UPDATE: on HB 833, HB 1085 and SB 1252-Where Do We Stand?
What we know for sure is…
- House Bill 833 is still pending in the House and contains the “24-hour notice”, while the companion Senate bill 714 was passed without the “24-hour notice” language.
- House Bill 1085 was passed in the House and contains the Red Lettering on the entire Driver’s license, while the companion Senate Bill 1252 has NOT yet been heard in the Senate. It was initially scheduled for Thursday April 27, then moved to Friday April 28, then today May 1….but it was still not heard as is retained on the special order calendar.
It is a fact that Senator Book withdrew her 3 amendments to SB 1252 last night Sunday April 30th, and that Senator DiCeglie’s amendment to remove all reference to the red lettering is still pending.
What we don’t not know is….
- Will the Senate approve DiCeglie’s amendment to remove all language associated to the red lettering before voting on SB 1252?
- Will there be any other amendments AND discussion before the Senate votes on SB 1252?
What you can still do NOW….
- Reach out to all 40 Senators. Ask them to vote YES on DiCeglie’s amendment to remove the Red Lettering language on SB 1252.
- STAY CALM. Should SB1252 pass with the red lettering, FLORIDA ACTION COMMITTEE is already preparing our next steps to litigate .
Reminder: Please complete a Case Consideration form to identify any collateral consequences you have experienced as a result of the registry requirements. FAC uses these submissions to support claims and to identify potential plaintiffs for future lawsuits.
It is my understanding that if DiCeglie’s amendment is approved and SB 1252 passes without the red letter law, then because SB 1252 and HB 1085 are nearly identical, the Senate can send SB 1252 to the House requesting that it be merged with HB 1085 and adopted with the new language in SB 1252. I believe this is our best shot. Otherwise, I do not know what happens to bills with conflicting language.
So the horrible fluorescent green plates issue is gone ?
I’m more confused now, than I was last Thursday…..
The current Fl driver’s license already has the S.O with the Fl chapter number in front of it ? Why complicate it more for people to conduct business ?
I am a commercial driver of 20 years, HB 1085 has a lot of language concerning the red lettering language, it seems apparent that this state is going after our lively hoods , so its just a matter of time they come after our occupational licenses next…… definitely not an equal opportunity state, I am amazed how the people up in Tallahassee will either debate each other or ride the same money bus together. so much corruption, very sad… P.s Great job for everyone up there supporting FAC, saw the video SB1252, was a real tear jerker, thank you , maybe will get to see the light @ the end of the tunnel in my life time.
Yes courts are supposed to uses the least restrictive means test vs state interest. There on record saying it already contains the blue ink markings. So we already have a mark. They go onto to say this will Simply change it to red to make it easier to read. It’s no longer the least restrictive means at this point now it becomes us carrying the government messages against due process.
Don’t forget that the legislators will be done on Friday, and they are required to get a budget done before they recess. That is a requirement. They are not required to pass the bills we are concerned about. And senator DiCeigle really wants his bill passed, and I don’t believe he will cave in on the Red Letter Law.
I’m Not really concerned about the red lettering. I just use my passport anyway -it’s an ID and present my Driver license only to law enforcement. The main concern here is the green kisses of death. My car is sure to get vandalized and It may cause my life driving with the new open carry laws in place.
The House is done on Wednesday. Unfortunately most of the budget was passed already.
Thank you FAC for the update, and most importantly, for being here for us, to protect us from a political assault. We are in good hands with you up front for us.
Yes! Thank you to all AT FAC!
You have given us great guidance.
I am so thankful for that little card I got in the mail several years ago. Thankful to be a member.
I received the card years ago. I’m not quite sure what about it got my attention. I think it was the part where I could join even though I had no money for the membership at that point. I had received other letters in the past that only wanted money. After being a member for a few years, I have been able to donate a few times. I know I’ll never be able to pay for all that the FAC has done and will do for me by representing us as a group, but I’ll certainly do what I can.
Personally, I feel it’s the perceived financial obligation that initially deters potential members. That’s why my main pitch when encouraging others to join is about the fact that I’ve been a member so long yet didn’t have the means to donate for years. I tell them that they’ll receive an annual letter for dues, but even if you don’t/ can’t pay, you’re still a member. I tell them that if they follow these posts, they ‘ll understand this is no scam and they’ll probably develop a desire to give back when able.
