“Unique Identifier” revealed for Sex Offender Passports

The US Department of State issued a press release friday announcing the “unique identifier it will be using for the passports of covered sex offenders. it reads:


On February 8, 2016, Congress enacted the International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders (IML) (Public Law 114-119).

The IML prohibits the Department of State from issuing a passport to a covered sex offender without a unique identifier, and it allows for the revocation of passports previously issued to these individuals that do not contain the identifier (22 USC 212b).

The identifier is a passport endorsement, currently printed inside the back cover of the passport book, which reads: “The bearer was convicted of a sex offense against a minor, and is a covered sex offender pursuant to 22 United States Code Section 212b(c)(l).”  Since endorsements cannot be printed on passport cards, covered sex offenders cannot be issued passport cards.

Only the DHS/ICE Angel Watch Center (AWC) can certify an individual as a “covered sex offender.” Therefore, any questions by the applicant about such status must be directed to and resolved by AWC.

Applicants who have questions for AWC regarding their status or believe they have been wrongly identified as a covered sex offender as defined in Title 22 United States Code 212b(c)(1) should contact AWC at DHSintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov.

69 thoughts on ““Unique Identifier” revealed for Sex Offender Passports

  • October 30, 2017

    And if the bearer was not actually convicted…..??

    • October 30, 2017

      according to the definition, it includes, “an individual who is currently required to register under the sex offender registration program of any jurisdiction”

      • October 30, 2017

        So if youre not required to register any longer but come to florida youre screwed….. isnt that not equal protection under the constitution? Isnt the federal govt in charge of the state dept? Since when would they make exception to a blanket right solely becauae of the state you live in?

        • October 30, 2017

          The Alliance For Constitutional Sex Offense Laws, under the direction of Attorney Janice Bellucci, is contemplating “next steps” as they pertain to the International Megan’s Law.

          They posted, ““The ACSOL board of directors will conduct a meeting on November 4 to discuss this important matter,” stated Bellucci. “The board will announce the results of its meeting no later than November 6.””

          We will keep everyone apprised of what they announce and know that FAC will contribute its support to whatever action is taken.

        • October 30, 2017

          The definition reads (with emphasis added):
          34 USC 21503(f). That Section says:

          In this section, the term “sex offender” means—
          (1) a covered sex offender; or
          (2) an individual required to register under the sex offender registration program of any jurisdiction or included in the National Sex Offender Registry, on the basis of an offense against a minor.”

          • November 2, 2017

            when i re registered, i asked about this, they said if you are not required to register anymore, you would not fall under any iml travel restrictions.
            your post says any covered sex offender,or,
            previous post you say and
            so if you have a conviction but are off the state registry, would iml still apply?
            if they file for an injunction while it goes through the courts will that halt the passport requirement

          • November 3, 2017

            You re-register with the County, not the federal government. These are two separate departments. Your local SPOT unit would likely not know the details of IML.

            If you have questions about IML you should contact the Angel Watch program at DHSintermeganslaw@ice.dhs.gov

            If we file for an injunction, nothing is halted while it goes through the courts. It would only be halted if the injunction were granted.

          • August 18, 2018

            Please correct what you are implying The definition you are referring to is sex offender it is not the definition of “a Covered sex offender” Big difference. If you are no longer required to register then you will not receive an unique identifier on your passport and IML is moot.

          • August 19, 2018

            Not sure you are correct…
            Under the IML, “the term ‘covered sex offender’ means an individual who—(A) is a sex offender, as defined in section 16935b(f) of Title 42; and (B) is currently required to register under the sex offender registration program of any jurisdiction.” 22 U.S.C. § 212b(c)(1). 42 U.S.C. § 16935b(f) was transferred to 34 U.S.C. § 21503, which incorporates the IML’s definitions, codified at 34 U.S.C. § 21502, which further defines the term “covered sex offender” as “an individual who is a sex offender by reason of having been convicted of a sex offense against a minor.” 34 U.S.C. § 21502(3). “The term ‘sex offense against a minor’ means a specified offense against a minor, as defined in section 111 of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (42 U.S.C. 16911).” Id. at 21502(10)(A).

