Warning: Texas law firm solicits registrants in Florida

Scam Directed at Registered Sex Offenders

We have received several emails from members advising us that they have received a letter from a law firm in Texas, Estes-Hightower, PLLC stating they “received their contact information” from the state’s Public Safety Sex Offender Registry” and to contact them to see whether they are eligible for “early removal from the Sex Offender Registry”.

Be VERY cautious about these opportunists who market service to registrants.



67 thoughts on “Warning: Texas law firm solicits registrants in Florida

  • February 26, 2018

    Oh my here we go again! This whole thing just continues to get out of hand – RSOs are targeted because they are easy targets. It should be as much of a crime as people trying to take advantage of the elderly…

  • February 26, 2018

    I am an attorney in Texas with significant experience actually filing and litigating registrant issues including but not limited to several challenges to residency restrictions in Texas. For several months Ms. Estes (a/k/a “Estes-Hightower”)has been soliciting money from Texas registrants and, I am told, has been collecting substantial sums of money from registrants based on her promise that she will “soon” be filing an “ex post facto” challenge to Texas’ registration statute. After more than 6 months of repeated promises to file such a lawsuit, she has yet to do so. When inquiries have been made by registrants who have paid money to Ms. Estes based on a promise that they will be included as “John Doe” plaintiffs in the as yet unfiled “class action” lawsuit; Ms. Estes has, month after month, assured these registrants the lawsuit would be filed “next month.” We’re talking thousands and thousands of dollars here, and promises the lawsuit would be filed as long ago as last October, 2017.
    Over this past weekend I was made aware by an Illinois attorney, who is widely recognized in this specialized area of law, that Ms. Estes has recently sought to engage attorneys in Illinois to join this “project.” I have been informed they have declined to do so, after speaking with Ms. Estes, based in part on their own concerns that Ms. Estes “project” is not legitimate. I just telephoned Ms. Estes myself in response to a message she recently left at my office. My purpose was to attempt to learn more from her about her “project.” During our very brief conversation Ms. Estes “refused” to answer when or if such a lawsuit would ever be filed, and refused to answer whether she currently has, or has ever had, any intention to file the lawsuit. Then she hung up on me. While I suspect the FBI would have some interest in this information, in the meantime I’ll leave it to registrants everywhere to read this post and exercise their own judgment should they consider whether to pay any money to Ms. Estes for any legal services.

    • February 26, 2018

      We will be changing the title of this article to include “WARNING:”

    • March 27, 2018

      I just got the same letter, and was told to submit 5000 for the ‘class action’ suit. Seems to me if the registration is unconstitutional (and is certainly is) then wouldn’t the results apply to all or just those who pay?
      I will do more research to find someone who will help me personally.

    • May 31, 2018

      From what I can find out, Estes-Hightower Law Firm is nothing but an over-glorified PERSONAL INJURY ATTORNEY. That is what the ENTIRE front (cover) page of her “website” is; Rules and Advice for a personal injury attorney. Yes she does list “Ex Post Facto” and a couple of other things, but the bulk of her site is personal injury attorneys.

      Mr Gladden,

      Ms High_tower stated,
      ” The more I responded directly the angrier he became. I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t like strangers or anyone yelling at me over a phone.”

      But YOU said.
      “During our very brief conversation Ms. Estes “refused” to answer when or if such a lawsuit would ever be filed, and refused to answer whether she currently has, or has ever had, any intention to file the lawsuit. Then she hung up on me. ”


      From the reception I got on the phone (complete with F-Bombs) Your version of events are more believable.

      I dont care about your 2 “blips” on your resume (IF they are true at all)

      ALL of us here have a couple of “blips” on our life too.

  • February 26, 2018

    Thank you my son received this letter today. I did forward this to you. He has a phone interview tomorrow with them. He is on guard this will be interesteing cause he knows how MSU scams are out there just like clear my case Will keep you posted

    • February 26, 2018

      Go ahead with the interview and monitor please. Are they asking for upfront fees? If so what for and how much? Are they making promises of Registry removal? Ask for their State Bar Numbers. Make sure you get a call back legit phone number. Under no circumstances make any kind of payment over the phone. If they ask for money tell them you cannot pay at this time. It all sounds like a scam.

