U.S. Marshals and local law enforcement sting sex offenders in Lane County

EUGENE, Ore. — United States Marshals and local law enforcement joined forces over the last few months to target hundreds of registered sex offenders in Lane County and make sure they were complying with sex offense laws and registration requirements.

The U.S. Marshals Service said marshals from the District of Oregon teamed up with the Coburg Police Department, Lane County Parole and Probation, Eugene Police Department and Oregon State Police to carry out an operation intended to keep sex offenders accountable. Officials said the operation, called Oregon Nights 2, was a continuation of a 2018 operation called Operation Oregon Nights.

Authorities said Oregon Nights 2 targeted registered sex offenders in Lane County from April 1 through June 30. One evening per week, investigators from local and federal law enforcement agencies would focus on finding non-compliant sex offenders and making sure higher-risk sex offenders were complying with laws and registration requirements.


11 thoughts on “U.S. Marshals and local law enforcement sting sex offenders in Lane County

  • July 14, 2022

    I have a couple observations
    1. Take notice they did not say anything about any arrests , we all know they are BIG about touting the arrest numbers even if they are low. To me that says they didn’t get ANY.
    2. By there own admission they TARGETED so’s. How can they not see it as punitive or as punshment They don’t target people convinced of DUI why ? You run the tag it comes back as a previous DUI conviction you pull them just to check maybe they are on their first drink and not showing signs yet. To me that would be more protective of the people then checking to see if we remembered to add a car that we don’t even drive just because its in our yard. Or maybe they should go to convicted thief’s and burgers homes to see if they have any stolen items. The list goes on . do they do any of that ? No only to so’s, so we are singled out a d targeted as they say.the definition of target = noun “a person,object or place selected as the aim of attack.” Verb ” select as an object of attention or attack “. There for they admit they are singleing people out who are not presently under any accusation or suspicion for atack based only on their label. Sounds kind of familiar doesn’t it ?

  • July 14, 2022

    I will ask my US Senator why the US government is wasting money having the US Marshals involved in compliance and my Senator hate government waste. (Rand Paul)

    • July 14, 2022

      I always get this Paul confused with Ron Paul, the Libertarian. If only there were more like-minded people (like Ron Paul) out there.

  • July 14, 2022

    Reminds me of “Night of the Long Knives”

  • July 14, 2022

    The journalist has been referred to Steven Yoder’s most recent article, “Why the U.S. Marshals Spend Millions on Sex-Offense Registrant Sweeps.”

  • July 14, 2022

    We can comment directly on the news site, below the story.

  • July 14, 2022

    Wow. Thats a phenomenal use of resources. I feel so much better now that they federal Marshals were able to find someone that was NOT wanted for any new crimes. Not to mention they report there addresses and phone numbers multiple times a year. That’s amazing that they were able to find these guys. Hi fives all the way around.
    But thank God the registry is not punishment.


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