Tennessee registry gets online overhaul of data

The overhauled registry in Tennessee was launched this week, posting where registrants work along with their driver’s license number.  We are told that people convicted of a sexual offense “have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety.”

If the Tennessee General Assembly and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation really cared about public safety, they would be using research-based policies.  With this overhauled registry, they are only protecting the public/children from 10% or less of future perpetrators.

Tennessee is a reactive state rather than a proactive one.


23 thoughts on “Tennessee registry gets online overhaul of data

  • November 6, 2021

    Another name to add to my Media Blitz Phase 3 list. I sent an e-mail to WATE TV6 in Knoxville, TN.

    • November 8, 2021

      Thanks, Capt Munsey.

  • November 6, 2021

    The news outlet dutifully records TBI’s side of the story, without bothering to check with those individuals whose personal data TBI is disseminating.

  • November 6, 2021

    The site now also informs the public of who employs the offender.

  • November 6, 2021

    Hahahaha!! What a joke!! If they ‘have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety’ they would have ‘DUI’ on every drunk driver driver’s license!! What a joke!!
    I wonder how they would respond to someone asking them why they aren’t working with the DUI drivers licenses to protect the public safety?

    • November 6, 2021

      Hahahaha!! What a joke!! If they ‘have a reduced expectation of privacy because of the public’s interest in public safety’ they would have ‘DUI’ on every drunk driver driver’s license!! What a joke!!
      I wonder how they would respond to someone asking them why they aren’t working with the DUI drivers licenses to protect the public safety?
      Keep the fear going.
      Keep the money coming in.

    • November 7, 2021

      They will ignore you. They have for decades. They are lying scumbags who have no concern at all for public safety or protecting children. If they did, they would destroy the Oppression Lists.

  • November 6, 2021

    The belief that’s widely held and supported, your rights are fine until they infringe on my rights, had totally been thrown out the window. Many states on their registry website show place of work. Some show vehicles, like Florida. How does showing drivers license information help anyone, except scammers per identity thief’s? It’s a shame because I would actually like to live in Tennessee but they have made it abundantly clear their law makers are driven by emotions and not facts. There are numerous people and groups of vigilante types, as spoken about in a past story, that hunt down registered people. Now it is to “catch” or harass maybe even bully. How long until there is a mass homicide on registered people? Sure, it’s a stretch, but don’t ever think that you know what another man will or won’t do. If laws continue to be intrusive like this what are we to do? I am trying to file an appeal with the state I live in about my level they put me on when I moved here. I’ve emailed and called but no one will help. I don’t understand what the procedure is even though it’s on the website. Am I supposed to just leave the country like others have? Are we all to be put into camps or somewhere in our own society away from everyone else? Seriously, I would just love a fact based conversation with people in power and come up with a legal, sensible plan for that will allow rights for all. Not some feel good nonsense. I’m so utterly drained emotionally and psychologically by all of this. I’m at my wits end.

    • November 7, 2021

      The scumbags want to hold you down and cause you problems. They want to lower the quality of your life. Do not allow them. Do it to them instead.

      People need to realize that government and their law enforcement criminals are actual enemies. Not China. Not Russia. The enemies live down the street from you. Treat them like it.

      At what point are people going to decide the Oppression Lists are unacceptable and make the “people” that support them pay?

  • November 6, 2021

    I live in Tennessee. The most upsetting part of the redesign to me is it “outs” you by your work address now.

    Before this redesign, obviously you could be searched by your name and by home address or near certain addresses. Now when people put in and address and search, they also get a list of folks who work near that searched address and then it references your home address.


    • November 7, 2021

      I was looking into moving there a couple years ago. I read that registered people couldn’t live with their kids, or they were trying to do that. Hard pass for me because I have a step and biological sons. I would totally live there if not for the registry stuff.

  • November 6, 2021

    They can and will do what they want… until they are told no by an administrative authority.

  • November 6, 2021

    If they and the public really care about safety, than all criminals would be on a matching registry similar to ours.

    • November 7, 2021

      The TN politicians do not care about safety; they care about doing some easy to push over laws/restrictions that make ignorant on the subject TN voters think their representatives care about them and are doing something positive…and of course, justify the politician’s pay check.

    • November 7, 2021

      Perhaps they know the Oppression Lists (OLs) are idiotic and worse than worthless? They only want to harass for SEX!!!

      One thing that is crystal clear though is that the OLs are not for public safety, protecting children, or any of their other lies. They are immoral liars.

  • November 6, 2021

    Sounds like the same crap to me. This sounds like a step backwards to me.

    • November 8, 2021

      Of course it is. Do you actually think they’re gonna take their foot off the gas with any of this nonsense? Ha. Fear, disgust and hate is keeping this whole thing propped up and they’re gonna keep milking that heifer ’til she falls over.

  • November 8, 2021

    i moved to TN a couple of years ago, over all, way better than FL. I check in once a year, always with the same guy, no one bothers me here. as far as Hopefuls comment, yes your children can live with you, but no one else under 18 can spend the night under the same roof.

    I am not happy about the DL info and worry about identify theft.

    all in all, happy i moved out of FL

    • November 8, 2021

      I’m pretty sure the DL info was already posted before this update to the website. But it was listed on a secondary page under the vehicle identification page. Just like the employer info was listed prior also but on a separate page but it was not included as a location search tag.

    • November 9, 2021

      So do you get off the registry after 5 years in Tennessee or 10 years after your sanctions ended (whichever is longer) or did they figure out a way to make you a lifetime registrant? What bothered me about Tennessee is that 5 year thing which includes STATE housing restrictions and the internet identifier thing. The listing of your workplace may be the worst part of these new rules. Now people can call your employer and insist that they fire you.

  • November 8, 2021

    If they’re going to post people’s personal information due to “public safety” then they need to star posting EVERYONE who has ever had a traffic ticket, jaywalking, shoplifting, DUI, robbery, murder, etc. Fair is fair. And with all the identity theft going on, it sure is smart to post someone’s driver license number online.
    Get a brain.

    • November 8, 2021

      It’s not for public safety. It is for harassment, to give people “jobs’, make people money, and to placate dumb people.

  • November 8, 2021

    According to the site, the registry “exists as a public information resource allowing citizens to take proactive measures to ensure the safety in their communities.”

    And after all these years, still not one single word about what these “proactive measures” are supposed to be undertaken by the public, but still (supposedly) not to harass, stalk, assault or kill. Would someone in authority PLEASE answer that question?


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