  • February 26, 2018

    Im in orange county Florida received a letter from:
    ORLANDO. FL 32803

    Same letter promise of removal from registry.

    Joseph chioupek, attorney
    State bar of florida #434590




    • February 26, 2018

      Yes – this is the one!
      We are calling B.S. on their claims

      • February 26, 2018

        I just now e-mailed you the Letter I received.
        Be aware its marked:
        “ADVERTISEMENT” as to legally relieve themselves from any Legal Claims and Responsibilities.
        Since they are using USPS this could be a Federal Crime?
        Solicitation of RSO’s with intent to defraud?

    • July 10, 2018

      I got a letter the other day and it as a different Orlando address so after reading the comments im very worried about this firm

      • July 10, 2018

        We continue to caution our members and advise them to not engage this firm.

        • July 13, 2018

          I have just recievec same said letter.its a shame is there no help??? I paid my dues yet i have to keep paying rest of my life.i pay my taxes yet i cant even vote!!! System is wrong.i heard califo has no troble.with law for ten years ur off any registry..at least thars a chance..were is florida s or other states help.mike

          • July 13, 2018

            You heard wrong about California

  • February 27, 2018

    Florida Registrants.

    I appreciated Mr. Gladden returning my call. I did disconnect the call abruptly due to his increasingly aggressive tone. The more I responded directly the angrier he became. I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t like strangers or anyone yelling at me over a phone.

    My Law Firm continues to recruit talent to assist us with our efforts regarding registry removal, which was the reason for reaching out to Mr. Gladden. He was referred to me by one of the Attorneys who worked on the Doe v Snyder matter. However, after further diligence of his State Bar record, I decided that he would not be a good fit as we require our Attorneys to have no ethical violations. Mr. Gladden has two.

    As for our way of working, I require quality first. All of my clients have received a draft of my petition. All of my clients know their retainers go to defray the cost of a lengthy litigation. Unfortunately, I cannot pay my individual Attorneys out-of-pocket, I’ve tried. The cost was too great. So, I team up with my clients to spread the cost. We will sue the State of Florida. I will collaborate with as many Attorneys, including Florida Action Committee’s privately retained Attorneys, who themselves require a fee that Florida Action Committee is likely paying from donations or other sources.

    I am up for the fight. I do believe registrants have suffered a constitutional injustice, and are due equitable relief and other recompense. In my near 20 years, I’ve faced down the Department of Justice Attorneys, the FBI, the US Postmaster General, and Federal Probation all on behalf of my clients who at the time were being falsely accused. I’ve sat in Federal Detention Centers praying with clients who were on their 3rd strike or who were facing sex charges arguing my heart out and winning. Lastly, I have been defending for all of my career why I represent a class of folk of a lesser reputation? Why do I handle criminal cases? Why do I treat sex offenders with respect? Easy, because while I’m bringing a civil Class Action, I am a true Criminal Defense Attorney who hates hearing about the poorly advised plea bargain agreements. And, I hate knowing someone never had a chance to fight their case.

    I tell every client that the lawsuit will be the most significant filing. I tell them that it’s in a categories of firsts. While riding on the backs of those in the Snyder case, this feat has not been done. They are asked to join in this fight. All of my clients have direct access to me. They call me all day and night. I respond as if talking with a colleague. My clients send me articles, cases, and stories to help develop a case that affects them personally. A truly team effort.

    Across my career, I’ve had to ask clients to do their best to trust me. I will hold your hand. I will explain everything possible. But don’t put me in a category with the other Attorneys who took advantage of you. Registrants are not a target for me to prey upon. I’m just trying to help. Many promise to help. Since the Michigan ruling, Pennsylvania ruling, etc etc, my team has reviewed thousands of legal pages. Reviewing the Alaska matter, Colorado, Idaho, even Illinois to name a few. Not to mention Texas. Miraculously, my team has done this since June 2017 and has produced a Complaint near ready to file in Texas Federal Court. This stuff ain’t easy folks. There have been set backs. It’s to be expected when quality matters.

