The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Former Sex Offender Unit Deputy Convicted of Sex Offenses

What use is the Sex Offender Registry when it did absolutely nothing to prevent sex offending from taking place right under it’s nose? We’re talking about a former Cobb County (Georgia) Deputy Sheriff assigned to the agency’s Sex Offender Unit, that was sentenced to federal prison for distributing child pornography!

According to a press release from the U.S. Government, ” [he] had been employed by the Cobb County Sheriff’s office for approximately 17 years. During the time that he was distributing child pornography online he worked in the agency’s Sex Offender Unit where his job duties included maintaining, verifying, and updating the list of registered sex offenders residing in Cobb County.”

Talk about a completely and utterly useless tool! It’s like a fire destroying a firehouse!!! You literally can’t make this stuff up!

The people of Georgia should be demanding their legislators answer the question of how the registry could have failed in such an epic way? If the registry can’t even be useful in stopping sex offending in the sheriff’s offices own sex offender unit, why do we even have this thing?


20 thoughts on “The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Former Sex Offender Unit Deputy Convicted of Sex Offenses

  • December 2, 2022

    Just think! If there were no sex offender registry this person would not have had a job in the position he had. So then none of the crimes he committed would have happened. Conclusion of the matter the sex offender registry only causes more sex crimes to be committed. Absolutely counterproductive costing billions $. What genius started this garbage dump?

    • December 2, 2022

      Yeah. So I guess the new law should be, all deputy sheriffs should be restricted to live at least 1,000 from the sex offender registry.

      • December 3, 2022

        There has never been any evidence that the registry has saved a single child but we now have evidence that the registry is responsible for a crime against a child. Put that in your pipe and smoke it along with what ever else your high on ,is my reply to those pushing the registry.

  • December 2, 2022

    Once again, I believe that all accounts like this that include law enforcement, prosecutorial, and judicial caught in sex offenses should be sent to all the major news agencies so that they cannot be swept under the rug.
    It is important that the public knows that the registry not only failed the children, but also the public that placed their trust in these individuals.

  • December 2, 2022

    Unbelievable!! 😳😲🙄

  • December 2, 2022

    Hey, some people have a job because of the registry. If they weren’t busy making some citizens miserable and unable to live a decent life, they would be on welfare. Where else can you earn a living by adding nothing positive to society?

    • December 2, 2022

      I agree! Can we ever get the politicians to see this!!!!

      • December 3, 2022

        Ummm Alan… methinks Politicians fall into that very same category.

    • December 4, 2022

      It sounds as though the police department is advocating the use of same type of abuse that CYS takes children away from parents for doing…

  • December 2, 2022

    The people of Cobb County should ask the Cobb County Sheriff what they are doing to clean up their office and this particular division of this type of stuff. Put the fire to their feet!

  • December 2, 2022

    BTW, @FAC, this is a great series you have started here and great to see others providing stories along the way in the comments. I can see in the future a sub-menu above with these within.

    • January 4, 2023

      Also news dated Jan. 4, 2023 . Now that California has removed its statute of limitations on sex offenses , the two that played ROMEO AND JULIET in the September 1968 film are now suing for 500 million dollars because they were under age at the time the movie was made. It has a sex seen in it. This movie has been a must watch for many studying literature in schools for decades.
      So now I guess the producers of the movie can be charged with sex crimes as well as all that watched the movie. That ought to be about 100 million more people on the sex offender registry. That ought to make the pushers of the registry really happy.

      • January 5, 2023

        To confirm information go to Movies
        Olivia Hussein. And Leonard Whittington. Lawsuit against Paramount Pictures

  • January 2, 2023

    Average Joe will read this and think, “oh, oh, registry failing! better make tougher laws on those low lifes!” This is the unfortunate reality of the propaganda they have been fed.

    • January 2, 2023

      I agree , instead of saying it’s failing, it would be better said, It is a complete failure. Accomplishing nothing and costing Billions.

      • January 6, 2023

        Today is Human trafficking awareness day in 2021 8,142 women and 1,292 men were identified and rescued as either victims or survivors. Absolutely no one on the sex offender registry was identified as being involved in any way with these victims. What does that tell you about who there putting on this registry?

        • January 7, 2023

          The registry is a way for politicians to make the ‘unknowing’ feel safe because of the political acts involved in a power grab. It’s amazing how many ignorant citizens are able to vote. Just ‘throw out a carrot’ and the politician can get their vote.


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