Update on Illinois Voices filing class action lawsuit against Illinois State Police
Illinois Voices is committed to standing up for the civil rights of people on public conviction registries and their families.
We are pleased to announce that we filed a proposed class action lawsuit today against the Illinois State Police to challenge ISP’s failure to provide a fair and effective procedure to correct errors in the registry.
The case is Illinois Voices for Reform, et al. v. Brendan Kelly, 24-cv-1744. You can read the complaint here.
Any placement on the sex offender registry is stigmatizing, but errors on the registry website — such as incorrect designation as a “sexual predator” or wrong information about the nature of the conviction — exacerbate the legal, financial and repetitional harms of the registry for registrants and their loved ones.
We are asking the court to order ISP to implement procedures to ensure that errors on the registry are corrected in a fair and reasonably timely manner
Like I have always said, the registry leaders and enforcers will do whatever they want and dare you to challenge it. Many times, there is a win, but at what cost? Going to court isn’t free and after that battle, they try another unjust tactic, hoping it will stick.
We here in Florida, and many other states, in every session we get more and more requirements added on to our responsibilities to the point of feeling like probation. Just like probation, we can be violated for not complying. No other group that I know of that are not on sanctions, have these fears to live with every waking day of their lives.
Florida is the “p;roving grounds” and test-bed for everything nefarious associated with the registry.All the proximity restrictions and compliance checks were a “pilot” program that started there and spread like cancer nationwide. Florida has always been on the cutting edge of stupid. Worst part is that none if this garbage is proactive.
And here’s the real kicker: We’re dealing with a bunch in Tallahassee that believes that the Bible is without error in all that it says. And guess what? We’re the biggest sinners in their eyes.