          • August 20, 2018

            I think you need to re read the part that says (3) Covered sex offender
            Except as otherwise provided

            Why would they even add the part and is required to register?
            What you are implying makes no sense at all.

          • August 21, 2018

            Debo – you need to read the codified IML: https://www.smart.gov/pdfs/resources/International%20Megan%27s%20Law-As%20Codified.pdf

            Covered sex offender. Except as otherwise provided, the term “covered sex offender” means an individual who is a sex offender by reason of having been convicted of a sex offense against a minor.

            (The term “convicted” has the meaning given the term in section 111 of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (42 U.S.C. 16911))

          • August 20, 2018

            Statement by the Press Secretary on H.R. 515, H.R. 4188, S. 2152

            On Monday, February 08, 2016, the President signed into law:

            H.R. 515, the “International Megan’s Law to Prevent Child Exploitation and Other Sexual Crimes Through Advanced Notification of Traveling Sex Offenders,” which (1) authorizes the Department of Homeland Security’s Angel Watch Center and the Department of Justice’s National Sex Offender Targeting Center to send and receive notifications to or from foreign countries regarding international travel by registered sex offenders; and (2) requires the Department of State to include unique identifiers on passports issued to registered sex offenders;

          • August 21, 2018

            I don’t need to read anything you need to stop posting false info One there is no place for a person to comply with IML if they are not on a registry and two in multiple place it states a person needs to bye on a registry to receive an identifier and 3 Show me one person who is not a registered sex offender that has an identifier you can’t because there is none

  • October 30, 2017

    So what is a “covered” S.O.? What does that mean? Does it only apply to those with a federal sex offense, or includes those with a state offense? And let’s say, I wanna go on a cruise to the Caribbean. Can I not go on a cruise anymore???? F**K MY LIFE.

    • October 30, 2017

      It is for state offenders too. ANY JURISDICTION.
      (1) the term “covered sex offender” means an individual who—
      (A) is a sex offender, as defined in section 21503(f) of title 34; and
      (B) is currently required to register under the sex offender registration program of any jurisdiction;

  • October 30, 2017

    Ok at a loss. So its only on there for as long as im on a registry? I should be off my homestate in three years although should have been 10 years ago. Went to florida now we know how that goes for life now. How does that affect me? How is that fair that a federal asset is at the hands of multiple state policy? If we go by the federal requirement i should be off by now as well.

    • October 30, 2017

      This only goes by the Federal Requirement.

      • October 30, 2017

        So because of florida id be done and not be registered but since im on that list for life im done for. How is that fair?

        • November 2, 2017

          It’s not fair. How old are you? Life is not fair and the government doesn’t exist for your benefit – only their own.

          Sorry but you need to shift your viewpoint.

          You are no longer considered a citizen with equal rights. You have been but into the American version of the “untouchables” and you are considered a sub-American. You are allowed to exist BUT you do not have equal or even the same rights as other Americans.

          They have shown you this power with the bastardization of your travel documents – They own you!

  • October 30, 2017

    At least it’s not a big red S on the picture page or cover. Could be worse but it’s still a terrible and misguided law.

    • November 2, 2017

      Not really…it renders the document just as useless. The Nazis printed a nice big “J” within the passport of the Jews in Germany.

      Just because it’s not on the cover is meaningless and just as insidious and ultimately evil.

      Thank you United States government. I am no longer PROUD to be an American. I am ONLY an American because my mother give birth to me here. It was not my choice.

      The government can classify and label me anyway they want. I know who I am and I am NOT an American by choice.

  • October 30, 2017

    “The bearer was convicted of a sex offense against a minor, and is a covered sex offender pursuant to 22 United States Code Section 212b(c)(l).”

    Geez!, that’s almost a paragraph for such a little book. Is all that wording really necessary ? They could of just put ” U.S. code section 212b(c)(I) ” very small in some lower corner of the back and be done with . . . this is so stupid and does nothing other than humiliate the person with his family, friends and significant others when traveling. Ridiculous!…and for what ? For politicians to look good and soccer parents to “feel” safe from fantasy dangers. Lets hinder the annual family travel plans of 800,000 + Americans and their families. Great job! Keep this up and soon the entire country won’t be traveling anywhere. Lets see how major airlines and those power players in the travel and tourism industry feel about that when their profits decrease in years to come because of stupidity like this.