I also mention that the more members the FAC represents, the more attention they receive from politicians. Nearly every member has AT LEAST one (and probability more) person that they are close to who is a voter.
SB 1252 is the next-to-last item on the special order calendar for today. Previously, the bill history said “Retained on Special Order Calendar,” but today it adds “SJ 670” at the end. Anyone have any clue what that means?
https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2023/670 Maybe
Or “js when googled Florida house of rep” came back with joint resolution between house and senate.
But I’m just guessing here.
This is per the acronyms list on the senate web site. I wondered myself.
SJ – Senate journal
A requirement of section 4(c) of Article III of the State Constitution, the Journal is the official legal record of the proceedings of the Senate or the House of Representatives. Each legislative house publishes a journal for each day of session. The Journal records only the formal action in the legislature and committees. Its contents include titles of bills introduced and considered, a record of members’ votes on issues, as well as motions and other business before the legislature.
I sent a fresh round of individual emails to all Senators today. Keep the pressure on! We have to make it through four more days….
As long as the horrible SO fluorescent green car tags is removed, that’s a victory. The red letters on DL has already been ruled unconstitutional in 2 states. An injunction to stop the law will have to be filed immediately. It can be tide up in the courts for a while.
What about the 8th ammendment to stop vigilantism by public officials.. also 14th ammendment …
No state law shall be in excess of federal law
Yeah, this has been in my mind lately. But how does this work? And are we supposed to count on lawmakers to keep other lawmakers in check? Why is it the public’s responsibility to be fighting back against the people they elected to represent them!? I long for the day that the average person once trusts journalists for information, and I hope that young journalists have the stamina to fight to uncover and share information to the public.
The House closes tomorrow.
I’m sorry, my bad. The both chambers adjourn on Friday May 7th
I do not know how many of you have watched our Senate in Action. I have for the last 3 days and since 5 today. I have seen numerous times where senators are not at the desk and when it comes time to vote, someone else just votes for them. How is this legal? Please someone tell me.
I have no idea, but I’ve been obsessively glued to the stream for the past three sessions. It has been a tremendously eye-opening experience, and not in a good way.
Where do you watch it?
It starts at 10am but it probably be one of the last topics https://thefloridachannel.org/
It’s called voting by proxy. The person at their desk is likely an aid or someone on their staff who was given the power to cast their vote. Or another senator.
Thank for that, but should a bill that affects thousands and is retro active actually voted on by the senator themselves. Seems like there could be few making the decisions for the many. IDK who am I.
Postponed again. UGH
CS/CS/SB 1252 (2023) Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
SENATE – Retained on Special Order Calendar
Book removed her amendment but looks like to me she added … that sexual predators will be required to have the license plate. So is that still in it ?
Where do you see that? She withdrew all 3 amendments.
On the page where it says she withdrew it but then at the very bottom it looks like she withdrew everything she initially tried to get passed but added that sexual predators will have the license plate. Maybe its all withdrawn but would like to know this isnt going to be snuck in because thats what she’s good at doing
Sent another 40 emails out. I hope that our words do something. Anything.
Postponed Again in the second half of the session then took a reccess.
It looks like (and someone else please check before anyone gets too excited) there is now a proposed amendment on HB 1085 to remove the red lettering language! Looking at the companion bill, SB 1252, it looks like Senator DiCeglie has been going back and forth with amendments to make the bills identical – without the red lettering – IF the amendments are approved. I’m hopeful!
Reach out to all 40 Senators. Ask them to vote YES on DiCeglie’s amendment to remove the Red Lettering language on SB 1252.
Is the green plate thing still an issue?
Thankfully, it is not.
Red lettering, which remains an issue, would be removed by DeCeglie’s amendment.
I dont see that but what I do see is the only amendment on the senate bill is DeCiglia’s which is to remove the red lettering from the senate bill. Lets hope that is why it keeps getting pushed.
I don’t know why they have to add anything to the DL. The new real ID act DL already has the S.O on it with the Fl chapter number on it in dark blue letters. This allows at least some leeway for people to be able to function in society, work and provide for their families. Some registrants have small children themselves.
“Some registrants have small children themselves.”
A large percentage of them do, but at the same time, don’t trivialize the safety of people that are forced to register whom are childfree by choice.
And Again,
CS/CS/SB 1252 (2023) Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
SENATE – Retained on Calendar
They now have two days left.
Do any of you happen to know why SB 1252 is now “retained on calendar” as opposed to “retained on special order calendar” as it has been for the past several days? Is that good for us? Bad for us? What does it mean?
