The County Where Businesses Can Self-Identify As Parks in Order to Keep Sex Offenders Away

In 2020, an ordinance in Brevard County, Florida, permitted a business to certify itself as a place where children congregate—the moral equivalent of a park—thereby making it a crime for anyone on the sex offense registry to venture inside, or loiter nearby. The idea, apparently, was to make kids even safer from danger.

But, “proximity” laws prohibiting sex offenders from public places like playgrounds have not been shown to make kids any safer, says Emily Horowitz, a sociologist who researches sex offense law and policy.

At the same time, under this law, people on the registry have no way of knowing which businesses have self-certified themselves as child-gathering places. That means registrants don’t know which establishments they are barred from entering, or even going near. But if they get too close, they are violating their registration requirements, which could land them in prison.


11 thoughts on “The County Where Businesses Can Self-Identify As Parks in Order to Keep Sex Offenders Away

  • July 20, 2022

    Could churches be next? I have seen several on FAC post before stating they were not welcome at a certain church. As long as you are just attending service and not trying to teach Sunday school or something, why should it matter?

    • July 20, 2022

      No, they should not be next. They are listed as one of the exemptions to the proximity ordinances.
      Restriction of certain activities of sexual offenders and sexual predators. No sexual offender or sexual predator shall enter into or remain within the 1,000-foot buffer zone surrounding any school, daycare center, park or playground except to:


      Attend a scheduled interview or meeting with a social service provider licensed by the state;


      Comply with a request or court order from the judiciary, a correctional facility or a law enforcement entity;


      Attend a scheduled meeting or interview with criminal justice personnel at a criminal justice facility;


      Attend a bona fide educational institution as a registered student;


      Attend a scheduled or emergency health care visit with a licensed physician;


      As a result of fulfilling legally allowable duties imposed by gainful employment;


      Transport children within their legal custody to and from school or daycare without any undue delay or loitering on premises;


      Seek refuge in a public shelter that has been officially designated by the county or any municipality to house sexual offenders or sexual predators during times of impending natural disasters or acts of terrorism;


      Attend a scheduled legal consultation meeting with an attorney who is recognized as a licensed member of the Bar of the state;


      Attend a church service or function;


      Vote at a designated polling place within his or her district;


      If the sexual offender or sexual predator is the parent or guardian of a person under 18 years of age, provided the sexual offender or sexual predator has declared his or her status as a sexual offender or sexual predator prior to entering the school property and has either scheduled a set time period to enter upon the property with the principal or designee or immediately notifies the principal or designee upon entering the school property:


      Attend a scheduled conference at school with school personnel to discuss the progress of his or her child academically or socially;


      Participate in scheduled child review conferences in which evaluation and placement decisions may be made or considered with respect to his or her child regarding special education services; or


      Attend scheduled conferences to discuss other student issues concerning his or her child such as retention and promotion.


      If the sexual offender or sexual predator lawfully resides within 1,000 feet of any school, day care center, park or playground, he or she may enter into or remain within 1,000 feet of such school, day care center, park or playground for the purposes of travel to and from his or her residence, and any other bona fide activity arising from the ordinary maintenance and activities associated with such residence.

      • July 20, 2022

        #8 is moot since I have not seen a shelter yet that is “designated” as one a offender or predator is allowed to go to , unless you count the county jail which is where sheriff grady fudd sent us during a hurricane.

  • July 20, 2022

    These are just some examples of the brainless politicians we have trying to control people. When I refer to or about them it is difficult to not use four-letter words. I have made the decision to go wherever and whenever I want to. If my tax dollars pay for these schools, parks, etc then I am part owner, and no communist/liberal/progressive is going to keep me away. “It is hard to beat the system when you’re standing at a distance!” Like most bullies, when you take a stand against them, they prove to be the ‘s_ _tless’ cowards that they are. That is why I so respect Ukraine. This little nation is taking a stand against a tyrannical SOB government. In many cases it is beating the crap out of Russia.

  • July 20, 2022

    Is this even legal? Don’t park’s fall under different zoning laws? If a business in on a very busy street, does that mean we cannot walk down that street because of the 1000′ – 2500′ restricted zone? And can a bar declare themselves a place where children congregate. Can a book store declare themselves a place where children congregate and still sell adult books and magazines? Can a business directly next door to an adult business declare themselves a place where children congregate? And why is that safer than allowing someone with no victims to conduct business in their establishment?

    To have such an open-ended law created just goes to show this is a selective attack. It’s a good thing the registry is not punishment (roll-eyes).

  • July 20, 2022

    This just points out they will stop at nothing to have an excuse to violate as many of us as they can. It don’t matter if we are doing everything right, they just change the rules to make it damn near impossible to live without violating some asinine rule. Although they use the right term but its them that are “violating”us !

  • July 20, 2022

    This has got to turn around someday hopefully soon because targeting sex offenders when I haven’t even offended and 30 years I’ve been on the streets working hard paying taxes we should be treated equal as long as we’re not committing any more crimes We should be given equal opportunity in the community. And not be hindered by more restrictions specially ones when we can’t even figure out where we’re allowed to go or not.

  • July 20, 2022

    Are they checking DL or plates in these establishments or something? Don’t they have a business to run?


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