  • October 30, 2017

    I know this is federal. But I see you can’t even apply for the passport card because it will be denied once they find out you are a SO. Since they have no markings on the passport card. How ridiculous is that !!! Once again my son was caught up on a sting operation just like so many are affected. And never had contact with a victim. What can we do??

    • October 30, 2017

      He can still apply for a passport – just not a passport card.

      • October 31, 2017

        I paid extra for the passport card.

        Better be some refunding if they are going to be demanding it back.

  • October 30, 2017

    Thank you Obama!

    So would someone who was convicted (non-adjudicated) by the state of florida for 1 count of possession (not production) of cp be covered by this ruling?

    • October 30, 2017

      Here is who is covered:
      (A) is a sex offender, as defined in section 21503(f) of title 34; and
      (B) is currently required to register under the sex offender registration program of any jurisdiction;

      • October 31, 2017

        I tried to make sense of the IML and failed miserably. Does this apply to all RSO’s or only those whose crimes involved a minor?

        We all know what eventually happened to the Nazis. The constant subversion of the Constitution must not stand.

        • October 31, 2017

          Only minor -according to what it states. But we are not a law firm and cannot provide legal opinions or advise. Suggest you contact the Angel Watch program at the information in the post. Anyone who has information is encouraged to share it.

          • October 31, 2017

            Thanks very much for the response. Due to renew passport in two years, so I guess I’ll find out.

          • November 2, 2017

            In 2 years you might well already be “chipped” or in a concentration camp. Be real…did you not read the part about them revoking passports. That will be done well before your 2 year time frame!

            Wake up!

          • November 2, 2017


            I’m plenty of “wake up” there sport. 26 years under this piece of shit legislation’ll do that to you.

            Try channeling some of that unsolicited negativity towards making a change and spend a little less of it pointing out to others how screwed they are. I’m sure your not the only one who understands just how f**ked up the USSA is. Question is, what are you, or any of the rest of us going to do about it beside sit around and bitch/point out to others how f**ked they are for the rest of their lives?

            By the way, the Jews didn’t do shit. They were innocent victims. Are you similarly situated? Unless you didn’t commit a qualifying crime, the whole Nazi Germany thing doesn’t ring true. Unconstitutional? You bet. Nazis? Not even close.

            Nonetheless, thanks for the great feedback. Best wishes to you and yours.

          • November 2, 2017

            You make a very valid point DW.
            Rethinking our latest post.

          • November 2, 2017

            I am sorry that you took offense to my reply to your post. I was simply stunned about your statement about waiting 2 years because you most certainly will NOT have to wait. They will let you know if you need to turn in your current passport LONG before your renewal…and by that time who knows what else will happen (but it will not be good I can predict that with some certainty).

            And to your comment about me equating myself to Jews. I in fact, am innocent of the charge. I never said in a court I was guilty, I never said in my “therapy sessions” that I was guilty. In fact, when I was attended my very first group session I refused to admit guilt since I had never done so and never will. The “therapist” accused me of lying and said she would violate my probation if I did not admit it at the next weekly session!

            I contacted my lawyer who arranged a private therapist and after 4 months I was declared finished with the therapy, to which my probation officer said that she had never had anyone complete sex offender therapy so quickly. Why, because the therapist (even though he had monetary motivation to keep seeing me for the next 2 1/2 years) realized I was in fact, telling him the truth, that I was innocent. So yes, I feel unfairly persecuted and rightfully so. You are also being treated unfairly!

            What I am doing to combat this unjust evil we face? Besides being active on boards dealing with this issue, and offering to be a part of any and ALL legal actions, I have a website called SexOffenderTruth which I have started to do my part in educating the public about the unfair treatment we face and also the fact that they (the general public) is being manipulated with lies about sex offenders.

            Again, this is a very emotional issue…especially with latest blow and I apologize if you felt I was attacking you as we are all in this mess together and we must fight together to get out of it!


