Update: Revisions made to Hernando County Sex Offender and Sexual Predator Ordinance

The Hernando Sun ran an article on the changes in the Hernando County SO Ordinance, all thanks to our two county coordinators there.

County Commissioner John Allocco said the need for the changes was brought to his attention after he was contacted by several people who were seeking clarification so they did not run afoul of the ordinance. “They are just trying to do the right thing,” he said.

Allocco said, “It was just the right thing to do. When people want to obey the law but can’t understand it without a lawyer, and law enforcement doesn’t understand it either, it’s a problem.”



7 thoughts on “Update: Revisions made to Hernando County Sex Offender and Sexual Predator Ordinance

  • August 10, 2023

    Basically the parks portion of this reads the same as the state requirements. Yiu can use them. Just can’t stay there or loiter or prowl. Whatever the definition of that is. So really you can still use the parks.

  • August 8, 2023

    I would just like to point out this is an example of being proactive in the laws that affect us. It is much harder and would have been much harder for people in Hernando County to change these ordinances once they are signed off and written in the law. I will say it is often very difficult to keep up with possible changes but these people did what we all can hope to do if we can be vigilant.

  • August 8, 2023

    So how is someone going to determine if someone is loitering? I guess you would have to ask them. If they say yes I’m just loitering then they could be arrested. Otherwise the changes are just as idiotic as the original. So what is its purpose?
    Sounds like the one making up these laws are the same cops that played on the movie Canon Ball Run..

    • August 8, 2023

      David the changes allow them to be in proximity, so long as they are not loitering. If there’s sufficient reason to be there, than you are good. If you have no purpose for being there, than suspicion of loitering can be made. Prowling is a whole nother matter, but it’s clear that you should have a good reason for being somewhere, and not just hanging around with no real reason.

  • August 8, 2023

    Ive been to court many times because the police and the probation officer dont understand the court order nor the laws in place with how they are to handle them with me.
    One judge stopped hearing after mine completely because i told him that his new written order, was written in the same context and was exactly what theyre questioning… he got on the phone huffing and puffing and said “Im really F’n sick of these F’n “Interpretations””, then called the probation office and police department.

    I remember a heated verbal exchange on both calls and before he hung up he said: “Im tempted to vacate your sentence entirely.”

    • August 8, 2023

      I would have tried to make an argument to the judge to consider his own inclination to vacate my sentence.

    • August 8, 2023


      Damn, why tease you with vacating your sentence, he should have just done it. I will keep you in my prayers.

      PS, can you get me a break on my insurance LOL

      Cherokee Jack


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