The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Uber Passenger Raped by Driver

Yesterday, a driver for the popular ride-share program, Uber, was arrested in Fort Myers after allegedly raping a passenger. Apparently he’s not the only Uber driver to commit a sex offense.

A few years back, the app-based service and it’s largest competitor, Lyft, were plagued by complaints of sexual assaults at the hands of it’s drivers. To address the problem, on May 9, 2017, Florida’s then Governor Rick Scott signed into law HB 221, also known as the “Uber/Lyft Bill” which REQUIRED these “Transportation Network Companies” to screen each driver to make sure the person is not a match in the National Sex Offender Public Website maintained by the US Department of Justice. The same laws were instituted nationwide and the companies themselves instituted policies to do comprehensive background checks, including specifically screening out anyone on the sex offender registry.

That should have solved the problem, right? Wrong! According to a press release from a class action law firm that filed a lawsuit earlier this year, even in 2020, during height of the the COVID Pandemic, when ridership was at it’s lowest in years, there were about 1000 sexual assaults. How can that be? They are screening against the sex offender registry! It’d be one thing if one or two slipped in, but a thousand? Impossible!

Either Uber is not doing their job and checking the registry, or the registry is not doing its job in screening out perpetrators of sex offenses! If it’s the latter, the sex offender registry completely failed these riders.

But wait… wasn’t this completely predictable? At least it was for us. We posted this four years ago and guess what? We still have sexual assaults in Ubers but we don’t have jobs! A lot of good the registry did, huh?


15 thoughts on “The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Uber Passenger Raped by Driver

  • December 7, 2022

    The registry does absolutely nothing to prevent sex crimes. You can be placed on the list simply for pissing outside. The only thing the list does is restrict people from trying to live their lives, especially those who shouldn’t be on there. It doesn’t matter what the stipulations of your case are, because they will view you as a rapist simply for being on there.

  • December 7, 2022

    A- to the -men, brothers and sisters! FAC called it. The research called it. Just another uninformed, ignorant, political stunt that did zero to address any real problems and in reality just made more: joblessness, financial insecurity, isolation and banishment from society for an under-class!

  • December 7, 2022

    /s I’m SO glad that using the SOR helped prevent a sex crime! Oh wait, it didn’t?! Surprise, surprise…

  • December 7, 2022

    As long as there is TONS AND TONS of Money to be made from the “Sex Offender Registry” it will never stop !!. When will “The General Public” WAKE UP !!?!?!?. The POLITICIANS are playing off “Feelings” instead of COLD HARD FACTS!! It’s time we ALL did something, But it’s gonna TAKE ALL OF US TOGETHER AS 1 !! I’m 150% Ready ! Who will stand with me in front of the Whole World ?? We can only stay in the “Shadows” so long !!!. It’s past time to “Shine the Light” on this WORTHLESS Registry! It past time to Stand against this PUNISHMENT after we have already PAID OUR DEBT TO SOCIETY !! .

    • December 7, 2022

      Tired – if you are ready to stand up and speak out, you should join our legislative committee and go speak at legislative meetings. If you don’t have the talking points, we’ll feed them to you.
      Please contact and let them know you would like to volunteer.

    • December 7, 2022

      Tired ,Yes you are on the right track, thinking and doing is good, but need to get others opinions.

  • December 7, 2022

    Floriduh will surely understand that the obvious solution is to pass some more Registry laws. They should probably pass a law that prohibits “sex offenders” (i.e. PFRs) from using Uber, etc. at all. That will improve Amerika and make it safe for all the dummies that love big government and think Registries should exist.

    As long as Registries exist and thus obviously big government doesn’t ACTUALLY care much about reducing sex crimes, then we are all just going to have to not really care all that much about sex crimes or the bad things that happen to other people. I mean, no one in Amerika should be expected to care much about their fellow citizens, right? Surely not. Not when there are Registries.

    So, too bad for Uber, etc. Too bad for the victims. No one cares that much. Go create some more Registry laws and harass people. That is what Floriduh is actually good at.

    The Registries are an act of war. There must be consequences.

  • December 8, 2022

    There is no position, no social situation, and no economic status can rise enough above our fallen nature to preclude these acts from happening. Sexual crime, like all other criminal acts, will permeate every facet of our culture regardless of our human attempts to eradicate it. There are not monsters lurking in the bushes – we, collectively, are the “monsters”.

    We cannot wield pitchforks and axes in hopes of removing the stain of crime from society, because the darkness lies within each of us. If we are true with ourselves, we intuitively know where the answer lies, but people by nature reject it. There is only one who was ever perfect, but we were too jealous to receive what he taught, so we hung him on a tree.

    • December 8, 2022

      Remember that the AZ registry has existed since before these victims were even born! Why weren’t they protected??

  • December 8, 2022

    It’s funny I was a so from 1988 I was given my chauffeurs permit from the police chief of our town I drove cab for about 5 years there was never so much as a speculation to my honesty or integrity never a customer who I made to feel uncomfortable being in the car with me. But yet according to big brother I shouldn’t be allowed to drive a cab now. The registry did its job , it took my being a candidate to be hired again away . ( I had left the job to pursue another line of work that didn’t work out). Way to go registry!! My family can’t eat unless my wife worked 2 jobs , then when she had enough she left me so I’m alone homeless and can’t eat see the registry works!!! Here’s your sighn


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