U Washington students defend themselves from potential sex offender threat following assaults near campus

Students at the University of Washington are sounding the alarm on the handful of registered sex offenders who live near the Seattle campus, which has recently been plagued by crime [FAC NOTE: THE REGISTRANTS HAVE NOT BEEN IMPLICATED IN ANY OF THE CRIMES]

The University District of Seattle, which surrounds UW’s campus, has seen repeated instances of crime in recent weeks, including a shooting that left four students injured outside a bar; a student who was assaulted and threatened at gunpoint in her own home; and the arrest of a man accused of murdering a woman near campus and sexually violating her remains.[FAC NOTE: THE REGISTRANTS HAVE NOT BEEN IMPLICATED IN ANY OF THE CRIMES]

There are 10 registered sex offenders living on one off-campus street alone – a street that is also home to Greek life housing and other students, the outlet reported. The convictions for the sex offenders include rape and sexual battery, as well as child molestation and child pornography. Of those sex offenders, some have multiple convictions.[FAC NOTE: AGAIN, THESE 10 REGISTRANTS HAVE NOT BEEN IMPLICATED IN ANY OF THE CRIMES, WHY ARE YOU CALLING THEM OUT?]


4 thoughts on “U Washington students defend themselves from potential sex offender threat following assaults near campus

  • October 13, 2022

    There are two groups of young men, women too but focus on men, that are prone to alcohol fueled bad decisions. One is military, the other are college students and even more so fraternity guys. Easy to get a group together, get hammered, and go pick fights. I’ve been both so I can say from experience. I think my general statement is just as bad as what they said in the story. So what’s going to start some drunk frat bros from going door to door and attempting to assault registrants. If that were happen I hope the victim was sue the heck out of the publisher, and writer of this article.

  • October 13, 2022

    Two students. TWO students expressed concern over nearby registrants, according to the body of the article.

    But most UW students apparently have no opinion. No students have organized or mobilized against registrants in significant numbers. If they had, the news outlet would have been sure to tell you. Instead, they apparently conducted a search and constructed a narrative.

    And despite the apparent high number of offenders in the area, the outlet did not obtain a statement from even one of these individuals.

  • October 13, 2022

    This is EXACTLY why I don’t watch Fox News!!
    They are ‘Shock Chefs’, like other media sources, but they go to more extremes by adding ‘more spice’ to recipe.
    The violence had nothing to do with sex offenses at all, but in order to make the story ‘spicier’ and ‘scarily delicious’ they added Registered sex offenders into the recipe and out comes a tasty media morsel fit for public consumption.

  • October 14, 2022

    Add this to the “Punitive List”: Shamed in the media for crimes that they had nothing to do with and blamed by community for any surges in crime. All because the government has put you on a list.


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