Texas Sex Offender Commits Suicide in Courtroom

A Texas sex offender seemed to have committed suicide inside a courtroom by drinking a mysterious liquid as a jury convicted him of five counts of child sexual assault.

According to People, Edward Leclair was on trial at a Denton County courtroom in Texas, where he drank a bottle of mystery liquid. The 57-year-old sex offender was then brought to a hospital, where he died.

Edward Leclair was facing five counts of child sexual assault involving one victim. He had been charged with raping a 14-year-old girl in 2016. Leclair reportedly responded to a personal ad the girl had posted on Craiglist in July of the same year.

The search warrant noted that the two met and drove to a hotel, where Leclair raped the minor, according to police. The Washington Post reported that the Texas sex offender paid the 14-year-old girl $200, and the girl later sent him a nude photograph through email.


13 thoughts on “Texas Sex Offender Commits Suicide in Courtroom

  • August 16, 2022

    That’s sad to hear that he did what some of us still see as an end to the torture the Registration caused past sex offenders…

  • August 16, 2022

    “The minor later on told Leclair that she was 14. However, he continued to meet with her and sexually abuse her.”

    And that’s where he went wrong. However, even if he didn’t continue to see her, the law wouldn’t care. A post pubescent teen can do no wrong. Gotta love how they word this crap “rape” and “abuse”. Yeah. Every minor who gets raped and abused sends nudes to their assailant afterwards. major eye roll

    “Shae met with the victim, who said that Shae threatened her and told her that Leclair was “grooming her.”

    Oh really? And did he also “groom her” to make the Craigslist ad in the first place?
    Zero accountability in this WOKE society. Zero.
    Minors have no idea what sex is and would NEVER post an ad on Craigslist or dating apps. Nope. Never happens. another major eye roll

    • August 18, 2022

      I’ve heard of situations where guys were completely duped by a more mature-looking minor (E.g. she presents a fake ID, looks adult) and still got charged with abusing/raping a minor. If they’re going to treat children like well, children, even when they have sex acts, then hell, treat them like children when they burn down something, steal, or sell drugs….or kill. I mean, they’re just little baby children who have no concept of right and wrong, right?!
      (Goes into a profanity-fueled rage about how F*ed up “sex crime laws” are.)

  • August 17, 2022

    this is exactly what everyone who created the Adam Walsh act and IML wants to see. More suicides from current or future RSO’s. Every time you see a story of one getting killed in prison you see comments below congratulating the murderer. we have lost all common sense in this country

    • August 17, 2022

      Actually i think they want us alive, either in jail and or on the registry, the more sex offenders the more money they get,

      • August 17, 2022

        LOL there are dead people on the registry. they will get their money one way or another if you commit suicide they will take years to remove you from the registry
        Florida has over 10-15K of people that are no longer alive or no longer live in the state on the registry

        • August 18, 2022

          @ no hope:

          Well over 10 or 15k. Last year I read that of 70+ thousand Florida registrants, over 40 thousand were either dead, incarcerated, or have left the state. I can safely assume both numbers have increased since then.

          I still wish someone would audit the funds Florida gets from whatever grants are given for its registry, likely calculated on a per-registrant basis. If for no other reason, I’d like to read the verbal gymnastics from FDLE of how their dead, incarcerated, and out-of-state registrants are “substantially compliant.”

  • August 17, 2022

    Somehow I feel like he’ll still be on the registry.

  • August 17, 2022

    I have to admit some discomfort in FAC drawing eyeballs to this individual’s crimes and suicide.

    Sometimes doing so is necessary to illustrate a larger point.

    But no larger point is at play in this report, other than what we each personally deduce from it.

    Most notably, this is not a story about registration scheme(s), except in our imaginations. The man was in shock at having just been convicted of serious crimes and facing a Texas-sized sentence.

    We need to be sure in all cases that we are continuing to discourage suicide and serving as a resource for those contemplating such thoughts, as CherokeeJack demonstrated the other day following the Joliet fiasco.

  • August 17, 2022

    Sounds like the 14 year old knew what she was doing. According to psychologists, she DID know what she was doing. According to laws that decided “18” is when your brain turns into an ‘adult brain’, she’s in infant that cannot think for herself and is taken advantage of 100% always. Pathetic what we allow politicians to do. If anything this girls parents should have been sent to jail for raising her this way and not teaching her any better. Her having sex with a 16-18 year old guy or a guy who is older makes ZERO difference.

    The problem is that the USA is very fake when it comes to ‘real talk’ and common sense as well as the concept of personal responsibility.

    • August 18, 2022

      A 14-year-old can’t consent to sex with a 57-year-old. A 57-year-old who allows that to happen is committing a crime.

      I thought we all agreed on that here. Are we now suggesting that the victim and her parents are culpable? Hopefully I’m misreading.

      • August 18, 2022

        She posted an ad on craigslist offering sex for money. The guy answered her ad, paid her $200, and only AFTER the deed was done did she confess she was only 14.
        Now they did meet at least 2 more times after that, and I have a strong suspicion that she probably threatened to go to the police if he did not continue to meet with her. That’s just my opinion.
        But the fact of the matter is she initiated the first encounter and intentionally withheld her age from him until after they had sex, so to call her a victim is inaccurate. Her parents are responsible for her actions as well. Proper parenting would have prevented her from posting an ad for sex in the first place, and there’s no way in hell a good parent would allow their 14 year old daughter to be out running the streets. I doubt she had the guy meet her at her home, so they probably met up at a motel.
        Had she never posted the ad, or if she would have at least told him she was 14 to begin with, I doubt this guy would have ever met up with her and he’s still be alive. She is responsible for his death and you can’t convince me otherwise.

  • February 9, 2023

    Tragic. While serial baby torturers and rapists go free, someone in such an ambiguous and morally grey area ends up with a 100 year sentence that makes him kill himself. This is not pedophilic rape nor is he a pedophile.


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