Update: Miami-Dade Encampment

Registrants are still at the Miami-Dade Encampment. Some, because their GPS monitoring will trigger if they leave the area (probation has them designated to) and they don’t want to violate probation and go back to prison for that. Others, because they realize there’s noplace for them to go and they will be violating the overnight camping ordinance wherever they are, so might as well stay put.

News crews are on site, waiting for enforcement action. This NBC6 video is from earlier this AM, where you can still see tents lined up.

Ultimately, some may simply wait to be arrested – a roof over their head, running water and a reprieve from the heat and mosquitoes, courtesy of the county jail sounds better than the inhuman conditions out there. Unfortunately for those on probation, that might include a return to prison. With no alternatives; they are screwed either way.

17 thoughts on “Update: Miami-Dade Encampment

  • May 11, 2018

    What a great decision by the judge not to enjoin!! This is now his fault as well. Whats his name again??

    • May 11, 2018

      Jay, You sound like you’re up to something. LOL. But this is exactly what Ron book and all of them want. The news is there. Good! I say, they all should stay And let them be forced out and have it all on National Television. Then the world can see just how wonderful Florida is.

  • May 11, 2018

    That is the sad choice that many homeless sex offenders face: go back to prison so you will at least have a roof over your head. I was in the same position last year up here in Michigan. None of the social agencies or charities would help. The only people who actually helped me were other registered sex offenders. Thank God for them. I was very close to suicide.

  • May 11, 2018

    Our liberties are once again hanging by a thread, and if you don’t believe that this bullied-threat and dehumanizing of this homeless population doesn’t concern or affect you, eventually it will; and in a big way.

    Besides looked down-on, shunned, threatened, years in an ankle monitor as if an animal, some have even been murdered in prison or at a home (due to their address publicly-listed on the Florida registry as well as personal details of their family/life)…. all from a label. Federal and state laws (as well as local city ordinances) have alluded into creating more and more laws by “protecting children”…. As it is, our cities are approaching ‘police state’ now, and to which many are still clueless to. Then, there are ‘the many years’ of continually being told where, and where not to go, while zero empathy is voiced from within the community. Have you ever consider as a parent being unable to take your child to school, to a park or playground? Or after a serious medical procedure, banned from being admitted to a nursing or rehab facility? Florida lawmakers then apply the final pressure and stomp out what little dignity might be left as death nears and Hospice Care is unattainable. Years after being deceased, you’re photo is hauntingly still displayed. Our politicians believe the vast laws from over the last couple decades (allbacked by your tax-paying dollar) will create a safer environment. Have they really?

  • May 11, 2018

    So many people forget that these are PEOPLE. They’re trapped by a situation the system has set up. Where do they go? What do they do? Homelessness or jail is hardly a choice. What a sick, sad choice.

  • May 11, 2018


    The Clamshell Alliance essentially doubled the cost of a nuclear power plant and held local government hostage in protest.

    I couldn’t ask anyone to stay put and be arrested, but an influx of homeless indigent registrants into the county jail, needing public defenders, refusing pleas, not posting bonds, demanding medical care… I don’t know how prepared Miami-Dade is for that.

  • May 11, 2018

    Ron book and Lauren book and polygraph Jenks should be voted out of office those who vote don’t or won’t. I recommend those who can vote start by voting to remove city council members to state employees. I like to thank A.L.C.U getting involved with the homeless encampment.someone has to fight for those people. I wish someone like an attorney would see the sex offenders’ registry as a hate crime it was made to increase punishment towards a group of people for the purpose of banishment furthermore it allows private citizens to use it as a tool to serve their type of justice by attacking the person convicted of a sex crime this is double jeopardy punishment twice for same offense. The S.O. Registry falls under another hate crime because of the politics that come into play The politics are afraid to be voted out of office so they make silly laws based on the public outcry from angry people because of hostile and angry and dislike feeling towards a sex offender thus these laws being made are not to protect public but to inflict the hate upon them from the public hence hate crime called the Sex offender registry If I were an Attorney this is the course of action I would take 8th and 14th Amendments

