The Hidden Curriculum

Many FAC members are learning to enjoy Don’s gifted writing skills.  He recently gave us “Support the ‘Elks’ (my favorite team)”, along with other Member Submissions.

We are blessed to have another one of Don’s articles, “The Hidden Curriculum”, to share with our membership.  It was originally published at the NARSOL website.

By Don . . . The registry has a teaching function, as do the laws that relate to the registry. The obvious message is to follow the rules that the laws prescribe. But little concern is given to a second message, the sub-text, conveyed to registrants in these laws because it is “hidden” in the assumptions of the law as well as in the process of following the law. There are messages, indeed an entire curriculum, that is conveyed to registrants of which they—and often the writers of laws— seem to be unaware.


3 thoughts on “The Hidden Curriculum

  • November 5, 2021

    Reading Don’s comments was reminiscent of hearing my son’s analysis of his therapy sessions during the time he was “on paper” after being released from TDC [no J in TDC]. Indeed, he saw the “therapy” inside TDC to be the same.

    And he rejected both. His stance most likely cost him a couple of more years of imprisonment and other forms of punishment, like being transferred from a lower security prison, to a near maximum security institution where we spent 14 months without being able to have any kind of physical contact between us.

    But my son always rejected the assumption that he was some kind of deviant. He never had contact with the young lady who lied about her age. And since his arrest and incarceration he has not had so much as a parking ticket. Today, he follows the rules he must as a person who must register, but today, he also believes that he is a normal human being with non-deviant behaviors.

    He attended therapy sessions after his release, but never was a believer. He reacted to questions in the group with his opinions but did not overtly challenge what was being presented. He attended group remotely after the Covid lockdown, so while he was there electronically, he was able to ignore most of what was happening. [Thanks to mute buttons.]

    I totally support him as he always told me the same thing Don says in his article. Unfortunately, many individuals attending this type of “therapy” are not sufficiently cognizant of the fact that they are being influenced in the manner described by a “hidden curriculum.”

  • November 5, 2021

    You are NOT what the state labels you.

    You’re just not.

    Do NOT take these laws personally.

    Understanding this is key to your rehabilitation.

  • November 5, 2021

    This article certainly exposes the truth of the identity of the registry. Those on it can certainly relate, but doubtful those not on it will get it or even want to try to understand it.
    Soon after my conviction one of the kids that made up the story that put me on the registry came by my house to sell me something that his school was offering to raise money for something. Not knowing who was at the door I answered it. He told me what he was doing and apologized for making up the story, I told him “I can’t talk to you “ and shut the door. They had also put a gag order on me right after the original incident so I could not find out what he had said and what was going on. I did not know if it was still on but didn’t want to take any chances.
    Right after that a police officer knocked on my door . He had been down the street hiding watching. He didn’t make any charges, but told me not to be talking to any kids.
    I told him if I had known who was at the door I would not have answered it. I never heard more about it. Although I’m sure he wrote up something on it.
    That was 25 years ago. I’m still having to watch my back and up and down the street and everywhere else ,wondering who or what might be trying to trap me so they can make more false charges against me.


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