    As to my solicitation letter. I too had to undergo the scrutiny of the Florida Bar. They require the first sentence. They require “Advertisement.” I have a satellite office that is by appointment only as my headquarters is in Dallas. I was required to register with the City of Orlando, Orange County, and the State of Florida. So, I do exist.

    I’m okay with proving myself to Florida registrants and my team looks even more forward to proving its case in Federal Court. My goal is to collaborate with Florida Attorneys who can use my team and my extended Law Clerk resource to get it filed in a few months. Quality first. All clients will receive drafts along the way.

    Please note that this will be left on this page in 2 places, but it will be my last post on this site. Please feel free to contact me on my website, directly, via Facebook, or LinkedIn.

    Thank you for your time.

    Terence Estes-Hightower
    Texas Bar 24028746

    p.s. It’s tough being a girl with the name Terence. So, please call me Teri.

    • February 27, 2018

      Ms. Estes-Hightower,

      We posted your “rebuttal”, though respectfully disagree with your opinion on Richard Gladden or your assertion that you “will collaborate with… Florida Action Committee’s privately retained attorneys”. Yesterday, after we contacted you, was the first contact you had with FAC.

      The Florida Action Committee has already initiated efforts in this direction through a Florida firm with extensive experience in these matters. Any separate action you may bring would be duplicitous and could potentially undermine our suit.

      Further, you are not licensed to practice in Florida. The attorney you represent as your Florida associate has little (none we could find) federal constitutional/civil rights experience and has (again, nothing we could find) tried a case in Federal Court! We, as representatives of our membership, have chosen to work with attorneys who have experience and are actually licensed to practice before the court in which the action will be brought.

      There is no reason to sling mud at Richard Gladden. Mr. Gladden has litigated MANY federal cases and a couple years ago was even named lawyer of the year by the Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association. Similarly, there’s no reason to sling mud at you.

      If you are interested in collaborating with FAC, you are welcome to contact the attorney we have retained to represent our members. The information has already been provided to you.

      • February 27, 2018

        Ms. Estes-Hightower – please refrain from addressing your comments to “Florida Registrants.” Not all here are registrants and not all who advocate and fight for them are registrants. Personally, just that particular show of bias would preclude me from ever hiring your firm were I so inclined.

      • May 20, 2018

        Would you please share the information related to the attorneys retained
        In Florida on this matter.

        Thank you

        • May 21, 2018

          We have

    • May 31, 2018

      Dear Ms. Hightower,
      I received one of your letters. I called your office and was told: “If I want to know anything about this case we need a $5K retainer, up front; then and only then, after the receipt of the retainer will we discuss this case with you.” Thats not how it works buttercup.

      YOU STATE:
      ” I don’t know about y’all, but I don’t like strangers or anyone yelling at me over a phone.”

      Well, thats what I got when I called and talked to your people. Rude, obnoxious, and dropped the “F” Bomb.

      I am sorry, but that is elusive and deceptive to say the least. Do you really expect me to fork over $5K to see public info??

      So I called your office with the letter you sent me and asked “what was the suit about and what is your success rate with sex-offender issues?”

      I was met with “who the f%$k are you to question how we are handling “our” case?” “If you want to find out, it will cost you 5 Grand”, and was hung-up on.

      What else I find very funny, is that you KNOW that 99% of “Social Media sites” are off-limits to sex-offenders, so your statement of;

      “Please note that this will be left on this page in 2 places, but it will be my last post on this site. Please feel free to contact me on my website, directly, via Facebook, or LinkedIn.”

      How exactly are we supposed to contact you on these sites if we are not allowed on them??

      I dont believe you have the moral right to put down, or give snide comments to FAC. They ask for NO MONEY. As far as I know, FAC gets their monies from all donations, not a $5K extortion charge.

      Ms Hightower, you continue to blather on…..
      “I’ve sat in Federal Detention Centers praying with clients who were on their 3rd strike or who were facing sex charges arguing my heart out and winning.”

      Please let us know here at FAC WHO was facing FEDERAL SEX CHARGES and how you “WON”.?
      WHAT did you win?? (a burger at McDonalds????)
      IF you beat a Federal sex charge, then that would be one of your “selling points”, Or are you another Ron Book? Spouting false facts with no evidence to back it up???

