The Appeal: “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Asks UN for Help”, by Steven Yoder

Steven Yoder is to be applauded for his investigative reporting of the current situation for many people on the sex offense registry in South Florida.

This past November, leaders of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, patted themselves on the back for the “good” job they were doing in fighting homelessness.  But what these leaders did not want to share with the public, according to journalist Steven Yoder, is that “the city’s own rules are, in part, driving up homelessness.  An ordinance forbidding most people on the state’s sexual offense registry from living within 1,400 feet of schools, daycares, parks, or playgrounds puts all but 1 percent of residences off limits to those on the offense registry and forces hundreds to live on the streets.”

Yoder stated that the Florida Action Committee “had, for months, been asking city and county leaders for a plan to house registrants.  On Nov. 14, the group petitioned the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, alleging that the U.S. public sex offender registry contravenes provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.”

Florida Action Committee sent a copy of the petition, which had approximately 4,500 signatures, to the UN along with a request for the UN to investigate for “cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.”

Excellent article, Mr. Yoder.


10 thoughts on “The Appeal: “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Asks UN for Help”, by Steven Yoder

  • March 21, 2023

    Never thought American citizens would need to petition the UN for basic human rights in the land of the free.

    • March 22, 2023


      Not to compare ourselves to the freed slaves, but even once they were freed, life was not a bed of roses for them. Similar to my ancestors who were forced onto reservations and had the land stolen. The U.S overall has not had a good history of human rights.

      Just a shame we have come so far, and yet we haven’t.

      • March 28, 2023

        A couple of short steps forward
        And Several Looong Steps Backwards

        Quite honestly America, as a whole is in a state of collapse and though I do wish to see the registry laws change. This country may not be here long enough for any registrants to see it.

        If Rus-China takes over (urr economically speaking) then every citizen will get a taste of what registrants experience everyday …or worse.

  • March 21, 2023

    Pulitzer Prize written well done. Thank you Mr. Yoder

  • March 22, 2023

    We all agree that someone is less likely to commit any crime if they have housing, a family and support system, a job etc. But on the registry, that is nearly impossible. I have not worked since 2014 as I have been fired from the last 7 jobs I had. NONE were for anything I did wrong at work, and I was always honest when hired. But once either a customer or an employee found out I was a “Sex Offender”, I was let go.
    I see all the time places begging for help as they are so short handed. But if we apply, a lot of us never get a call back if we are honest about our charges. And if you are not honest and up front, it will come back to haunt you.

  • March 22, 2023

    I have a college degree and not very often I get stumped on a word I have to look up. Had to look this one up in the article. Just in case anyone cares.

    violate the prohibition or order of (a law, treaty, or code of conduct):
    conflict with (a right, principle, etc.), especially to its detriment:

    • March 23, 2023

      Thank you, JJJJ.

  • March 22, 2023

    Great article. At the end the notation about the annual symposium for homeless is at a park. So if it is annual?? Then perhaps next year if they do the same we speak up before the event. Like FAC did in that county where registrants could not go to the city council meetings because of the location. It kind of makes me wonder….how many out reach services/awareness events can registrants not go to because of location?

  • March 23, 2023

    We have the opportunity to spread the valuable information that Steven Yoder wrote about in his recently published article in The Appeal: “As Florida’s Unhoused Sex Offense Registrant Population Booms, Group Ask UN for Help.”

    For our members who have a Twitter account, please retweet Yoder’s article. Here is a Tweet that he posted that can be retweeted:

    Yoder will be promoting it again on Twitter today and Monday, so please watch his feed here and retweet it. That would be a great help to reach A LOT of people with the truth


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