Upcoming Call: NARSOL Launches New Legal Project

Date of Event: September 30, 2021

Time: 7:00 to 9:00 Eastern

NARSOL will have a two-hour conference call on September 30, beginning at 7:00 eastern time. We will be discussing NARSOL’s new relationship with Paul Dubbeling. Mr. Dubbeling is an attorney based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina who is now on retainer with NARSOL. He will be leading our reinvigorated Scarlet Legal Action Project (SLAP).

Hour 1:  We will be doing an introduction and overview of the Scarlet Legal Action Project and our priorities. Mr. Dubbeling will be joined by NARSOL’s Executive Director Brenda Jones.

Hour 2:  The first segment of this hour will be an overview of the upcoming NARSOL national conference. The remainder of the hour will be Mr. Dubbeling taking questions related to SLAP from the audience.

Sign Up

Although it is not mandatory, we ask that you sign up here so that we have an idea of how many will be attending the call. The phone number is 605 313-5169, followed by 957605#. You may call in directly with a telephone or, if you have a speaker and microphone or a headset with a mic, you may access the call through your computer by going to https://www.freeconferencecallhd.com/dialer and following the on-screen directions for inputting the number and the code.

Live Stream Option

We also are going to live stream the call on YouTube. There won’t be any video, just an audio stream, so you can try this if you’d rather not call in. You can use your Roku or Chromecast and have the call played over your TV.

Prize Contest

We plan to award at least one prize during the call. If you would like to enter the drawing, please text Contest to 747 227-4477. We will confirm that you have been entered, and you will receive a contestant number from us. The prize is one free registration to NARSOL’s 2021 Conference, which will be held in Houston. If you have already paid, you may use the prize for 2022 or you may transfer it to another person.


Keep in mind, responses provided on the program are merely intended to offer guidance and should not be construed as legal advice. We cannot cover the specifics of any individual’s situation sufficiently to know what the most prudent course of action is, so NARSOL advises all participants to consult with an attorney in their jurisdiction to determine the most prudent course of action.

11 thoughts on “Upcoming Call: NARSOL Launches New Legal Project

  • September 28, 2021

    It is our hope, Women Against Registry’s, that they file a large class-action lawsuit to help people with a variety of offense categories.

    That is a question that we have been asked for years but don’t have legal staff or donors to take on such an endeavor but NARSOL does. Awesome!

    • September 29, 2021

      {That is a question that we have been asked for years but don’t have legal staff or donors to take on such an endeavor but NARSOL does.}If anything could have been done Epstein/Cosby and a few other millionaires would have done it years ago, Their attorneys told them not to waist their money.

  • September 28, 2021

    I’m willing to be mirco-chipped like a dog instead of having to be on the Sex offender registry!! That way,,, all police officials will know where my presence is at all times!! Which, personally I don’t have anything to hide!!

    • September 29, 2021

      Yeah, but you see, that would defeat the purpose of the shaming component that the Online registry provides.

      The news and law enforcement would no longer benefit from the profitable outrage bait.

      Chips would be a form of gentrification and more humane. They would never go for that… =)

      • September 29, 2021

        Just a thought! Have any advise for someone trying to get off the registray! I believe I qualify thur my charge!

    • September 29, 2021

      Don’t give em any ideas! They are already trying to force body modifications and in some cases, such as chemical castration, they’ve had limited success. We don’t need more intrusion or violations of the Florida or US constitution.

    • September 29, 2021

      If you have a cell phone that you carry on you then you are as good as micro-chipped already.

      Having nothing to hide is not a good reason to give away your right to privacy – EVER!

  • September 29, 2021

    This 7pm, Eastern time, correct? I’m assuming it wouldn’t be at 7am but since that was not made clear, I decided to ask.

    • September 29, 2021

      Yes, 7 pm Eastern.

  • September 29, 2021

    I’m a human being not a pet or livestock to be microchip. If I’m law abiding the cops don’t need to know my every move, they need to get off their butts and solve crimes not create crime. Politicians and judges consciences needs to smacked with reality regarding the registry and the endless restrictions. Now those are slaps I can believe in.

  • September 30, 2021

    I am on this call, and let me tell you, Paul Dubbeling is so good. Congratulations, NARSOL! This will benefit all of us.


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