  • February 27, 2018

    You know I cannot even say how distressing this all is. I trust FAC 100%. I know they are on top of this….however, it is so distressing that people try to exploit the people that are in a category that excludes them from society, they cannot do things in life that all others do, they cannot just go on vacation, or choose a place to live, or go to their children’s sports games, the list goes on and on….and then add to it people that want to exploit their predicament for the gain of the almighty dollar….it is heartbreaking. Please do not let your guard down…

  • February 27, 2018

    My son had his so called interview on the phone today wbat a joke !! Right away they looking for down payment today they want $5,000 retainer fees They want monthly payments of $150.00 a month. What’s scary is he asked him questions about how many people in Florida they have contacted about 100 people in the Orlando area interested we don’t know how true that is!! I feel sorry for those who get sucked into their schemes. Watch out people. The class action lawsuit will be going on soon in Texas he says. But florida he was t sure yet. Hummm i say SCAM !!

  • February 27, 2018

    Our Texas organization (Texas Voices) has worked closely with Richard Gladden for many years now. We have always found him to be honest, trustworthy, experienced in his field, and passionate about the cases he chooses to pursue and the people he represents. For our advocacy work here in Texas, Richard has been a true blessing.

  • February 27, 2018

    First of all, I’m from Texas and an active member of Texas Voices led by our tireless leader with seemingly superhuman stamina Mary Sue Molnar. While I have not personally met Richard Gladden, I’m well aware of his reputation as an attorney here in Texas, he is held in VERY high regard. Mr Gladden has joined with Texas Voices on several lawsuits that deal with the treatment of those on the registry in our state.

    I believe that if Mr. Gladden saw some red flags in his conversations with Ms. Estes-Hightower, I would most definitely defer to his judgement on this matter. This is my personal decision and may, or may not, coincide with the official views of Texas Voices – just wanted to interject that here.

    Concerning the law suit that Ms. Estes-Hightower has been collecting retainers for in the sum of $5000 per, all of us here in Texas — whether we have paid a retainer or not — have been anxiously awaiting the filing of this lawsuit that will supposedly challenge the ex post facto application of SORNA here is Texas, similar to the Doe vs Snyder decision that was issued by the Sixth Circuit in Michigan. We’ve been waiting for a while, as Mr. Gladden has mentioned.

    Combined, the lack of the ex post facto litigation being filed, and the solicitation of those on the registry concerning deregistration, indicates to me that perhaps the main thing that Ms. Estes-Hightower is interested is money. If this is not the case them surely she would welcome the advice of a veteran attorney such as Mr. Gladden. Instead, evidently, when confronted with questions from someone quite familiar with the law, what does she do? She hangs up on him, now that’s very telling — at least to me it is.

    It’s past time to challenge these attempts to defraud us, we have little support from our government and now it seems that anyone and everyone can approach us spouting out lies and playing on our emotions. Who of us doesn’t want to be removed from the registry? The sad thing is that making the attempt, and spending not only attorney fees but evaluations from therapist’s as well ( which, by the way, here in Texas can be around $2000 ) very few actually are removed. It seems that many view us as easy targets and this really pisses me off, intensely.

    If, indeed, Ms. Estes-Hightower did violate a federal law I feel like this should be investigated to the fullest extent.

    Again, this is just my own personal three cents worth on this matter.

    • February 28, 2018

      We had an attorney speak with Ms. Estes-Hightower and she concurred with Mr. Gladden.

  • February 28, 2018

    All Florida registrants who have received a letter: Please contact the Office of the Chief Disciplinary Counsel for the State Bar of Texas. You can do this online at this link:


    Once on this page, click the “Online Grievance Form” on the right side of the page (or scroll down your device, though I would use a full website portal if possible). I’m not sure if they allow the ability to send attachments, but if they do, take a snapshot of the letter itself and include it, along with all addressing information on the sending envelope itself.

    I copied and pasted, with the author’s permission, in the SOSEN forum the following post:

    For the most part, Texas does NOT look favorably on such actions. For instance,


    It starts like this… “A lawyer shall not by in-person contact, or by regulated telephone or other electronic contact…”

    This is pretty cut-and-dried. HOWEVER….