Any updates on anything about all these laws?
I wanted to know if any of you have this on their drivers license. When we all had to get the new DL that has the transparent image of yourself imprinted on the license, I noticed the letters SO Imprinted on the state of Florida. There was no law that said that insignia had to had to be on the license. The department of Highways took it upon themselves to make it happen.
I’ve always thought that was carrying the states message. There has been no post on FAC about this new rule. Has anyone of you had this new insignia on your Florida DL?
Yes I do. Got my license last year.
I do as well. I will say that I’d rather have that than the red lettering, but I’m going to include that in today’s emails – we have a statute AND a hologram “SO.”
SO is clearly on the hologram in the middle of the outline of Florida.
Mike, you’re correct. The letters “SO” do appear in hologram of the state. Not sure how this happened but there doesn’t seem to be a law requiring it. At least, I can’t find one. This is compelled speech, IMHO. I for one do not identify as a “SO”, “Chomo”, “Pedophile”, “Pedo”, or any other moniker the State has labeled me as.
Mine has sp in the hologram and sexual predator written next to the small picture of me on the bottom left. It really angers me because I’m classified this due to a custody battle and accusations made with no evidence and a lawyer who said it’s a he said she said and they want to believe her.
As this is not part of the statute and its only supposed to be the number or the statement, is this a violation? I havent seen anything other than the ordinance or sexual predator on the bottom right as a listed consequence.
Thank you for pointing this out. Until you posted, we did not notice. And sure enough it is there.
I think is Federal law called the Real ID Act.
Yes R.R., the new license was required by the Federal Law “Real ID”, but the added insignia SO or SP is a Division of Motor Vehicles decision to put it on the license.
In history the German Third Reich required certain groups of people to carry the insignia of that group on their sleeves. In today’s society, our identification is our STATE ID or DRIVERS LICENSE.
Here is the PDF telling Florida Residence what is on the new Real ID. On pg 10 Sectionn 02, notice the words “will continue to allow” in the discription, as if the SO/SP insignia were always there. It also says the 943.0435 F.S./SEXUAL PREDITOR designation is printed in blue. Now they want it in red.. As it is right now, we are all literally “carrying the States Message.
You can read the PDF here: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.flhsmv.gov/pdf/newdl/retailguide_aug2020.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwjewpLt-dv-AhXfnGoFHZTeBt0QFnoECCIQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3bkI7yhKsyaPoLHT8faIQh
I never noticed this.
i got my last one in 2020, it has the hologram face and my initials and birth year and FL, but i do not see SO anywhere… did it come after 2020?
I’m not due to get a renewal until 2025. I can’t remember exactly, but I think I renewed in 2018. All I see by way of holograms are several of the dime sized seals of the State of Florida. On the back it states that a replacement license is required within 10 days of address change or name change. When did they start this new branding?
Yes, I have it on my license here in Florida. Actually goit it a few years ago and I hate it.
Thank you FAC. I just recently joined very thankful 🙏🏽
The worse part of all of this is the fact that there are people that are innocent and were convicted because of the point of a finger by someone that had a grudge against or wanted to get what they wanted from someone.
It’s a cruel world we live in and it is never going to get any better.
I Know that there are people that belong on a list for lifetime, but not everyone. And this putting all of these things on Drivers Licenses and license plates is just Wrong.
So well said, Jerry. I wish there was a “like” button — I’d have used it for your comment.
So if I am seeing this correct 1252 is not on the Calendar for today. Any info on this as I would rather not watch all day. 🙂
Don’t we still have to worry about bill 833 today? 24hr reporting of rentals
Folks, the House and Senate have adjourned. By the Grace of God and the extremely hard work of many, many people here at FAC and elsewhere, we have dodged three bullets this year. Praise the Lord!
Thank god 🙏🏽 what are the three bullets
24 hour notice bill 833
Green License Plate bill 1252
Red markings on our ids bill 1085
Is this accurate. If so Amen 🙏🏽🙏🏽
Dunno if good or bad :). So whats left: the 24 hour notification thing, the driver license (although now that we know about that hologram i assume thatll be a thing) and the license plates. What just happened today? Im ready to mail morreeee
Green plates, red lettering, and 24-hour notification for vacation rentals have all failed to pass, to the best of my knowledge and understanding. The last hurdle was HB 833 / SB 714 which was the vacation rentals one, but the House and Senate failed to concur.