TX: City refuses exception to SORR for terminal registrant.

An elderly bed-ridden registered sex offender will not be allowed to move in with relatives in a Montgomery County home for end-of-life care after Shenandoah city leaders declined to amend an ordinance that restricts residency.

The daughter of the 79-year-old man sought a waiver to the ordinance adopted in 2018 which restricts registered sex offenders from living within 1,000 feet of a child safety zone per state law. That zone includes schools, parks and public swimming pools. City Attorney William Ferebee said neither state law nor the ordinance provides a method for making exemptions.

The proposed change to the city ordinance, Ferebee said, would allow the police chief to make that decision on granting that exemption and for how long that exemption would be in place.

“Unfortunately, with this 79-year-old who is bedridden, it doesn’t change the fact that they are still a sex offender,” Councilman Ted Fletcher said at a board meeting earlier this month. “That’s what state law says and that is what happens when you break the law.” [FAC Note: Thought this wasn’t punishment?]


19 thoughts on “TX: City refuses exception to SORR for terminal registrant.

  • November 26, 2022

    This is the 2nd time in a week that NARSOL’s gotten interviewed by the press. Hooray for Sandy!

  • November 26, 2022

    Makes me wonder how many skeletons are in that councilman’s closet.

  • November 26, 2022

    He is also still a human and deserves some compassion. This is insanity. People are afraid to do the right thing or just don’t care any more. This is a sad wolrd at times.

  • November 26, 2022

    This is an example of the sort of ignorant thought process you get from bureaucrats/politicians who are ignorant of the subject on registered citizens. Sounds as though a few of the local authority characters need to me added to the media project. I personally would have my father move in with me for his final days and tell the authorities to go to hell and just dare any of them to come on to my property.

    • November 27, 2022

      Thank you, Capt. Munsey.

  • November 26, 2022

    Well Councilman McLeod said it, the ordinance is “way too broad” thereby making it an illegal law. And yes, just like the FAC note says this registry is not supposed to be an elongated punishment. It is a ridiculous place we find ourselves when people can’t even die with their family around them due to legislation and laws.

  • November 26, 2022

    1) so much for the “not punitive argument”
    2) so much for the “safety argument”….
    Damn sure a terminally ill and bed ridden individual is not capable of posing any threat to anything..Which just further highlights the lies and hypocrisy..

  • November 27, 2022

    More proof that the Registry is punitive.

  • November 27, 2022

    Wow. So a registrant on his death bed is a threat to children? The dude probably can’t even take 3 steps by himself, so how is laying in a bed within 1000 feet of a daycare a threat to the public’s safety?

  • November 27, 2022

    So much for compassion. The man is dying and the cowards hide behind the law. They see a dying man as a threat.

  • November 27, 2022

    Since anyone on “The List” isn’t allowed in any “Rest Homes or Homes of “Families or Friends “, Where are they supposed to go ??????. Our CONSTITUTION PROTECTS EVERYONE FROM THIS KIND OF TREATMENT AND OUTCAST !!!!!!. Why are We “Everyone and Anyone ” allowing this to happen !?!?!?. How can “Our Government ” be allowed to VIOLATE THE CONSTITUTION so blatantly ?!?!?!?!?. YES I KNOW SEX CRIMES ARE BAD, BUT, If the Prisons are FORCED AND REQUIRED to provide Safe Healthcare for “Anyone Incarcerated ” Why shouldn’t “The Government/Law Enforcement ” be REQUIRED to provide the same care for ANYONE they FORCE AWAY FROM “Public Care” ???. According to “The Law”, For every Door Closed, There MUST be another Opened !!. US CITIZENS ARE PROTECTED FROM CRUEL AND UNUSUAL “PUNISHMENT” according to “The Constitution Of The United States” !!!!. I see NOTHING UNITED about these “Laws/Policies/Conditions” forced on people FORCED TO REGISTER !!!!. It (past) time for Us to Stand Up Against These USELESS LAWS !!. Stand Strong TOGETHER WE MUST !!. I pray for this man and hope his family “Finds a Way” You’re NOT alone !!. It is TIME people !! It’s PAST time !! WE ALL GET OLD ! Where will YOU end up once you can’t take care of yourself !?!?!?!?. It’s past time to DEFEND OURSELVES ! Thank You FAC (and everyone else that helps) for everything you do !!