    The actual law is murky. Let’s first go to the actual ordinance that seemingly prohibits such contact:


    First part of ordinance:


    Penal Code 38.12 on 5/28/2015

    Sec. 38.12. BARRATRY AND SOLICITATION OF PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT. (a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to obtain an economic benefit the person:

    (1) knowingly institutes a suit or claim that the person has not been authorized to pursue;

    (2) solicits employment, either in person or by telephone, for himself or for another;

    (3) pays, gives, or advances or offers to pay, give, or advance to a prospective client money or anything of value to obtain employment as a professional from the prospective client;

    (4) pays or gives or offers to pay or give a person money or anything of value to solicit employment;

    (5) pays or gives or offers to pay or give a family member of a prospective client money or anything of value to solicit employment; or

    (6) accepts or agrees to accept money or anything of value to solicit employment.


    Again, seems cut and dried. However, the thorn in the issue is a Supreme Court ruling that as a result, criminal defense attorneys who send direct mail to prospective clients who are arrestees or persons issued a summons, including those persons’ family members, no longer need to worry about violating the criminal barratry statute as long as their written communications comply with Rules 7.05. The same is true of the …civil barratry statute which (was) also amended and are discussed in the next section. However, other written communications sent by lawyers, such as personal injury solicitation, need to comply with the proper waiting period.

    And therein lies the rub: Are individuals on a sex offender registry considered in the same group as “arrestee” or “person issued a summons?” I myself say NO, because the presence of the registry is CIVIL, and therefore anyone on the registry is NOT under jurisdiction of the court, or they have been PROPERLY adjudicated and are past the point of decision.

    In fact, the service being offered is not related to the offense, and the Supreme Court did not SPECIFICALLY carve out a “sex offender registrant is fair game for solicitation” ruling, so my own interpretation is that what the legal firm is not only unethical, but ILLEGAL as well.

    To conclude, it appears that the legal firm is doing this “ilegally” under their own interpretation . The only time that the Supreme Court decision may allow a firm to contact the registrant is, in fact, if the registrant has been CHARGED for a crime (any registration violation will do). If the registrant has NOT been charged for a crime then the registrant is like any other free, law-abiding citizen, and therefore subject to protection from predatory law firm solicitation.

  • April 2, 2018

    I just received a letter from the Estes-Hightower law firm today and looked up what FAC had to say about it. Are there any new developments regarding the authenticity of this firm’s advertisement? How do we know they are not sincerely seeking to help registrants? My emotions are hinging on this being true. Please help. Thank you.

    • April 3, 2018

      Our suggestion is to ignore.

      • April 24, 2018

        John Does #1-7 v. Abbott and McCraw, case no. 3:18-cv-629 (N. D. Tex. (Dallas Div.) March 16, 2018).

        • April 24, 2018

          Thanks for the case number but I not finding that anywhere?

          • April 27, 2018

            Go to pacermonitor.com//public/cases/23966585/Does_17_v_Abbott_at_al, or just run Does 1-7 v. Abbott in Google search. the pacermonitor site will come up. You would need Pacer access to see the details, but the lawsuit has been filed. FAC is simply jealous of the competition.

          • April 27, 2018

            Thank you, A Friend – I will post this to the main page.

          • April 27, 2018

            A Friend?
            What Competition?
            FAC is a non-profit and not involved in this movement to line their pockets! Can you say the same?

  • May 30, 2018

    I’ve been on the registry sense 1995 and have been locked up twice , once cause I missed my visit by a couple of days the other by not registering a job I didnt have… this is completely nonsense and even dough I dont have problems living next to a school which I did.. I do have a problem with people judging me as if I was a predator… I believe we should be separated from them as we are being judge cruelly as if we was pedophiles… I have paid my debts to society and there should be any reason why after so long I cant be removed… I have a wife and have raised my children and this has cast me to attempt to commit suicide… I shot myself and I thank God life has turn around for me but aways knowing that they are out there wanting to put you away bothers me,… i cant live a free life… my kids know my back ground. I just hope one day soon laws change…

    • May 31, 2018

      Izzy, just so you know pedophile does not equal child molester. It also does not equal sex offender.

