The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund says prevention is more important than focusing on penalties for offenders

The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund Executive Director Roger Sherman says when it comes to sexual abuse of children, the focus should be on prevention rather than focusing on penalties for offenders.  (, April 3, 2022)

Lauren’s Kids, which was founded by CEO Florida Senator Lauren Book, has a leaflet placed in all Florida car registration notices, saying, “Child abuse occurs at every socioeconomic level, across ethnic and cultural lines, within all religions and at all levels of education…but the solution is clear:  95 percent of child sexual abuse is preventable through education & awareness.”

The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund provides tools aimed at child sexual abuse prevention.

April has been designated Child Abuse Prevention Month since 1983.  What is Florida’s solution to preventing child sexual abuse during the month of April?  Trying to have information on the front of driver’s licenses in red for people on the sex offense registry and requiring reporting of 24-hour stays at vacation rentals.

From watching some of the committee meetings this past week in Tallahassee, I have learned that most of our legislators do not care about research, do not care if there are any negative consequences of the bills they pass, do not care how many law-abiding citizens are hurt by the passage of some of their bills, do not care if the bills they pass are constitutional, and do not care if they “get it wrong.”

We all know that the above-two-mentioned bills will do nothing to prevent child sexual abuse.   So, how do we help our Florida Legislators understand this?  I have mailed approximately 100 letters through the U.S. Mail to our legislators in the past few months.  Additionally, we have many members who have “stepped up to the plate” and are calling and writing legislators.  One member is in the process of writing all 160 legislators.  No legislator is going to ever be able to say that “no one told them.”


10 thoughts on “The Idaho Children’s Trust Fund says prevention is more important than focusing on penalties for offenders

  • April 3, 2023

    The registry is not a penalty but in fact our best prevention tool.

    That’s the perception we need to overcome.

    • April 3, 2023

      I agree and anything o protect SOCIETY from them I support.

    • April 3, 2023

      How is the registry our best prevention tool?

      • April 6, 2023

        It was sarcasm, Bwj.

  • April 3, 2023

    Our legislators do not care about the will of the people. The only things they care about is pushing their cronies agendas for money and staying in office. If we were donating millions to their vapid campaign funds, SOME of what interests us would pass. Maybe.

  • April 3, 2023

    They do not care about public opinion, either, at least not in this session, apparently.

  • April 3, 2023

    All the registry has done is made life harder on some people, many whom will never reoffend, and dose .001% to prevent child abuse. So, either focus on REAL prevention, or let’s level the field and brand EVERY felon to the same rules. See, once the branding of all felons happens then maybe they, politicians, might see how this effects people that they know. Their family members, their employees and associates. Show your red letters thief’s, drug dealers, etc.

  • April 4, 2023

    This article is correct in uts message. The legislative folks DO NOT CARE. Not even a little about the harm they place on my children and family. They haven’t cared for the last 25 years and still don’t.

  • April 4, 2023

    Lauren Book…how ironic that she says prevention is paramount, but she encourages her crony friends to penalize us year after year…as it THAT’S gonna help…

  • April 6, 2023

    Its the prevention that is good. The perverting is not. The exploiting of others via this computer is a bit coy in and of itself. I’m sure you will find out that many of these ordeals are fish expositions and yes … can we all say when police entice…….


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