UK’s DailyMail got it so wrong!

We don’t know where to begin. A story in the UK’s Daily Mail ( about clusters of housing in California that house persons forced to register, which they call “Pedophile Dens”, paints a grievously unjust picture of the situation.

From referring to the people forced to register as “Pedophiles” (which is a clinical diagnosis that most registrants DO NOT have), to suggesting the living arrangement is dangerous to the community (without citing any statistics that these areas have higher instances of sexual crimes), to claiming the residents share child pornography (it’s pretty harsh to accuse people of committing crimes without any proof that is taking place), the story is just a disgusting piece of journalism.

Please share your comments on the actual page. We hope our friends in California will speak out against this.

38 thoughts on “UK’s DailyMail got it so wrong!

  • December 22, 2022

    The U.K needs to mind their own business and focus on their own issues.

    • December 22, 2022



    • December 22, 2022

      Daily Mail is America’s version of TMZ. Just think National Enquirer, but lower.

    • December 22, 2022

      You got that right! This doesn’t affect them in any way. It’s clickbait. Disgusting journalism!!

  • December 22, 2022

    The Daily Mail is a tabloid. Nothing I have ever read from them is credible.

  • December 22, 2022

    I made a comment on the article, encourage others to do the same .

  • December 22, 2022

    Also we needs comments with better statistics because the one they have are all wrong, especially when it comes to reoffense rates.

  • December 22, 2022

    For a country older and supposedly more refined, the UK is backwards AF when it comes to grouping people.

  • December 22, 2022

    I am thinking of posting the following, once I set up a Daily Mail username and divulge my city and state for all to see:

    Notice that not one of the offenders mentioned in this story— not even one!— are alleged to have ever preyed on their neighbors or trespassed on school grounds. If someone had, I’m sure Daily Mail reporters would have mentioned it. But instead, the whole story is about what people feel COULD happen. And anyone who’s been a victim of sexual predation will tell you, being neighbors with a known convicted criminal is not at all what caused them to be victimized.

  • December 22, 2022

    The Daily Mail is slightly less credible than the National Enquirer. It is by no means a legitimate news source. They will print whatever will sell.

    • December 22, 2022

      P.S. Even more disturbing than the paper’s horrible reporting is the blatant disinformation from the deputy and the former DA.

      “‘That’s a big deal,’ said Nate Seger, President of the Sacramento County Deputy Sheriff’s Association.”

      ‘These guys and gals have addictions, and to put them anywhere near a temptation is not serving them and it’s not serving the kids.’

      ‘It’s terrifying. Your numbers truly, truly frighten me,’ said former Deputy District Attorney Sam Dordulian, who prosecuted sex crimes in the LA DA’s office.

      ‘If they’re all congregating with each other, it’s just creating the environment for more of these crimes to occur.

      ‘Even if they’re trying to stay clean, they’re in an environment where they’re around other pedophiles. They’re gonna be talking about children, having child porn available. And it’s just creating a situation where you’re almost sure there’s going to be another offense.’

      • December 22, 2022

        Gosh, that sounds almost like… Gasp the same thing that is said about prisons. It even sounds a bit like politicizing a subject one has little knowledge of beyond Prosecuting.

        /S off

        I read some of these quotes in an uppity British accent, and then followed it with the remark “filthy peasants!”

  • December 22, 2022

    This is another reason the registry must be eliminated. People in other countries understand the registry even less than the uninformed in this country. They read the numbers of so called sex offenders published by news media and the false assumptions they draw . What else are they to assume but come to the conclusion of this writer. The term sex offender is false to begin with so it portrays a group of bogie people that doesn’t exist. How is someone in another country supposed to know any different.

  • December 22, 2022

    That’s all the media does these days. They use scare mongering trigger words like “pedo den” because it has been normalized with RSO and Epstein – which the public loathes.

    They only do this because it works to sell ads and drive clicks. Just goes to show how immature and insecure society is! It’s easy to duped the masses with safety and fear mongering propaganda because it works nice times out of ten.

    it’s all.. OUTRAGE BAIT for profit!

    • December 22, 2022


      AND, it is dangerous as well. They state false claims that could cause an uprise in that area and end up with registered citizens dead from vigilantes. We have seen stories here on F.A.C in the past of that very thing happening when false information is spread.

  • December 22, 2022

    Almost sounds like a Murdoch publication.

  • December 22, 2022

    Tempted to just ignore it. Fact is the Daily Mail is the UK’s version of the National Enquirer; nothing more than a clickbait rag not to be taken too seriously.

    Nonetheless, I did leave a comment specifically challenging them to learn what a pedophile is and to report the number of sex crimes committed by those registrants living in those neighborhoods since moving there.

  • December 22, 2022

    The Daily Mail is a tabloid. They’re straight trash. They need to stay in their lane and stick to celebrity BS.

  • December 22, 2022

    I live in Sacramento.
    The Sheriff was on the radio this morning hyping up this story. The sheriff has done his constituency a dis-service spreading this false fear to the citizens.
    If not for my living arrangements, I would be homeless.
    I would not be surprised if public support for the sheriff’s statement of “These pedophiles need to go back to prison” land some persons required to register into homelessness and/or God forbid thrown back into incarceration for a mispreceived crime that could have happened in the minds falsely frightened constituents.
    Ex Post Facto applies to all citizens unless (sex) was involved in your crime and then it’s just open season I guess. 😶

  • December 22, 2022

    This is a UK publication which can’t publish UK sex offender names like they did for the US. Also England has RIGHTS when it comes to renting apartments. You can’t just throw someone on the streets because they are on a sex offender registry. They don’t have residency restrictions or a public registry. They also have the opportunity to get off a registry at 15 years and generally are let off if they have no issues.

