UN Petition and Ex Post Facto Update

Weekly Update for July 25, 2023

Dear Members and Advocates,


Florida Action Committee (FAC) is the Florida state affiliate for the National Association for Rational Sex Offense Laws (NARSOL).  FAC was well represented at the NARSOL conference in Houston last month and plans are underway to make it feasible for more FAC members to attend the 2024 conference next year in Atlanta.  During the Houston conference, our Petition to Declare Public Sex Offender Registration in the United States a Violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) was shared with other affiliates from around the nation.


Our team carried around a flyer of the petition with the QR code and asked everyone they encountered to sign it with a simple click on the QR code.  Affiliates were asked to take copies of the flyer back to the state groups.  As a result, we have reached 6,000 signatures to-date, and our next goal is to reach 7,500 signatures.  You can help by printing the FLYER and sharing it with friends and family.  With every signature,  it is one more person acknowledging that the Registry is punishment.


The FAC Board of Directors is expanding, adding three new Directors to dedicate more efforts on managing the growing membership team, delivering advocacy training statewide, and strengthening nationwide alliances with agencies, affiliates, and organizations that share common ground.  We are currently seeking directors skilled in research, social media, and fundraising.  Interested candidates can send their bio to info@floridaactioncommittee.org.


On the legal front, oral arguments for Motion Summary Judgement on the Ex Post Facto II case were heard last month and we are awaiting the judge’s opinion.  Trial date originally scheduled for 7/17/2023 was postponed.  We should have more information on the both Ex Post Facto cases next week.


Finally, mark your calendar for the Monthly Membership call on Thu August 3 when we will be discussing the FDLE Cyber Communications system and plans for proposed legislation to allow for more online reporting and less in-person reporting.


There is strength in numbers so make yourself count!  Get involved and join us at a local meet and greet.



The Florida Action Committee (FAC)

8 thoughts on “UN Petition and Ex Post Facto Update

  • July 28, 2023

    Is it true that 99.3% of all Sexual crime convictions in the USA since 2012 were committed by NON REGISTRIES ?

    • July 28, 2023


      I personally would not be using that data because then some law maker, Sheriff or someone can twist that into saying, “See, the registry works and once we let them off, they will go right to offending”. Their logic, not mine.
      Just like a border wall will not keep people from coming into the United states, putting us on a punitive registry does stop us from offending because someone who is Hell bent on doing so, is going to do so. Registries harm the registrant and their families as acts of violence or crime has been committed against us by others who wish harm on us.

      • July 28, 2023

        Data is only as good as the people who enter it into the system. It is why I don’t believe in stats and or their data. The deck is so stacked against us they would never give real data stats unless it was for them.

      • July 28, 2023


        I found that the best way to explain it as that recidivism rates haven’t changed since Megan’s Law was enacted. The usual response to that is disbelief, rather than a bare, unsupported remark about how the registry “works.”

        • July 28, 2023

          Dustin and @CJ When the Megans law was created the recidivism rate was 27% the numbers where different to use that figure. This was given out by New Jersey head of ADTC ( Modern Aushwitz ) Just think that was when there were 1172 placed on the registry. Now we are a million strong. 27% is a whole lot more today then back then. 316 vs 270,000. I don’t know for sure but it sounds more like the 316 number still. They don’t care about these numbers because you do it again in Flordaa your going away for a long long long time an will more then likely never get out.

        • July 29, 2023

          Another fact to prove registries do not work is to compare the rates of registrants re-offending in states with strict residency requirements to those with no residency requirements. With no differences than the residency requirements only serve as punishment.

    • July 28, 2023

      That would be nice to have them as real stats for sure but I’m thinking that’s not right. Just from the news I’ve seen more then a few get toasted by entrapment’s so the.7% is pretty low.

  • July 28, 2023

    As someone who is on the registry over an entrapment case, I can tell you that people won’t give a s***. They judge everyone as the same and one truth about this country is that people need to feel Superior above others. That’s the cold harsh reality. I’m going to hope for the best, but there is too much corruption.


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