  • November 27, 2022

    I have a Serious question !!!!!. What is the difference between 1000 feet and 1001 feet ?? Or 1000 and 2000 or 1000 and 1 MILE ??. If someone WANTS to commit a crime or do ANYTHING THEY CHOOSE TO DO, What is an IMAGINARY LINE gonna do to PREVENT it ?!?!?!?!?. I’m definitely not saying that everyone that commits a “Sex Crime” should be Locked away for LIFE !!! I’m saying that these “Laws to Protect” are ABSOLUTE BULLSPIT !!!!!!!!!. The CONSTITUTION PROTECTS US FROM “FEEL GOOD” LAWS !!! Everyone with HALF A BRAIN knows that NONE of these “Registry Laws” Protects ANYONE !! It’s Simply LIFETIME PUNISHMENT under the disguise of “Safety Laws” !!. If you follow the paper trails, I GUARANTEE it will lead back to “THE MONEY” !!. To prevent a DYING OLD MAN from living with FAMILY until he passes is ABSOLUTE CRIMINAL !! I so wish I could will the Big Lottery ! I would spend EVERY PENNY on Fighting this EVIL MONSTER !. . What we NEED is UNITY ! Everyone is Too “Scared” (completely understood) of being Locked Up that we just “Bow Our Heads and Pretend to be INVISIBLE, Which is EXACTLY WHAT “THEY” WANT !!! It’s time we RAISE OUR HEADS AND PROTEST !!!. If EVERY OTHER PERSON (GROUP) CAN PROTEST AND WIN, WHY CANT WE ATLEAST BE HEARD AND SEEN !?!?!?!. We are STILL HUMAN !! We are STILL ALIVE, We are STILL PAYING TAXES !!! We SHOULD STILL BE HEARD !! WE SHOULD STILL “MATTER” ! WE ARE STILL LOVED BY OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS ! THEY DESERVE BETTER !!!!! AS DO WE !.

  • November 27, 2022

    What cowardly individuals are Councilmen Ted Fletcher, McLeod, and their colleagues. They clearly grasp what the right thing to do is, but are afraid to do it.

  • November 28, 2022

    Hiding behind the law like cowards. All they’re doing is making life harder for the family, not the offender.

  • November 28, 2022

    So basically, this “not meant to be punishment” label is going to hold it’s boot against your throat until your last breath.

  • November 28, 2022

    You can leave a comment on the article.

    • November 28, 2022

      Didn’t know whether to contact Gail directly or reply here. For Texas, I might have a solution in this case.
      My wife works at a Geriatric center that accepts persons forced to Register (I refuse the S O title). It is located about 4 hours from Montgomery County in Texas.
      Whomever please contact me for further information.

  • November 28, 2022

    “Unfortunately, with this 79-year-old who is bedridden, it doesn’t change the fact that they are still a sex offender,”

    Notice how “they” (instead of ‘he’) was used to intentionally vilify and dehumanize everyone with this label. Once again, it doesn’t MATTER what you did, it’s all hate by association.

  • November 28, 2022

    As was started on another post of this is your reality you could just violate and let the state care for you. The other two options are just go to your family’s without notifying the state and gamble whether you die or they find out first.

    The third I guess would be to go out in your terms and make sure you make a huge stink about it to let everyone know why. Of course the story sounds like this man is past that stage, which is both good and bad for him. But it’s things like this that really need with my mental health because what life quality do I really have anyways?


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