  • May 30, 2018

    I just received a letter from them yesterday, 5-29-2018. Saying they were going to initiate a federal lawsuit for the Ex Post Facto. The letter said they got my name off the FDLE website. Also, they encouraged me a couple different times in the letter to retain them….hmmmm. I thought it sounded kinda fishy.

    • May 31, 2018

      We are STRONGLY discouraging involvement. We have our own suit.

      • August 15, 2018

        I was also contacted. But after reading the post on here. I’m definitely not going forward but my brother is a state prosecutor in NY and I guess my mom told him to look into my case he doesn’t like me by the way but he said after reviewing the case that I definitely need to get a lawyer now it’s been 4 yrs and I’ve been clean all 4 of those years working hard on my fifth yr I don’t have the stupid sign in front of my house and I can go anywhere I want .my public defender was a sorry piece of work didn’t tell me the whole case just one thing I had no idea I had more then one thing pending against me till I too a plea deal I was in shock when the state prosecutor started with her statements I tried to recount and was told to shut up. I know there are people on the floor registration that have been on there for yrs but if you say is true please add me to the list

      • September 8, 2018

        Just received a letter from Estes-Hightower PLLC, 14 E. Washington Street 2nd Floor Orlando, Florida 32801 More bottom feeders trying to exploit the already exploited??? Sick and pure evil if this is the case and they should be prosecuted……

  • June 30, 2018

    John Doe,
    Your defense of this firm is a joke, to say the least.
    TERRANCE is not licensed to practice in the State of Florida, first off.
    Second, the person who IS licensed to practice in this State, to my knowledge has never won a case involving getting someone off the Fla. Registry. So, he is a “rookie” in this field, in this State. And to date, NO attorney has ever gotten anyone off the registry in Fla. EVER !
    This firm has even looked to other attorneys, in other states, and were shut down. Also, a real, qualified attorney, would never slander another attorney; the only reason they would is because they are hiding something and are trying to deflect from the main issue of these people (TERRANCE) from bilking thousands of dollars off of innocent people with the “off chance” they might get off the list.
    (My opinion)….. they are collecting money for a “lawsuit” in TEXAS; NOT for the people who are on the list in Florida.
    I would tend to believe that changing the LAW, lobbying in the Fla Senate, or in Congress to change the law.
    If TERRANCE IS to win this “class action suit” would she/could she guarantee the 5K back in monetary compensation at the completion and settlement of this so called lawsuit ?? I thought so.

    Her website is a Personal Injury Attorney website. She is conning people out of money on a false promise.

    • July 12, 2018

      Received a letter from this firm today, soliciting my participation in a class action suit. I was a bit excited at first, but wanted to check them out online before proceeding. This page was the first result, so I’m decidedly less excited.

      My letter includes a Florida office address in Orlando and is signed by attorney Joseph Chloupek. It wasn’t until I saw the comment about a $5,000 retainer that I really noticed the line in my letter which states, ‘To retain our office, we can accept a down payment to get started immediately.’

      Ah, well. Saves me the trouble of calling them. Thanks, all.

  • July 23, 2018

    Several of us registered offenders here in Georgia have recieved this same letter. It states that they are filing a suit in the Federal court on the grounds that the Georgia sex offender registry is unconstitutional.
    I had my phone call from a Georgia Attorney (a associate of Estes-Hightower?)
    Of course wanting $5,000.00 or $1,000.00 down and $150.00 a month. We are in the process of contacting the A.C.L.U. to find out more on this issue. If there was something this big I would think they would be right on it.
    Im starting to think scam too!
    It would be a great thing to have the Florida and the Georiga sex offender registry found unconstitutional!

    • July 24, 2018

      Good you caught on!

    • August 19, 2018

      It’s definitely a rip off I got the same letter they’re full of shit there in Texas they can’t do nothing here

    • November 20, 2018

      Keep getting also this letter from their branch in Atlanta.SO GLAD I found this website – to see that this so-called law firm – is running this racket nationwide.The only way to get off the registry is for the legislators to set up new laws to make to make the state registries to operate as they were originally intended – release only those on it that have have met the recommended post time . No filing to get off registry needed after that.UNTIL that form of prison reform is instituted – scams like this will continue to prey on registered sex offenders who are still on the registry 10 years or more though they haven’t even gotten a jay walking ticket.

