, only after DMV contacted Tallahassee for instructions. In the end, he was issued four letters, each containing 2 written addresses on the bottom.  The letters were than accepted at Sheriff Office as proof that DMV was notified of all 8 temporary addresses.

Personal information has been blocked, but here is an image of the letter in question:



Posted 5/27/2023

We will be providing updates on the Motions that have been filed in the last week,  but what we need NOW is a copy of the  document that DMV issues when you have attempted to get a Driver’s License or ID, but were unable to secure or update your driver’s license or ID at DHSMV during that visit.

DMV issues a letter confirming that you were there in person, but due to missing information or other reason, they could not complete your application for a new Driver’s License or ID.

The document is needed by 5/30/2023. Given DMV is closed for holiday, we are reaching out to members.  If you have a copy of that letter, please email a copy to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org.  Call 833-273-7325 Option 1 with questions.

Thank you



28 thoughts on “UPDATE 6/1 -Urgent Ex Post Facto Document – This Request has been Satisfied

  • May 27, 2023

    Are they just doing it to sex offender?

    • May 28, 2023

      I do not know if the letter is specific to PFR (persons forced to register). But it is a letter that the Sheriff office will accept if you attempted to notify DMV in-person of an address change.

    • May 28, 2023

      Yes, are they just targeting those stamped with the corrupt government’s scarlet letter stamp?

    • May 29, 2023

      I continue to be disgusted at the numberous offensive actions against those who have completed their prison time and are on the registry. The person’s question is legitimate – is the oversupervision on getting identification only applicable to sex offenders? Is that different from voter identification? Why has not the draconion laws, homelessness, tent cities, or lack of freedom to a reasonable life, libery, or pursuit of happiness been made a presidential campaign issue; why do we read of no court or legislative actions to bring reason to this poor governance in a state that gets is revenue from tourists and state visitors. Why is the government allowed, by a failure to bring education to the public and press, to invade the privacy of its citizens and further, deny them access to emergency shelters in violation of the oath of office of public servants to protect all citizens. Do they not have enough security or police to offer reasonable protect at public gatherings like baseball games or emergency shelters? Where is the common outcry? Where is reason and good citizens and voters, and good politicians and good judges, and the constitution?

  • May 29, 2023

    When I got out of prison in Oct. 2016 they released me without any papers – yet the law states that you only have 48 hours to obtain ID.
    On the (free, thank God) advice of a lawyer, I appeared at FL DMV. DMV gave me a piece of paper that said I appeared to them timely but could not obtain identification or driver license because I had no papers.
    HOWEVER, at the bottom of the paper they gave me it said that this was no excuse and that this did not negate the 48 hour requirement.
    The lawyer called my birth state for me and helped me get my birth certificate. A few days later I was able to get my DL because the lawyer paid extra to “overnight” the birth certificate.
    Thank God for the kindness of that Fort Myers lawyer!!!
    As for FL DOC: [Moderated]

      • May 29, 2023


        This form says “ . If the applicant cannot provide two approved Florida residential address documents in their name, this affidavit may be used along with the documents provided by the individual whose name is on the proof of Florida residential address documents.”

        I guess someone vouched that you live there. Is this it?

        • May 29, 2023

          What we need is a copy of the document that DMV issues when you have attempted to get a Driver’s License or ID, but were unable to secure or update your driver’s license or ID at DMV during that visit. DMV issues a letter confirming that you were there in person, but due to missing information or other reason, they could not complete your application for a new Driver’s License or ID. If you have a copy of that letter, please email a copy to membership@floridaactioncommittee.org. Call 833-273-7325 Option 1 with questions.

        • May 29, 2023

          Hi Eugene.
          My probation officer had found me a place to bed down on that first night (Sunday, the 16th). When DMV told me I needed proof of residence (on the 17th) I had my landlord write a brief letter stating that I was living at his home.
          But, thanks to the Real ID Federal Act, one must present a birth certificate in order to obtain ID in the USA. I had very little money, no phone, and no internet. Furthermore, the person whose house I was staying at also had no internet – he is a registrant too. There was one payphone at the Grayhound station, but I had no idea who or where to call. I fell in 2006 (before smartphones) and got out in 2016. (I thought people were joking when they said that they could type right on their phone screens and that the phone would give them directions in the car while driving.) Haha! I was as green as a cucumber! And very disoriented!

