The need for nursing home care for people forced to register as sex offenders is in crisis mode

Actually, the need for nursing home care for people forced to register on the sex offender registry is beyond a crisis state – it is catastrophic.

Before the Florida legislative session began this year, some of our FAC members organized to send letters to certain legislators, informing them of the critical situation that so many registered persons and their families were encountering when nursing home care was needed.

What registered persons and their families, along with medical facilities, were finding is that most nursing homes and assisted living facilities will NOT accept people forced to register.  Reasons given: residency restrictions; insurance companies will not sell liability insurance to facilities if they allow people with a past sex offense; and some facilities just outright reject anyone with a past sex offense for fear of being sued if the individual were to commit a sex crime in their facility.

Even if a person is not on the registry, a growing number of facilities are doing background checks and rejecting anyone with an arrest for a past sex offense.

FAC, along with members who are willing to join in on this endeavor, will soon be picking up where we left off back in February to continue to inform/educate our legislators on the dire situation so many of our population are now in.

At the beginning of 2023, the FDLE website showed 7998 people on the registry were 65 years old or older and 876 registered persons were 80 years old or older.  In the few months that have passed since then, these numbers have only grown as registration is for life in Florida.

According to, an official U.S. government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, “Someone turning age 65 today has almost a 70% chance of needing some type of long-term care services and supports in their remaining years.  Twenty percent will need it for longer than 5 years.”

What is happening in Iowa gives up hope that Florida Legislators will take some action to make sure that all people in the state of Florida are treated humanely.  Our legislators are going to be made aware of what is happening in Iowa and Georgia.

You will soon be hearing more from FAC on how you can help to put pressure on our legislators to take care of this travesty that is happening to many registered persons.

6 thoughts on “The need for nursing home care for people forced to register as sex offenders is in crisis mode

  • June 9, 2023

    Sad, hateful people in position of power and supportively there to help all citizens and not discriminate between groups or populations. This registry has become far more harm to society than people realize and causing more economic downfall holding a registry that has evidence why it should be abolished and it does not good at all for communities. Politicians and judges are at fault for most problems in this society and the greed from corporations involves in the pockets of these politicians. Shaming the exact names for there bad calls would do society alot better. DOXXING THEM!

  • June 9, 2023

    Kind of related, when I was in prison, they denied me my medications, saying they were not necessary. I ended up near death and was able to get the prison clergy to call my parents and tell them I love them.
    My parents were so concerned over whatever the clergyman said, they called the warden and demand I be checked on or they would be sending a team of lawyers there. The next day an investigator came and interviewed me, and I was moved to the prison hospital. That is the only reason I am alive today. You would think they would want me alive at the very least for a head count for funding. Imagine all the inmates who had no one to call and are being mistreated, under treated, beaten or worse.
    The reason it is relevant to the post is, just about anything related to sex offenses is a nonstarter for concern and wellbeing. They basically think that whatever suffering we endure is warranted and justified.

  • June 9, 2023

    Registrant only nursing home would be a good investment opportunity, but you’d have to convince the staff to not harass the patients, unfortunately.

    • June 9, 2023


      That is laughable and I will tell you why. My Grandmother was put in a facility. She was not a sex offender but just a Mom to my Mom and a grandmother to me and my sister. They allowed staff and other people who lived there to steal from my grandmother. But more shocking, she told my Mom they were trying to kill her and my Mom brushed it off. Two days later my grandmother was found dead.
      My point is, if these types of places do not care about our seniors, children or even veterans, what makes anyone think that anyone with a sex offense is going to get any kind of help or even be treated like a human being?

    • June 9, 2023

      Ben; Would be a good opportunity for employment for those of us who are at working age. 🤔

  • June 9, 2023

    My roommate is mobility challenged. When we lived in Florida, my roommate needed to have both knees replaced but was denied the possibility of any physical rehabilitation or other care should the need arise. After considering the possibilities and probabilities, we decided the best option was to move from Florida to New Mexico. We were glad to have made that decision.
    Four hospital trips and two extended stays in physical rehabilitation facilities later. My roommate is doing well! We have NO plans to move back to Florida!


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