          • November 3, 2017


            You have my humble apologies. Your comment was powerful and profound. Many are frustrated with this constitutional abomination, and sometimes that is reflected in our posts.

            I would not wish the registry on my worst enemy, let alone an innocent man. For insinuating that you are, I offer my sincerest apology.

            Therein lies the problem. I played right into the politician’s fear-mongering/pandering hands by making assumptions. Forgive me.

            Yours is the perfect example of why this so-called civil obligation must be done away with.

            Whenever an innocent person is utterly disenfranchised with the blessings of government, we have already sacrificed the founding father’s idea of “unalienable rights” and don’t deserve to call ourselves a constitutional republic.

            Even when a guilty person is disenfranchised long after paying their debt to society, this nation has lost respect for and ignored its own so-called “rule of law.”

            Again, my humble apologies, and we will most definitely fight this battle together. God bless you and yours.

  • October 30, 2017

    This is like being in NAZI Germany!

    • October 30, 2017

      You can thank that champion of social justice Obama for signing this into law as one of the last things he managed to screw up prior to leaving his 8 year run of terror.

      Thank you Mr. Obama

      • October 30, 2017

        Yea, Obama has regularly referred to himself as “a constitutional law professor,” he did so most famously at a March 30, 2007, fundraiser when he said, “I was a constitutional law professor, which means unlike the current president I actually respect the Constitution.” …. Pffff !!!. Years later, he signs this unconstitutional crap into law.

      • October 31, 2017

        Do you really think Trump or any other president wouldn’t have signed this bill?

        Thank your congressman

        • November 2, 2017

          No I could expect Obama to do something different as a show of what he stood for…he showed us what he stood for alright.

          Just a corporate whore like any other president.

    • October 31, 2017

      Yes it is! We are one of the only countries since Nazi Germany that I am aware of, that have placed that kind of identifier on a passport. Same concept as was used by the Gestapo. Makes me wonder what the underlying purpose is, and what is next. Concentration camps?

      • November 2, 2017

        They already have those in the form of civil commitment…

  • October 30, 2017

    So this wonderful news I just renewed my passport and got a passport card to use instead of my drivers license in business transactions
    Does this mean they will
    Want me to return it ?

    • October 30, 2017

      They will likely send you a letter informing you of its revocation and requesting you apply for a new passport.

      • October 30, 2017

        And no doubt pay for a new one??

        That wouldn’t surprise me either.

        Money grab.

        • October 30, 2017

          Why would you want to pay for a worthless document that you essentially can NOT travel with and brands you a child molester?

          No thank you, they can keep it. I wonder how if that wall they are building is to keep illegals out or to keep us in…

          This should be an outrage but of course it will get zero coverage and of that I am sure it will all be praise!

  • October 30, 2017

    I wonder if this has anything to do with Notifications? Maybe its easier for them to just Brand your status and avoid the hassle and future legal challenges of Travel notices? I would think a argument/Action/Defense could be made that both are not needed and redundant! Just a thought…..

  • October 30, 2017

    I inderstand that but how is it fair that in four states its for life. I was from ny and done with the registration but since i went to florida im back on and for life!!! So just because I touched the state for three days i get this and the other 44 states have a chance to not have this.

    • October 30, 2017

      Attorney Ron Kleiner is organizing a lawsuit to challenge this absurd rule.
      over half of the 70K people on Florida’s registry are NOT in the community.

      • October 31, 2017

        And how can they say the bearer is convicted if the bearer is in fact NOT convicted??

        How is that even right??

        • October 8, 2018

          My State (NC) states that the Registry is not intended to be “Punitiv”, but Because I indiscriminately Downloaded porn in which some pictures were deemed of an underaged nature, I wear the Scarlet Letter of Sexual Exploitation of a minor. 1. No real or physical contact ever. 2. No intent or desire to make contact. 3. After a lot of tests judgement served that I am so low a threat that I could continue to reside with my own biological children and with my current step son. Yet a passport would have printed a vague message that tells the world that I actually did something to a child.
          It bothers me that it continues to pressure RSOs to have to admit to, and accept wording about them that has nothing to do with there actual crime.
          Hey an illegal drug manufacturer / dealer who’s drugs affected or even caused damage to a child can be punished, do his time, released, and in time reintegrate back into society. But not and RSO. It needs to change with true education of the public and pressure for change / better definition within the legal system.

