Two Powerful Studies on the Ineffectiveness of the Registry
A bit of good news that came out recently was in The University of Chicago Press Journals, August 18, 2023. In the published study by Patrick Lussier, Evan McCuish, and Elizabeth L. Jeglic, “Against All Odds: The Unexplained Sexual Recidivism Drop in the United States and Canada,” the abstract includes: “Sexual recidivism rates reported in American studies have been low and dropping since the 1970s, well before enactment of public registration and notification laws. A more pronounced drop was observed in Canadian studies despite the absence of public registration and notification laws.” The full article is behind a paywall.
Add the above-mentioned study taken with the one that came out in 2021, (Journal of Experimental Criminology, “The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification: A meta-analysis of 25 years of findings”, by Kristen M. Zgoba and Meghan M. Mitchell, September 2021), and we have some powerful evidence that the sex offender registry is NOT effective.
The 2021 study was the first-of-its-kind meta-analysis study of 25 years of findings of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) evaluations and their effects on recidivism. Eighteen research articles including 474,640 formerly incarcerated individuals were used.
Findings from this study: “SORN policies have no effect on sexual and non-sexual crime commission over their period of existence, thereby failing to deliver on the intention of increasing public safety. Given the vast support that exists for the laws, their lack of efficacy will likely create a false sense of security for the public and may ultimately create more harm than benefit.”
We need to be sharing these two studies with as many political leaders as possible.
If anyone wants to do a little Labor Day reading over the holiday
This is the Against All Odds: The Unexplained Sexual Recidivism Drop in the United States and Canada study. Credit to TS at ACSOL
Thanks @Eugene for the credit. Thanks also to the @ACSOL moderators as well for pulling down the docs within the thread for all to read and use in the legal fight using science and data. Within that thread, one will find the aforementioned doc @FAC mentioned above (which started my research) and others related to it some will find interesting (and others who won’t because they won’t like the conclusions since they don’t fit their narrative).
You cannot truly quantify emotions beyond descriptive terms due to their subjectivity….
There are very powerful people who most don’t know exist who control laws, rules, sanctions, legislation and even some powerful judges. If we knew all the powers that be, it would blow our minds.
People’s pockets are being lined with registry funding so I ask, why would they want registries to go away? It is only about 3% about safety and the rest is about power, money and control.
You are more likely to get off the registry as an individual than the registries being shot down as a whole. Most won’t feel the impact of losing one registrant whereas an entire state’s registry going down would cause so many vacations to be canceled, new home purchases being delayed and promotions being waylaid.
Most people know more about Bigfoot and the Lochness monster than they know about the hidden workings of registrations laws and enforcement. But unlike the mythical monsters named above, the registry is a very real burden and dare I say, dangerous scheme that does more harm than good.
Don’t studies like this address the “rational basis” prong in determining if a statute is punitive (Hence ex-post facto)?
How can courts continue to uphold this nonsense, given that we have scientific research … and our haters have only supposition and tarot cards? (They consult a crystal ball to exclaim “Perhaps the recidivism is under-reported!” and “Maybe each offender has many more victims that are never reported!”)
We have facts and science and TRUTH. They have guesses and half-truths!
Advertise, my friends…advertise, advertise!!!
Lies (suppositions and tarot cards) don’t like the light of day (They prefer the shadows of night – murkiness!)
Our TRUTH … Our science prefers scrutiny and the light of day.
We cannot lose with the truth!
So go and tell, tell, tell!!!
Tell, tell, tell (as often as you can).
Their lies and hatred will wither as we constantly pour on the TRUTH!
Oh the registry is 100% effective.
It is effective in keeping all registrants in jail in their own homes.
It is effective in causing harassment by neighbors and even people who not our neighbors but come and bother us anyway.
It if effective in causing many to not find work, housing or even sometimes, a doctor.
It is effective in keeping us from having many friends or able to find and/or keep a job.
I could go on and on, but you all know the drill.