Without You We Would Not be Reading This

Today is October 1, 2016. A day we will forever celebrate.

There are many significant dates every year where we recognize important events. We celebrate our birthdays, anniversaries, civil and religious holidays. We commemorate historic events, both good and bad, such as independence day and 9/11. We also recognize dates that are particularly meaningful because they redirected our lives.

Today, October 1, 2016, was the day the State of Florida would have begun enforcing it’s new definition of “Internet identifier”. If not for the action of some incredible people, the First Amendment rights of registered citizens in our state would have been annihilated. At least more so than they already are. It would have destroyed careers and the financial stability of our families. It would have impaired familial association by blocking the most widely used channels of communication in this century. It would have blocked our access to and ability to disseminate information. It would have barred this very post.

Fortunately for us, last Friday, a courageous Federal Judge in the Northern District of Florida saw the new law for what it is, “…hopelessly vague, chills speech protected by the First Amendment, and far broader than necessary to serve the State’s legitimate interest…” and granted a Preliminary Injunction, preventing the new definition of “Internet identifier” from being implemented. We are grateful!

We are forever grateful to the phenomenal team of attorneys who are representing the plaintiffs in this case; Val Jonas, Beth Weitzner, and from Florida Justice Institute, Inc.; Randall Berg and Dante Trevisani. You are working tirelessly on our behalf doing incredible legal work. It is impossible to articulate how meaningful this is to us.

We also wish to thank the attorneys working behind the scenes, such as Jeanne Baker, who has been our strongest advocate in getting this case filed. You brought our plight to our attorneys and to the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (FACDL), who we are also grateful to, both as an organization and the individual members who contributed generously, enabling us to fund our legal expenses when we alone could not.

Although a nice wall plaque or thank you card might have served as an adequate “thank you”, we hope you realize this post on our Internet forum is so much more meaningful for us in a way that we will never take for granted.

Literally, without you we would not be reading this!


Happy October 1st everybody!


8 thoughts on “Without You We Would Not be Reading This

  • October 1, 2016 at 5:00 pm

    thanks.We all know that ti’s all about the money for florida. not about the law. you don’t know my story but thank you all.

  • October 1, 2016 at 5:39 pm

    Thank you so much for all your hard work and great fight for the rights of registered citizens and all Americans. It is a great day indeed for a constitutional celebration. We can’t thank you enough.

  • October 1, 2016 at 7:32 pm

    Would also like to share my thanks and appreciation to a group of people who fight for some who cant. Thank you all

  • October 1, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    We thank our Savior for bringing each and everyone who stood up for what is just! God BLESS YOU ALL!

  • October 4, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    I am always so encouraged when something like this happens. Believe it or not it’s slowly happening and already has happened in many parts of the country. I’ve created a Youtube page focusing on and keeping track of these events. Visit my page and be encouraged! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkfweRxUr5ilM9jZxhYNXIw

  • October 5, 2016 at 5:29 pm

    I am so impressed by your drive and success. I am very thankful. I think that if freedom for the registered citizens erodes then it is only the beginning of the erosion of freedom in the rest of our democratic landscape. These encroachments are not static. I think it only leads towards the hegemony of martial law or something like it.

  • October 12, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    I thank God for you on a regular basis. We are a group that most people would want to forget, and you fight for us. Thank you thank you thank you!


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