  • October 30, 2017

    Just renewed mine and it has nothing in it. If they cancel it I won’t bother, especially if they want to get paid again. Hell they ought to refund the cost. It doesn’t matter who’s prez they are all just self serving scum who use other human beings for their own political capital.

  • October 30, 2017

    os if iam a rso in florida and I move to some other state and removed off the register does that mean I will not
    have to register on the national sex offender registry
    and my past port will not show my past rso?.

    • October 31, 2017

      That is not correct.
      If you have questions, you should contact the Angel Watch center – the contact information is in the post. Please share their response here.

  • October 31, 2017

    Wasn’t there an appeal of some sort against the IML last year? What happened to that and can anything be done to rule IML illegal?

    • October 31, 2017

      It was dismissed.
      There will be another challenge brought.

    • October 31, 2017

      Because its purpose is to shame and punish, not inform and protect.

    • November 1, 2017

      If I recall, the judge wouldn’t hear the case because the litigants hadn’t been affected by the stamp yet and therefore lacked standing. Now that it’s being implemented and people will be affected a new suit will be brought with standing.

  • October 31, 2017

    The IML mark is interesting because not all registered citizen are convicted and not all crimes are against a minor. It will be interesting to see if the federal government makes that distinction.

    • November 6, 2017

      Yes Karen I was thinking the same thing. So rapist and other sexual crimes against adults are not covered. It is just bull crap. My charge is attempted and there was no victim and those pieces of info always gets lost.

  • October 31, 2017

    why not put this info in the magnetic strip

    • October 31, 2017

      With all that is happening first the Florida drivers license and now this there must be to many of us offenders doing everything correctly. Great job travel around the state on vacations obey the laws.
      We must be ruining the status quo of what our government wants our society to believe

    • October 31, 2017

      2 reasins not to put this info on the magnetic strip. 1 every country may not have the capability of reading it I’m thinking 3rd world countries 2 it doesn’t humiliate you enough. It’s not enough unless every hotel clerk or car rental agent or bank you deal with while abroad thinks your a monster

  • October 31, 2017

    So basically we are prisoners in our own country but the U.S. has the nerve to point out other countries civil rights abuses.

  • November 1, 2017

    Please stop with the partisan crap – ALL politicians are responsible for ALL of this absurdity. From the very beginning they are all continuing to operate under false information including SCOTUS. THEY are all responsible. Obama did not create RSO laws. People in jobs like the presidency have to rely on those around them. They do not have time to research everything – therefore, when you have the justice department and SCOTUS telling you this is needed and why you believe them. I cannot tell you how many times in my lifetime I have heard a politician change their mind about something AFTER they were out of public service and had a chance to review facts from the outside.

  • November 2, 2017


    I’m guilty of using the Nazi analogy in times of frustration myself. It feels like that at times.

    Many Germans in that horrible era were duped into the idea that Jewish folks posed some horrible danger to their society. In the sense that a despicable, self-serving pile of politicians used fear-mongering, hatred and false propaganda to target a specific group is similar to what the United States has done to RSO’s.

    I’m guilty of the Nazi vent too. It feels like that at times. I did not mean to demean FAC for their valiant efforts to restore our constitutional rights. Just calling myself and Lee out on our negative B.S. quite frankly.

    Truth is, whenever a nation uses fear and loathing to disenfranchise any particular group, it’s not far off from some of history’s most heinous regimes.

    Truth be told, if some of the political hacks and judges actions to this point are any indication of what they are capable of, no amount of cruelty would surprise me. Keep telling the truth. God knows someone has to.

  • November 3, 2017

    It’s my understanding that they can still indefinitely mark your passport even if you are no longer required to register. The only provision made is if someone with the same name was mistakenly put on the Angel Watch watch list.

  • March 13, 2019

    What about the state of KY? It is against a minor, but I don’t know where to look for the info.

  • May 28, 2021

    725964 248443Hmm, I never thought about it that way. I do see your point but I think many will disagree 141500


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