    It is a lot harder to fear monger using the UK registry and very easy to use the US registry.

  • December 22, 2022

    If you fear them congregating, imagine if they formed statewide associations to push for change.

    • December 23, 2022


      Just spit my coffee all over the keyboard. You owe me $20 HAHA

  • December 22, 2022

    Some research has been shared, but they really limit us in the number of characters we can use. Otherwise a lot more could have been shared.

    So far, no comments have been posted, and all appear to we awaiting moderation.

    • December 23, 2022

      We should share the below with their editor.

      What was that great quote by Jack Nicholson?

      “You can’t handle the truth”.

      I have learned more about life while on the registry than all my other years combined. Two of those things is that everything is not what it seems and there is more going on in the World than we can fathom.

      • December 23, 2022

        Had a nice sound to it and yes you are right one never stops learning. Yet who is being taken advantage of with this registry. Yet a change is going to come and many governments will see the error of their ways with many of these sex registry issues.

  • December 22, 2022


    I post this comment and also did a formal factual Inaccuracy report to the Daily mail.

    I know journalism is worse every day but this piece is way wrong. First you call them (Pedo Den). Question is, do you have the medical diagnostic from all those offenders? Second why do you accuse them of watching porn and talking about kids? Do you have proof? And third…. Do you know that not all sex offenders are predators and that not all offenders have victims or underage victims?? Please I invite you to do better journalism.

  • December 22, 2022

    UK sounds like a Rhoda Berret Gossip tabloid of garbage in a superlative forum. Are we all in a Blind forum of paradox justice, where is the equal justice for America today. Hey I’m sure we all learned not to believe everything on the internet
    Hey we all have views from Dereks views, Cherokee’s views, David’s even with some of his emotional face buttons’ and yet me and Cherokee do give at times biblical views, nothing wrong with that is there where is truth and fairness and equal rights today. its not in some tabloid or enquirer magazine.
    Sure much of this registry can be about safety but its as abusive to those that are being conned out of their liberty and justice for all. Seems all of this registry is prepackages with the famous ‘Plea deal” scenario….. than their is the labeling. So how prepackaged can it get or should some ethics come into play in government. Is the sex registry the next headline.. The Great American Justice Scandal of the Computer Age which I’m sure is a human rights story in and of itself in this paradox of justice.

    • December 23, 2022


      I get a Nickle every time you mention my name LOL
      Merry Christmas (Or whatever you celebrate) to you and your family.

  • December 22, 2022

    I saw a comment elsewhere that someone opined that we shouldn’t make a fuss about this article because it was a UK gossip rag. But then Fox News picked up the article and ran with it.

    This is one of THE WORST articles I’ve read in the entire time I’ve been an activist, and I’ve been around reading this stuff since 2004.

    The ONLY use this article is using the quotes from Robin Sax and the other persecutors as proof the registry IS nothing but a propaganda tool. The prosecutors in this article made some of the dumbest quotes ever.

    No surprise but the reporter was nominated for a Shiitake Award.

  • December 22, 2022

    Daily Mail is saying: “No comments have so far been submitted. Why not be the first to send us your thoughts, or debate this issue live on our message boards.”

    What is going on? Comments have been made.

    • December 23, 2022

      No no
      you got it all wrong, You see, what they mean is “No comments that we want to post have been submitted yet”. See I speak British so I just needed to translate for them LOL

    • December 23, 2022

      I first saw this article on the DailyMail feed and there were no comments a few days ago. Then I noticed it seemed to fall off their feed in the same day. Then I see FAC pick up on the article, but it still was not in their feed any longer. And now several days out still no comments. Which of course means they are choosing not to post them. But odd how little time it also spent in their news feed.

      I listened to a person speak who had given testimony on capital hill, of course on a different subject matter, and they were frustrated because they said they keep bringing up the issue but nothing ever changes or gets done. He continued on to say he asked someone (who works on capital hill, don’t recall the exact position, maybe a staffer) about this and they told him the best way to get any action/attention is if it is something the two parties disagree on because it is just about going against the other party. I just thought that was an interesting comment. And I think we can see how that does seem to play out in many ways.

      • December 23, 2022

        Sad. What happened to integrity?

        • December 23, 2022

          If the article spent minimal time on their news feed, then that is a GOOD thing, right?

          Daily Mail has never really had integrity. But they’ve always had an audience.

          Right now I am trying to resist the temptation to read too much into the fact that they have not posted any comments, pro or con. Could be any of a number of reasons, but at the end of the day I guess it’s their site.

  • December 23, 2022

    Has anyone tried to do any research into the background of this Nate Seeger? And what is a President of the Sacramento Co. Deputy Sheriffs Ass. What gives him the right to even speak in behalf of the City on this subject. Without his comments this article would not have been written. Sounds like he is move up the ladder wanna be. Making thought process assumptions as to what people are thinking and planning . Who does he think he is Jesus. This guy needs to be brought back to planet earth.
    Sounds like the same thing the prosecutor did when I was convicted in 1997. He kept going on about he probably did this , he probably thought this, he probably will do this if he’s not stopped, he could do this . Absolutely no fact, no evidence, no proof of anything . Only hearsay and imagination. The judge ate it up like a plate of chocolate chip cookies for someone coming off of a marijuana high.

  • December 23, 2022

    They’ve only posted one comment. Of course it’s an affirmation of the article.

    • December 26, 2022

      The DailyMail is clearly opposed to freedom of speech and the truth as they have censored all comments that are based on research.


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