  • May 29, 2023

    I looked everywhere. I could not find it. I found the registration form from 10/20/2016.
    I was released on 10/16/2016. Prison Classification gave me a COPY of my social security card along with a certificate of release, which listed my address as Homeless.
    They had a monthly bus from the prison that you could go and get your identification. (I believe that it was to North Florida Reception Center to meet with a DMV official.) But I was indigent, so I couldn’t go. (I had no one on the outside to help.)
    When I got out, I went to probation first, then I went to the DMV for ID. They wouldn’t accept my social security card as ID. They told me that I needed 1) proof of residence (My probation officer had gotten me a bed that first night) and 2) a birth certificate, because of the federal REAL ID act. (By the way, it took me about 1 week before I was able to get an “Obama Phone” Flip Phone.)
    So DMV gave me a special form that they filled out stating that I had appeared to them but that I could not obtain ID as required by FL statute for sex offender registry. It was a form specifically for that purpose. They pointed to the bottom of form where it said that this form only serves to show that I appeared but does not remove or alter the requirement to procure ID within 48 hours as required by registry law. So I brought the form back to the registry office. They simply registered me and told me to hurry up and get ID. So meanwhile, I had no phone or internet and about $75. I went into almost every single law office in downtown Fort Myers and was repeatedly turned away (Often with kind words). Finally, one of the lawyers (Ryan Doyle – God bless him!) came out and invited me back to his office. He got on the phone to my state of birth and faxed them my social security card. They overnighted my birth certificate. I went to the DMV, got my ID, and then appeared (again) to the registry office where they took a photocopy of it and added it to my file on 10/20/2016.

  • May 31, 2023

    I hope the lawyers are presenting the original 1997 Fl registration statute that called for only civil monetary penalties and misdemeanors for violations. The original 1997 law allowed forced registrants to petition a court for removal after 10 years after competing the case sentence. Compared that to today’s law.
    I thought this case was brought forth by folks whose cases are prior to the forced registration in Oct 1st of 1997 ?

    • June 2, 2023

      yes i was charged in 98 just b4 new lar to effect and it was 5 years then and while my 3 years on probation it went to 10 years then 20 and now life

  • May 31, 2023

    At registration today, the officer took my Driver’s License because it was suspended yesterday.

    He advised me I had 48 hrs to secure a new license or ID or be charged with a felony.

    They would hold my license for me at the registration office for 4-5 days, If I got it all corrected to come back and retrieve.

    At DMV now, let’s see where this goes

    • May 31, 2023

      DMV provided me a State ID for $30 odd dollars.

      They did not provide me a letter etc.

      • May 31, 2023

        I assume you had sufficient documentation for DMV to issue a new ID. But if you did not have sufficient documentation, they would be expected to issue a letter verifying that you were there within the time period, and that is the letter we are seeking.

      • May 31, 2023

        They did want to have me register to vote.

    • May 31, 2023

      I’m on the edge of my seat!
      I hope it works out! Please let us all know.

    • June 1, 2023

      They are legally not allowed to take your license if you were driving they could have arrested you for that.my license was suspended and I had moved to another county I registered first then went to DMV the DMV took my license and gave me a Florida id I have since got my license back.

      • June 2, 2023

        I wasn’t driving. I always have someone take me when I do annual price club membership.

        Just in case something goes sideways.

  • June 1, 2023

    Thank you to whoever went and raise hell at the DMV in getting this letter.

    • June 1, 2023

      This letter is the one you will receive when you register any temporary address. Make the person that took your info at the DMV write the address on letter and get their name. Take a picture or have someone that can take a picture with their phone and email in to themself so you have a digital copy. I keep a copy of the letter in glove box if leaving the state…The fact that they only allow you two addresses on file is bogus; but you must register all your temporary addresses. Do them all for the whole year of where you are going to be staying. Its aggregate and you should make a list of potential temporary addresses and report them during your regular check-ins if you can. Will save you time; of course make a special trip if you have too. Make the DMV register each address even if it removes an old one. I had them keep the two that I visit most as the last ones…

  • June 1, 2023

    That is the exact same letter I got in 2016!

  • June 28, 2023

    My husband, John Larwa is facing one count a failure to register properly. We moved back in December from Daytona Beach to Ormond by the Sea. He went to the sheriffs office and got his address updated, then went to the DMV to get that updated and was turned away because he didn’t have two proofs of residency before he even got into the building. While we were waiting for the two proofs, we had two police officers stop by our new place and check on him. Monday I got the two proofs of residency in the mail. He was going on Tuesday and Monday night he got arrested. I really need so advice on how to handle this situation.

    • June 28, 2023

      Please see our referral webpage for a list of qualified attorneys.

      Note that Florida Action Committee is not a law firm. We are not attorneys and the information provided on this website is not to be construed as legal advice. The posts and comments are the opinions of the respective authors and should not be relied upon without seeking proper legal guidance from a licensed professional.

      • June 28, 2023

        I understand I’m just glad I found a weppage that I can talk on. I feel a little better knowing that there are others out here feeling the same way as me

    • June 28, 2023

      Wow, according to FDLE’s recent motion for summary judgment re: address reporting violations, “Arrests do not occur unless the registrant willfully intended to violate FSORNA, has been notified, and fails/refuses to comply.”

      • June 28, 2023

        Yeah, and the check is in the mail… ^^

      • June 29, 2023

        Total lie: i submitted my paperork to fac. Hoping itll help


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