Troubling bill in Tennessee

A bill has been filed in Tennessee that would require people forced to be on the “sex offender” registry to register any memberships in churches or other religious organizations.  The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation would then report this information to the named institutions.

So far, nothing has surfaced in Florida this year as concerning as this Tennessee bill, but an FAC board member met with her state senator recently and was told that FDLE is wanting to tighten up again on 943.0435 and 775.21.  This senator was asked to sponsor the FDLE bill but declined as she did not agree with what FDLE was requesting.  This senator serves on the Senate Criminal Justice Committee.

Two FAC board members spent this past Tuesday in Tallahassee making the rounds of many of the legislators’ offices, inquiring if anyone was aware of the bill FDLE was proposing.  No one they talked to was aware of this proposed bill.

17 thoughts on “Troubling bill in Tennessee

  • February 6, 2025

    This would get very difficult IMO. Iv been attending church for over 30 years. And the thing to watch for would be the way the bill defines membership. Because very few church’s have an actual membership that’s required. You can attend a church for ever and not become a memeber. Its not required. I dont see how on earth this would be able to pass.

    • February 6, 2025

      I think that it would be passed because of the way so many other restriction bills get passed. That is they feed off of fear. I don’t know what the justification for the Tennessee bill is, but fearmongering is the first thing that comes to mind. I suppose that the intention is to keep registrants away from Sunday schools.

    • February 6, 2025

      The first amendment of the constitution

      “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof”.

      So much so, most prisons have church services for both Christians and Muslims.

      • February 7, 2025

        I certainly understand that, but in today’s political climate we have people trying to create end runs around the Constitution and and the rule of law.

        • February 7, 2025


          As I read more and more about the Book of Revelations, I realize how accurate some of the words relate to the times we are living in. Wars and rumors of wars, Famine, all kinds of sickness, lawlessness, hate, weird weather occurrences, and especially where it speaks of advancements in technology that have never been seen before.
          And a lot of the implants for payments that they want to put in people’s arms are to me the mark of the beast. The Bible states no one can buy or sell without the mark. It could even be a tattoo bar code on the skin.

  • February 6, 2025

    Note to whoever makes the posts here at FAC–

    If there is a discussion about a bill, please post the bill number. Bills from a government website aren’t copyrighted material and can be reposted entirely.

    If there is discussion about a court case, please post the name of the lawsuit. It will save readers like me a little time.

  • February 6, 2025

    Clear violation of the US Constitution’s 1st Amendment.

    • February 6, 2025

      They will try and get around it by saying you are not being banned from going to church, you just have to register that. Well of course we all know EVERYTHING we have to register ends in us losing something.
      We have basically been banned from military bases, visiting other countries, taking our grandkids to the park, for a while we were banned from the theme parks, we are banned from going to a school event for our kids or grandkids and much more.
      What will happen is, it just takes one person in the church to say they will stop coming and withdrawing their donations to force register people to not attend.
      It is nearly impossible to keep a job because even if you get hired and are honest, it just takes one employee or customer to make a stink and get your fired or forced to resign.

  • February 6, 2025

    Here is the text of the Bill. ” The name and address of any church, temple, or other religious group or
    organization in this state where the offender is a registered member”

    The key verbiage here is ‘registered member’ No where in the bill does it talk about church attendance. There are two types of Parrishioners. 1. The church membership who, vote on budgets, ministers, church by laws, etc. 2. those who attend the church, pay their tithes but have no voting rights, leadership positions, SS teachers etc. This bill addresses the former with no mention of the later.

  • February 7, 2025

    If you insist on attending a church for spiritual guidance and social help, do seek out Lutheran denomination. With the exception of the Missouri Synod, they are welcoming of any and all regardless of creed, color or background. Stay the HELL away from anything Southern Baptist or any Mega church as they tend to be more judgmental and cultish.

    • February 7, 2025

      I attend a church so big that most people would not know you if you went there for 100 years. I do not participate in extra activities and just attend occasionally and then leave then service is over. I only greet someone if greeted and try not to stand out.
      Sad it has to be that way but that way I can attend and not have someone find out about me and do the “Un-Christian” thing and rat me/us out as not being welcomed.
      I understand the safety aspect of it, but not like I am teaching sunday school. But I saw a guy one time they asked to come up to the stage and tell his story about getting out of prison after 21 years because of a murder conviction. Everyone clapped and gave their support for his future. Do you think any of us would get that same encouragement?

    • February 7, 2025

      I go to a Southern Baptist church and have been for years. No one has ever said anything to me and actually one of my supervising officers goes there. That being said I keep a low profile lol

      • February 7, 2025


        That is the way it should be. The church is the last place on Earth that should be un-welcoming. The church is called a “Sanctuary” for a reason. In fact, a sanctuary literally means a place of refuge or safety. It should also be welcoming. (With a few exceptions like people trying to take the church down, take advantage of the pastor or their people and causing chaos).
        I Attended church even before going to prison but didn’t go every Sunday. In prison I went 3 times a week. Every opportunity to get away from some of the jerks in the dorms.

        • February 7, 2025

          Crazy right how even behind the wire, church was a refuge. We used to have this guy who would run around when called for services and yell “church, Church Church” lol. Some times I catch myself doing that. Been a long time but some stuff still sticks with you.

          • February 8, 2025

            Thanks for that story, it made my day and gave me a chuckle.

    • February 21, 2025

      The Southern Baptists, specifically my pastor and deacons, know everything about my situation. They prayed over me, loved me, hugged me, and have allowed me to serve on various committees. Same thing with the Independent Baptist Church I grew up in.

      I did have one bad experience, left that church, and found a new Baptist church that truly empathized and showed God’s love.

      God judges the heart.

  • February 8, 2025

    Sounds like a Nebuchadnezzar challenge in this new age sex registry ordeal abuse. How cheery. So what church you go to or are you a democrat or republican? Talk about right from wrong. Authorities are just as guilty and will suffer the greater punishment. Talk about doing unto others, or about thy shall not covet. That is basically what they are doing or are we not carnal by nature.

    Many people/Governments today have this better than thou attitude. President, Governments, sheriffs, etc but this registry is a ruse that takes the cake. Yet nobody seems to want to use the sword of Justice. They seem their wisdom is better.

    They would rather solve this registry with man’s wisdom, understanding, and thinking which will never fly. Yes and many of these advocates are just as guilty or would they divugetheir personal assets to end this registry. Well its not gonna take money its gonna take real truth and justice.


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