U.S. Senator Joni Ernst introduced a bill that blocks sex offenders from immigrating to the United States, and deports those convicted of sexual offenses.
U.S. Senator Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, introduced a bill on Wednesday that blocks sex offenders from immigrating to the United States, and deports those convicted of sexual offenses.
The “BE GONE” Act, or the Better Enforcement of Grievous Offenses by un-Naturalized Emigrants Act – that would make “sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence” a disqualifying act for those seeking to immigrate to the U.S.—such as those given the temporary status of “humanitarian parole.”
The bill also gives law enforcement the ability to deport those convicted of violent sex crimes or sexual assault and those trying to immigrate. Specifically, it would amend the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 to include sexual assault and other forms of aggravated sexual violence as a disqualifying crime for foreign applicants for residence in the United States and deportable for non-citizen resident immigrants.
she is Ignorant trying to make some kind of a name for her to look good at election time, what she suggest is already Protocal and deportation
of these ppl can only be done if they hold a green card on this side of the creek and during the immigration process here, it is Up to USCIS to get police clearences from the person imigrating here
and still its solely up to the discression of USCIS to deport anyone.
try again Joni!
Well Experienced after I read it I feel the same as you…..you got the right #….BINGO!!
Too bad she doesn’t want to exclude murderers, drug dealers, armed robbers, armed car jackers, armed home invaders, and other miscellaneous ‘riff-raff’.
— also, the men in other countries who are allowed to beat their wives in public and who punish a woman because a man decides to rape her. These men would not be stopped by Ernst’s bill, nor the males who commit all sorts of acts in their country that would be considered a sex crime in the U. S. but not in their country. All of these people would be welcomed by Ernst.
Aren’t convicted felons ALREADY blocked/deported? Is this just symbolic legislation?
no they are not blocked. if they have past domestic Violence in there criminal record then they would be made to take a risk assessment test.
Convicted sex offenders and people with a no conviction due to adjucation are already barred under INA § 212(S
Joni- IOWA (Idiots Out Wanting Attention) ( from Iowa origionally)
If they are so big on getting rid of people with sex charges, I would gladly volunteer too move to the EU. Thanks.
Count me too.
The noose never gets looser.
I doubt they put as much thought into that bill as they did into the acronym, “Be Gone.” It seems they create an acronym first, then the legislation to match the acronym. Wastes so much time and taxpayer dollars.