UPDATED: The Catch-22 for New York’s Disabled, Homeless Sex-Offender Registrants

Yes, this law review article is three years old. No need to message that this is old.

However, it is timely in light of Justice Sotomayor’s comments in Ortiz. Please read the article and appreciate the writer. For YEARS we have been screaming about individuals being LEGISLATED INTO HOMELESSNESS and for years we’ve been ignored. Hopefully Justice Sotomayor’s statement resonates.


UPDATED: Our good friend Bill Dobbs reminded us that other people have been exposing this debacle for nearly a decade.

Joseph Goldstein/New York Times:  Housing Restrictions Keep Sex Offenders in Prison Beyond Release Dates (2014)

Christie Thompson/The Marshall Project:  For Some Prisoners, Finishing Their Sentences Doesn’t Mean They Get Out (2016)

Shane English/City Limits:  Sex Offenders Face Housing Maze After Prison Release (2017)

Cayla Harris/Albany Times Union:  Sex offender rules an inconsistent maze (2019)


One thought on “UPDATED: The Catch-22 for New York’s Disabled, Homeless Sex-Offender Registrants

  • March 11, 2022

    Which Einstein came up with residency restrictions forcing registrants to be homeless? Do people offend more at certain feet or did they pull a number out of their deception hat? Any other high re-offense rates are fine to live anywhere; but those with sex crimes have to live in the woods. Special place in Hell for that Einstein and I hope they like barbecue roasted chicken with roasted lies on the platter of bologna. Order up Hot plate!!


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