Thank you Stephanie!
Stephanie is a hero. Stephanie is the Plaintiff in the Ex Post Facto Plus II lawsuit.
Stephanie is her real name. It’s not “Jane Doe” or some other pseudonym used in this post to protect her anonymity, because she can’t. She is forced to bear the stress of proceeding as the plaintiff without the right to anonymity, on top of working two jobs to support her three kids and still having the strength and fortitude to stand up and represent all of us.
It cannot be easy. It’s hard enough to be a single mom. On top of that, the work she does to support her family… then, on top of that the extraordinary role she has taken on to represent all of us in a federal lawsuit! She is truly a hero!
Stephanie struggles but asks for nothing. She could use a little support and encouragement and we want to give it to her, so we are asking those who can and want to do something kind for someone who is helping all of us, to please send Stephanie a thank you note or a small gift card so she can buy groceries for her children, or even just an encouraging letter of support. You can send it c/o Florida Action Committee, 6615 W Boynton Beach Blvd #414, Boynton Beach, FL 33437 and we will make sure she gets it.
We want her to know that she is so appreciated and supported.
is there a cash app or zelle account where I can send money to help her with her kids needs? We have to help each other is order to stay strong. What she is doing will reflect in all of us one way or another. Lets thanks her as many ways as we can. THANK YOU STEPHANIE
No zelle or cash app available.
Thank you for ur support
Question: So the judge in the case ruled that she (the case) could not proceed anonymously?? Do we know why?? (That is, what was the reason for the ruling??)
Just my opinion but so many would drop out if they had to share their name. Maybe the judge was hoping she would get scared and drop the case. She is my hero for moving forward with her real name. Many of us would never do. I/we have too many local attacks against us and our families. My charges would never cause a single person to bother me, but the registry and nextdoor makes sure they do.
I can support her and I will. She’s a total bad ass IMO. What does she need she most? I dont want to send her a gift card she can use. Maby Visa would be best? You can use those anywhere. Thank you for making us aware of this.
Mp, there’s plenty of gift cards that can be used just about anywhere. I’d stay away from store specific cards like Meijer, Walmart, etc., and get her something like a Visa card that’s accepted anywhere that accepts Visa, and can even be used for online purchases. Most stores sell them, and even banks. I’m going to just send a cashier’s check so she can have the cash in case she needs a babysitter or what not.
Is this law suit fully funded? Or are you still looking for donations for that as well?
And Stephanie, Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We are still fundraising to keep it going.
Thanks you for all ur support this mean alot to me n my family.
I will offer all I can and that is a prayer in the form of a fitting scripture.
Matthew 18:7
“Woe to the world because of its stumbling blocks! For it is inevitable that stumbling blocks come; but woe to that man through whom the stumbling block comes!
Lord, remove the barriers that keep us from justice. Open the eyes and remove the blinders of the judges who are stubborn and stuck in their ways. And move those out of the way who refuse to see and speak the truth but make excuses for why we should remain forever on list of outcasts.
And finally give Stephanie courage, strength, and the right words and knowledge along with any counsel to move the judges to a positive and just light for our situations.
Go in peace with love, joy and a host of Angels.
I’d like to send Stephanie a cashier’s check. Could someone at FAC email me her last name so I can have my bank print the check? I’ll keep her last name anonymous.
That’s very kind. Since it’s not anonymous anyhow, I can share it with all. It’s Harper.
Thanks. I’ll get it in the mail tomorrow morning.
Thank you, FAC-Con3: I will put Stephanie’s name on the cashier’s check I send. 👍🏻