The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification: A meta-analysis of 25 years of findings

This study looked at 25 years of Sex Offender Registration and Notification (SORN) evaluations and their effects on recidivism.  Results were looked at from 18 research articles which included 474,640 formerly incarcerated individuals.  This is the first study to ever use a meta-analysis of SORN’s effectiveness on recidivism, combining statistical results of numerous studies into one comprehensive study of SORN.

It is now 25 years since Megan’s Law was passed.

Some of the conclusions from this study:

  • SORN policies demonstrate NO effect on recidivism.
  • This finding holds important policy implication given the widespread adoption and growing list of penalties related to SORN.
  • SORN policies may prove to be more harmful than helpful.
  • Resources need to be allocated to focusing only on the high-risk individuals.
  • It is time to make empirically informed decisions, not ones based on emotions.

The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification – A meta-analysis of 25 years of findings

25 thoughts on “The effectiveness of Sex Offender Registration and Notification: A meta-analysis of 25 years of findings

  • September 30, 2021

    How would someone go about getting this to Gus Bilirakis or even DeSantis? I doubt it would bo anything.

    • September 30, 2021

      Yes and the most stressful holiday for many of us is right around the corner. I am referring to Halloween. We all know why. Regardless if you have a charge involving a minor, it does not matter, we ALL get thrown into the same pool of degenerates.

      I had a neighbor once say to me “You are ruining trick or treating by living here”. REALLY? Your kids play by my house all hours of the day and night but on one day of the year I magically become the boogyman? How about this, I do not participate in Halloween anyway and there are numerous other homes on the street, knock yourself out.

      How do these people get all would up? Well the registry and even more so now with the Nextdoor app or website. Also seems to create a problem that doesn’t exist except in your minds.

      • September 30, 2021


        I had someone tell me I was a boogeyman because I was born in October. My birthday is 30 days from Halloween and I laughed saying I’ll always have my costume. He got hit with a sex offense a few years ago and I said, who’s the boogeyman now?

    • September 30, 2021

      DeSantis already understands that registry laws are popular.

    • September 30, 2021

      We have an FAC member who has been sending DeSantis information on a regular basis. DeSantis has been quoted as saying he is satisfied with the status quo on anything that has to do with Florida’s criminal legal system.

      • September 30, 2021

        Lest anyone forget: It’s not a justice system. It’s a legal system. And it’s a system where money and connections are frequently more important than justice and fairness.

        • October 1, 2021


          AMEN! and Ain’t that the truth my friend.

          Reminds me of a man named Justice. Buford T. Justice to be exact. A lawman with the name justice who was as crooked as an S shaped creek. Last I heard, he was still hunting down that Bandit.

          • October 1, 2021

            Snowman and Fred better watch themselves with Buford’s mountain of evidence. I bet his patrol
            Car looks like something Fred Flintstone would drive. Junior put the evidence in the car. He probably would of been a constitutional sheriff always on hot pursuit.

      • September 30, 2021


        Does the Governor even have the power to over ride the Florida Legislators ? He is bucking to be the next President of the United States so doubt he is going to put that in jeopardy by going easy on Criminals.

  • September 30, 2021

    One great step for mankind !! 🙂

  • September 30, 2021

    These SORN laws are specifically designed as “doomed to fail.” The powers that be WANT you to fail and be incarcerated because every warm body in prison equals more federal dollars.

  • September 30, 2021

    I’d like to see this study with a compare/contrast study done on how these types of laws helps to keep one in political office… I bet they are polar opposite.

  • September 30, 2021

    No effect on recidivism huh? Wow. That’s frightening and high.

    • September 30, 2021


      Yes, we should all be ashamed of ourselves for ruining their study.

  • September 30, 2021




    • October 1, 2021

      AND, they buried the fact that one of their own was arrested, WAY down at the bottom of the story. I would have expected that to be the headline since that is bigger news than just John Doe getting arrested.

      And yes, I know the news controls the headlines but sure their was some influence from the Sheriff’s office. A spokesman might have said, if you make a big deal out of our guy getting arrested, we will not give you any heads ups on stories.

  • October 1, 2021

    I’d send DeSantis a picture of registrants living in unsanitary conditions with “ You’re proud of this, I’m be embarrassed. Florida’s status quo needs to go.” A picture is worth a thousand words. As a former Republican I’m embarrassed by him and other politicians who put party over country.

    • October 1, 2021

      You should have remained Republican and used their own bible thumping against them as one of their own. Be independent because democrats are all about “just believe her” and “me too”. They have 2 million genders, support sex work but will gladly call those police they want to defund if you dare to be a single heterosexual man who flirts with them. Right now, there is no “party” that will open their ears and eyes to what the registry actually does.

      • October 1, 2021


        Some of us will never get our voting rights back. Here in Florida Sexual offenses was a non starter when the voted to return voting rights to ex felons. I use to be a Republican but since I cannot vote it doesn’t matter. Plus I do not think any party particularly wants to touch us with a ten foot pole. We are considered a pariah, a virus and a scab on society.

        One mistake, one strike and you are out of the game for life. Oh and then just to kick us some more, we have to still be showcased on the registry long after we die to pad their coffers.

      • October 2, 2021


        I found my voting card and I’m still registered as a Republican. For some reason I thought I changed to Independent so I could vote in either primary. My aunt who’s a bible thumper told my cousins what happened to me and I told her she’s no better than the ones who crucified Jesus and to take her bullying up her you know where. She’s more rabid than a s house rat. Tired of these holier than thou “Christians”. One less I have to deal with and it’s not a loss.

      • October 2, 2021

        Maestro, I don’t want to wade to much into politics, but let’s face it is politicians causing the harm so it can be hard to avoid. So sticking with our issue only here on the forum there is one political party that gets it. That is the Libertarian party. I will also go far as to suggest Reason. They often write articles about our cause so to speak. And often those articles have been posted her on this forum. But it does come down to educating people and politicians regardless of party. But what party would actually do something….your right, it won’t come from a D or R.

        We just have to keep pushing forward till we change minds. And so thanks to all of those on here who work so hard at this. And those that share their stories and contribute in discussion.

  • October 1, 2021

    The question becomes who are you going to forward this study to? The Florida governor’s staff, your state senator and representative’s staffs, your federal (Congress) U.S. Senator and Representatives and what about news media. Educate the masses!

    • October 1, 2021

      For good measure include a copy of the American Law Association (ALI) Model Penal Code on sexual assault and related offenses that was approved in June 2021. It has much to say regarding recidivism and registration. The ALI has tremendous credibility in legal circles.


  • October 2, 2021

    The contact states the offender does reside at the above address but is not home. This was verified by observing the offender’s sleep area, clothing, personal items, mail, etc. Yes No

    Part of the Registry is Made-Up-Compliance Checks which HAVE NO CODIFIED STATUTE FOR ENFORCEMENT

    That being stated above, can anyone, Please Comment on a ‘Compliance Form Check List’ that the LEO’s Use

    Please, Everyone, Look at the SHORT FORM

    “The contact states the offender does reside at the above address but is not home. This was verified by observing the offender’s sleep area, clothing, personal items, mail, etc”. ….Yes or No”

    This is very irritating…..This is Printed on form that Some LEO’s may USE…That, may, infer, that, THEY, are snooping in YOUR RESIDENCE, WHEN YOU ARE NOT AT HOME, AND OUT WORKING YOUR BUTT OFF…


    Please, someone, with more common LEGAL sense, than me, Please comment!


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