The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: 4 Men Accused of Abusing 19 Minors

Pennsylvania’s Attorney General charged 4 religious leaders with the sexual abuse of 19 children. “Most of these defendants used their faith and church to gain access to their victims to build their trust, and then molested them,” PA AG Josh Shapiro said. “Some defendants only looked as far as their own families to commit their abuse.”

Florida Action Committee notes that this abuse is not uncommon in any religion and does not share this story to draw critical attention to any religious group. Instead, it points out that the Pennsylvania Sex Offender Registry was completely ineffective in protecting these 19 children.

While the citizens of Pennsylvania were carefully watching the sex offender registry and relying on the list to protect them from harm, these 4 people who were never on the registry because they had no history of a prior sex offense, skated past suspicion and abused 19 children! Parents should be calling AG Shapiro and demanding an explanation!

16 thoughts on “The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: 4 Men Accused of Abusing 19 Minors

  • November 20, 2022

    I live in Pennsylvania. Yeah, the registry does nothing to prevent crime since most crimes are from people not on the list. Wonder if law-makers are feeling stupid yet.

    • November 21, 2022

      Unfortunately they will not. The registry is operating just as planned. It is simply a tool for politicians to use emotional manipulation (“Will someone think of the children” and the ever popular “If it saves 1 child…”) to pass “feel good” laws…quite often those most vocal are later found to be “sex offenders” themselves – Watch Them!

      Sadly – this will have NO effect on how the registry is viewed by the masses.

      • November 21, 2022

        I agree Lee
        An example is the shooting in Colorado this week end. Another hate crime no doubt. What caused him to hate this group I have no clue but he was able to carry out the murders because he knew he would find them at this certain night club. Just as the registry tells those that hate persons on the registry where they are. If registered persons start demonstrating against the registry I guarantee there will be violence against these ones. Because just the establishment of the registry tell people that these people are evil and need to be contained. Biden said about the shooting “ we need to put an end to this hate so prevalent in the country”.
        But at the same time is doing nothing about the registry which instills hate in people. Thinking they need to take things into there own hands and take drastic action because they feel the government is not doing enough.
        The registry is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
        This article does nothing to turn people away from the registry. It only tells people they need to do more which will only lead to more harsh treatment and more hate.

  • November 20, 2022

    Statistically, kids have a higher chance of sexual contact from those in the clergy than people on the registry. What a country, huh?

  • November 20, 2022

    /s That SOR sure did help a lot of people! Good thing those religious leaders were vetted!

  • November 20, 2022

    The Sex Offender Registry Failed Them: Violent Sexual Predators Use Dating Apps as Hunting Grounds

    Dating apps often screen out users who are listed on a sex offender registry. And sex offender registries are available online to dating app users. So why are 14% of rapes committed by acquaintances, occurring as a result of meeting on a dating app?

  • November 21, 2022

    FAC, this is a losing argument. Please stop beating a square peg into a round hole. Pointing out that the registry does not prevent “new” offenders is only going to serve as reason to strengthen it.

    What is probably more accurate is that registries are simply irrelevant. Once the people know that, then their leaders can be exposed. I hope you would agree on this distinction.

    • November 21, 2022

      Thank you for sharing your decision. Stephen, you are welcome to submit any content you like for posts.

    • November 21, 2022

      The public believes that the registry prevents sex offenses. That’s why they keep supporting them.

    • November 21, 2022

      Are you telling me these individuals did not “re-offend” because they’re weren’t registered to begin with? Oh, how embarrassing for the almighty and “necessary” SORNA.

      Actually, even if those men WERE listed AND offended.. either way, would it have mattered? Not to the public and lawmaker lawmakers because they would still twist the narrative in their favor: We need to strengthen the registry to make it more robust and dynamic.” LOL

      AND.. lawmakers would still claim the registry serves as a “deterrent” for those that DO NOT offend that are on it.

  • November 21, 2022

    If the registry prevents sex offenses, and since most sex offenses are committed by those not on the registry…fact…, then why not put all citizens on the registry and in theory that should all but eliminate sex offenses.

  • November 21, 2022

    Even if there is a registry it should be for Predators and repeat offenders.

    • November 21, 2022

      We appreciate your opinion, Jerry, but respectfully disagree. It is ineffective for everyone.

      • November 21, 2022

        Once the debt is paid the registry should go away. There is more danger on the streets than registered citizens.

  • November 21, 2022

    Don’t expect anything sensical or uniting to come out of Uncle Joe.

  • November 22, 2022

    Let us all recognize the real reason for all sex offender laws is to re-elect politicians. Every year new sex offender restrictions throughout the nation are proposed. In lockstep, sitting politicians rally behind this new legislation as if this will be the next magic bullet to end all sex of fences. This scheme garners cult- like support while the real problem exist in the foul minds of people not even applicable to any restrictions


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