      • November 20, 2018

        Ms. Estes-Hightower’s lawsuit in Texas has been dismissed . No surprise here. To those of you who enriched her, I’m sorry. Good luck trying to get a refund. Beware however: she’s now seeking additional funding for an appeal and to fund the filing of the same lawsuit again. In a solicitation email, she is also now falsely stating the U.S. Supreme Court has already granted review in another case which presents an Ex Post Facto claim, Boyd v. Washington. The Boyd case will not even be considered for review by the Supreme Court until Friday, November 30, 2018, as shown by the Supreme Court’s web page.

        • December 27, 2018

          Boyd v. Washington was denied cert. on December 10, 2018. However, a petition for cert. was docketed in Bethea v. North Carolina, an Ex Post Facto case not simply involving a homeless person as in Boyd, but instead requiring addressing the continued viability of Smith v. Doe as applied to a genuine “next generation” SOR statute with a plethora of residency, employment, and child-rearing restrictions, plus the usual “3 days to update information” in-person requirement that eliminates effective travel. Two amicus briefs on cert. were also filed in Bethea, and the state’s response and petitioner’s reply have been filed as well. That case is set for conference January 4, 2019. I predict Bethea to be the case the Supreme court chooses to reconsider Smith v. Doe. I do not predict the outcome if that happens; too many cross-currents of judicial philosophy and personal dynamics are in play.

          • December 27, 2018

            Thanks for bringing that Cert Petition to our attention! I’ll write about it tomorrow.

          • December 27, 2018

            No problem. We are on the same side in fighting these evil statutes. FYI, Estes-Hightower PLLC pled “insolvency” in stiffing all of its employees out of 6 weeks salary, terminating everyone’s employment December 1. Make your own judgments about the timing.

          • December 27, 2018

            Holy Crap!

  • September 23, 2018

    My son just received the same letter. He is on the road trying to make a living and being nailed by everyone across this great country of ours. He still doesn’t know what he did wrong. He was railroaded by the county to justify their sting operation. We were going to try a lawyer in town to get him off the list. This is ridculous for people to go thru this when they have paid their debt to society. Just isn’t right. Someone should start some kind of action. My son had never been in a police station before they arrested him. He was like a fish out of water. Other convicts when they have served their time aren’t labeled.

  • September 23, 2018

    In red capitalized letters it says ADVERTISEMENT. It is garbage that someone is getting people hopes up and money like this but due to that one word these scumbags will probably suffer no consequences.

    • September 23, 2018

      Also I just looked this Joseph Chloupek state bar # 434590 up on the Florida Bar website. Nothing came up.

  • May 20, 2019

    I know it’s obvious that “Teri” is scamming people, however, has anyone had any dealing with her in 2019?

    Has anyone filed a grievance or complaint with Texas Law Board?

    I had a somewhat similar recent experience and she hides behind email and still owes a partial refund to me.


    • May 22, 2019

      It is not a scam and there is an active case filed sitting in the Texas Supreme court of appeals on the 5th district court. There is also a case she filed in Florida very similar to the attorneys that filed in Florida. I’m not certain what you are considering a scam? Look up John Does vs Greg Abbott its right on the first page on top. There are two cases, one case filed in the lower district court and now the appeals court.

      She charges $5,000 to each client on a monthly payment plan. Hey, I would pay $10,000 to get of a registry rather be on it for life. My constitutional rights have been violated and now, I must register for life from originally 10 years. Now required to register from 23 years ago from a Romeo Juliet charge, consensual sex with a minor, statutory rape in some states. Completely a nonviolent crime, no acts of force, corrosion or violence. I just made a poor decision to have a relationship with a minor.

