The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Women and Girls Exposed to State Police Academy Locker Room Hidden Camera

If you, as a member of the public, seek to identify West Virginia residents who have been convicted of a sexual offense, you can simply search the Sex Offender Registry website run by the West Virginia State Police. But what if that website does a poor job of identifying who presents a risk?  And what if, even worse, the agency running that website has trouble preventing sex offenses from taking place within its own facilities?

That’s what the agency faced recently, when female attendees of the West Virginia State Police Academy, including at least 10 minor girls in the academy’s Junior Trooper Program, learned to their horror (and ours) that hidden camera(s) had been placed in the locker room.

Read more from WTRF.

West Virginia, like other states, seeks to protect the public via reliance on a public sex offender registry as a prevention tool. But as we’ve pointed out time and again, given the low re-offense rates exhibited by registrants, the vast majority of sexual offenses are perpetrated by individuals who are ineligible to appear on any sex offender registry.

Sex offender registries have failed as a prevention tool, and they failed to protect West Virginia Junior Troopers from the agency training them.  Let’s instead use prevention measures that actually work.

5 thoughts on “The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Women and Girls Exposed to State Police Academy Locker Room Hidden Camera

  • June 11, 2023

    Do you see the lawsuit brought against ? The employees we’re using the Ring alarm system to spy on women/children in there bedrooms and thru there homes while they were nude, so they don’t admit any wrongdoing and had to pay a hefty fine….and No One Arrested !

  • June 11, 2023

    What?! No way! Where’s the LEO Offender Registry? Seems it would be just as populated as the non-LEO Registry. 😒

    • June 12, 2023

      There is an LE Registry for those who have been dismissed from their LE jobs. It is online and been profiled previously by major newspapers to prevent the hiring of bad LEOs.

  • June 12, 2023

    But you see , the registry was never designed to help prevent any sex crimes . Its only purpose is to shame and to give the public a feel good feeling, and give politicians a way to get votes with false propaganda . Also a way to get free federal funds to support their scam.
    If they are really interested in balancing the budget start by scrapping the registry.

  • June 12, 2023

    95% — these are in the 95% of those in a position of trust.


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