  • May 11, 2018

    But Ron Book went to his comfortable home in Miami. Now early in the morning he came into the Miami-Dade counsel chambers and Laura…a lawmaker, a group of local politicians, and a contingent of community ‘do-gooders’ came to him; and he sat down and indoctrinated them. Then the local politicians and ‘do-gooders’ brought to his a human being caught in a sex offense. And when they had adequately condemned this human being they sat ‘him/her’ in the midst. They said to him,”Master Book, this human being was convicted of a sex offense and has paid the debt called for by the law. In spite of this, now his lordship Scott, in his law commanded us that such should be ‘stoned’. But what do you say?” This they said testing Ron that they might determine the true nature of his character. But Ron refereed to a county ordinance as though nothing else mattered. They continued pestering him so he stood up and said to them,”Let he who is without sin among you throw the first stone at the ex-sex offender.” Again he acted as though he was such a righteous person. Then those who had heard it started stoning the ex-sex offender. Then Ron, the benevolent person that he is, caring for all homeless ex-sex offenders, stopped the ‘stoning’, and the ex-sex offender was left standing with 300 other ex-sex offenders awaiting their community condemnation. Ron then raised himself up and saw only a ‘human waste product’. He said to him,”Where are those upstanding, law abiding citizens who are in such fear of you? Has no one the fortitude to investigate your propensity to reoffend?” The ex-offended said,”No one Lord Book”. Ron said in return,”Neither do I care to investigate the truth, then Ron condemned the whole group of ex-offenders to the wilderness of Miami-Dade County to never again be a member of society or a participant in a family. You will wonder through south Florida without food, water, a roof over your head, and in fear of arrest for just trying to survive for the remainder of your life on earth.” Ron told the ex-offender,”You judge according to the faith and forgiveness that you have found in God; I judge according to paranoia, fear mongering, and vote getting that I can get from an ignorant public.” Now the benevolent, financier of Florida politicians, told his loyal ‘groupies’ to go home and rest in peace and safety because their ‘savior’ Ron had done the only thing he could do as a member of the Homeless Collation.
    WWJD? John 8: 1-15.

    PS I wrote this in my mind this morning when I was out on my morning walk after a good night’s sleep in a comfortable home…a privledge that nearly 300 in Miami-Dade County did not have last night. May God bless them and punish those deacons of satan who have gone totally Godless in dealing with human beings.

    • May 11, 2018


      Probably not diddle kids in the first place.

      • May 12, 2018

        smdh = not sure who you are but you need to learn some facts before you make ugly and crude comments. Why don’t you start but looking up the statistics of how many out of over a million sex offenders actually molested a child (I refuse to use your crude language) – I think you will be surprised. Also, since your are seemingly lacking in knowledge about the subject you might want to research what can land YOU (yes you) on the registry. Trust me, molesting a child is only one of a a multitude of behaviors that can land you there.

  • May 11, 2018

    This shit sickens me. What sort of un-American values to these sworn officials have and how are they allowed to flagrantly abuse American citizens on American soil this way??

    Without a way off of the registry (which is illegal to start with) this is a life time sentence and more accurately a “death sentence.”

    Leaving them open to abuse by the system and law enforcement. Leave them open to abuse and often death at the hands of vigilantes who feel full justified killing since the system has branded ALL sex offenders as evil baby rapers.

    This MUST STOP and someone with power MUST have the balls and utter humanity to step up to the plate and to do whatever it takes to right this wrong – for the love of justice and just because it is the right thing to do – Does that even matter in America any-longer?

    Find out the truth about the registry at SexOffenderTruth.com

  • May 11, 2018

    I own a particularly perfect domain name I can immediately turn into a private registry of those who arrest sex offenders.

    Give me the names, and I’ll make their lives a LIVING HELL.

    Just like I did with mugshot extortionists Charles Rodrick and Brent Oesterblad.

    Let’s DO THIS.

  • May 11, 2018

    That’s right screwed. Dead from the day put on registry. No matter how well your improve just kicked backed to the curve. The state is sick.

  • May 12, 2018

    Some Americans proudly display the country’s flag outside of their homes, and root for their soldiers going overseas. Yet they are COMPLIANT with the atrocities that are being committed on their own soil all thanks to brainless, self-serving prick Politicians! Un-Real!

    • May 13, 2018

      Consider what just happened in Syria. We bombed them because their government gassed it’s citizens in Douma. It was an act to get rid of rebels in that township.

      Same thing is happening in Miami Dade. They are wanting to get rid of the sex offender population. (One that THEY created).

      How is what is happening to sex offenders in Miami any different from Douma in Syria. It a human rights violation in both places.

  • May 14, 2018

    Ron Book likes to talk about how his daughter was molested by the nanny they hired when she was a child. So now Ronny boy wants to know where all sex offenders live.
    The funny part of his hate spewing is that he never mentions the FACT that the nanny he and his wife hired had NO PRIOR CRIMINAL CONVICTIONS. So….if someone doesn’t have any criminal record, how are we supposed to know who the next criminal will be, eh Ronny boy?

    • January 19, 2019

      Good point they said predators know their victimins put he didn’t care about that statistics thats right he doesn’t believe them he just want all offender out of fl or in prision until they can’t walk any more his words


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