      These cases do not come for free nor do good lawyers. What everyone is not realizing is we are all painted with the same paint brush and same color. We need as many lawsuits as possible filing and winning so the registry will eventually be abolished or changed. I was just told yesterday I can no longer take my son to childcare at the YMCA now! If you want to get off the registry it takes money and time. I hope the lawyers on this board win their case, I hope here in Texas we win ours. Were all on the same team.
      John Doe in Texas

      Good luck

  • October 23, 2019

    I paid $3000 1 year and 5 months ago. This Teri estes, has stalled me saying it takes time, time, time. I have been scammed and how do they get away with this? I was told some guy who initially called me named George Gomez? This guy said that they have a good chance of getting my illegal sex offender registry removed from the list? He even stated that it would take about a year or a little longer to get it into court???? What court? I have contacted Teri Estes several times and not only has she stalled me, she has blatantly stated that there are no promises as this is a civil matter and that all she does is email the courts and sues the ones involved? Who is involved? Who are these people she is emailing? I have gotten NO RESULTS WHATSOEVER FROM HER!!!!! I am going to attempt to get my money back. In the meantime I have to call the bar and I doubt these people will even give a shit? If they can get away with this scam then I feel we as the “people” have the right to commit the same crime and there is no justice then why have any laws?
    Is there anyone who knows who to contact? I am contesting and I will not tolerate any more stalling and lies coming from this law firm and there illegal scam they are perpetrating against me and others!

    • October 23, 2019

      Have you followed your case with the court? There is an active lawsuit in Texas by Teri Estes that is pending in Appeals court 5th circuit in Louisiana. It sounds like your ether not paying attention or not following the case. https://www.pacermonitor.com/public/case/26491570/John_Does_17_v_Greg_Abbott,_et_al

      These cases take time and I’m also one of the main John Does in the case. It was explained just as simple as it was to you. There is no guarantee and this case is complicated as if its not anywhere else like Florida. If you look at Florida’s case and Texas case allot of similarity. Its that were farther along and sitting in Appeals due to a poor judge’s decision on a 12 (b) ruling. Basically, they didn’t give us a fare handshake and compared our case to Smith vs Doe in Alaska which has no comparison to Texas or Florida being many laws have changed since that case. If you read the case its sitting for a scheduled oral argument for 11/2019. But that may change by the courts according to Teri Estes last email.

      Pay attention to detail don’t bark when your not certain what your saying… Facts vs fiction.

      • October 24, 2019

        Hi John does-7 I hit the link but only see ads to buy something. If you make the claim that you are a client in that case than why not just send a copy to the Legal dept there @ F.A,C. Since it is being appeal why not just send your copy that your attorney provide to you,Of course it is a public record. We get a lot of trolls here and you did mention fact or fiction.Why not prove your facts with real documents instead of fiction website that laced with ad to buy I really don’t need, Hmmm? Let the Legal dept there @F.A.C see it. For all I know you could be teri estes trying to use another name and use some off the wall case to make yourself look good. All I read from your post was pure fiction

        • October 24, 2019

          who do I send my copy too? I do have a copy of what she sent me on email. is there a link? who is f.a.c.?

      • October 24, 2019

        I will have to wait and see!!

      • December 17, 2019

        I have and now she is stating that she has filed a solo case for me in civil court??? Again?? She has already lost in Texas. It’s been almost 2 years since this case was filed. I would be dead by the time they even get it into court anyway. What a corrupt worthless system we have!

    • October 23, 2019

      This is definitely a scam. I went as far as traveling two hours to track down a local office given to me by Ms. Teri to only find an empty office space with phones on top of unmanned desks. It reminded me of a scene straight out of Boiler Room. I took a video of the entire experience. Wish I could share it so no one would be scammed. DO NOT pay anyone without sitting down face to face with an attorney that you can verify has a history of handling these types of cases. Some of the responses on here defending her claim are hired co-conspires. I just got removed from the Megan’s Law after 30 years so I can relate with the nightmare this is for many. My recommendation is to never hire an attorney over the phone.

    • October 25, 2019

      Update to below comment. I filed a grievance to the Texas State Bar and sending them copies of this bogus lawsuit filed. How can attorneys get away with scamming money from people like this. That was a lot of money to me. I am on a fixed income. How do I retrieve my money? Does anyone know how to get that back?


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